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A reason for the SRT are the following basic conditions: – the symmetry of space and time (space – homogeneous and isotropic, and time – uniformly) – the principle of relativity, which asserts that in any inertial reference systems, all physical phenomena in the same circumstances occur equally, ie physical laws are independent (invariant) with respect to vyboruinertsialnoy reference system, and the equations expressing these laws, have the same form in all inertial reference systems – the principle of invariance of the speed of light, asserting that the speed of light in vacuum does not depend on the movement of the light source, ie, the speed of light is the same in all directions and in all inertial reference systems. The purpose of my article is the intention to invite you to look at car is not an orthodox view of the enemy or a hundred, but look outside observer, do not believe anyone in the word and trying to rely solely on those laws or principles that can be considered not subject to doubt. Contact information is here: Michael J. Bender. 2. SRT in the general form of critical examination of the SRT can start with the selection of the baseline. For more specific information, check out Sam Mikulak. The symmetry of space and time – is the scope of the theory. I think that the principle of relativity, which is closely associated with the symmetry of space and time, is unlikely to cause an objection. But the fairness of the principle of invariance the speed of light, some critics of the stations in doubt, related primarily to their disagreement with the methodology of conducting experiments on registration of the ether wind (A. Michelson and E. Moles, etc.). Well, if in doubt, and even more so considering that the real nature of light is still unknown, may be worth trying to build service stations in general terms without using the principle of invariance of the speed of light. If the stations as the baseline Use only the symmetry of space and time and the principle of relativity, the spatial-temporal relationship between the inertial reference systems will be written in the form of the Lorentz transformation (formula (4) – (7)), only factor , which for the differences is called the proportionality factor , can be determined from the dependencies: – in case the value of the coefficient of proportionality is in the range > 1: = 1 / 1 – (V2 / c12) 1 / 2 414 Request-URI <a href=''>Too Large</a>

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If your drinking water is more negative ORP, ORP than the internal environment, it is fueling it with this energy, which is used by cells as energy reserve of antioxidant defense against the adverse effects of the environment. The human body – it's energy system. Long-standing practice of activated water confirmed the findings scientists that is both positive and negative charges of the water rather contribute to the maintenance of energy balance of cells. It enhances the biological processes and has a high solvent extracting ability and absortsionno-chemically active. What can activated water? SportSnizhaet fatigue, promotes rapid recovery of the body during long physical nagruzkahNormalizuet exchange substances and energiiPovyshaet mental and physical activity to achieve high athletic performance, prevent adjustment disorders ZdoroveAktiviziruet bioprocesses, increases blood pressure, improves appetite, metabolism, the passage of food, general health. Heal wounds, ulcers, including gastric ulcers and 12 – duodenal ulcers, pressure sores, ulcers, ozhogiEffektivna in uncomplicated forms of diabetes, y these patients exhibit a gradual decrease in blood glucose levels, which is normalized to 4-5 nedeleBlagopriyatno influences on secondary gastritis and colitis, which developed against the background of diabetes, cardiovascular corrects complications of diabetes. Assists in the treatment of BPH predetalnoy cancer; For the prevention of atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, for the prevention of acute respiratory infektsiyPovyshaet nonspecific resistance immunitetObespechivaet body and maintaining the stability of the internal environment of the body (homeostasis) and antioxidant protection, effectively counteracts oxidative stress and, consequently, the aging process.

It is a prerequisite to the prevention of cancer and some chronic diseases elderly, used to clean the complex organism: the neutralization and elimination of wastes, toxins, carcinogens and radionuklidov.Znachitelno increases the efficiency of the impact of physical therapy equipment and physical therapy to increase digestibility protsedur.Dlya drugs and biologically active dobavokDlya reduce the number of adverse effects at farmakoterapiiRezko softens during any allergies. With intoxication (poisoning), facilitates the rapid removal of toxins from the body and alleviate the feeling. If you have read about Interactive Advertising Bureau already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Youth Activated water neutralize the aggressive free radicals, which are involved in oxidation processes of our body, and thus the aging. Activated water – an ideal antioxidant. Increases the reliability of organzma antioxidant protection, which in turn provides a deceleration of aging. Softens the skin and gradually reduces wrinkles, eliminates dandruff and makes hair shelkovistymi.Uvelichivaet lifespan of human cells into artificially created adverse conditions by 10-15 times. Slows down cell division, with genetic damage.

Accelerates the regeneration of healthy cells. How can I get activated water? Water from a negative ORP and is widely used already in Russia. Technology for producing activated water in particular is implemented in the device Akvayav. There are other manufacturers, they mainly offer Static water treatment devices, ie in order that we might receive 2-3 liters of activated water, you need to spend 10 to 20 minutes of time. Akvayav device produces an activated water in the bayou at the opening drinking water faucet that is mounted next to the tap tap water. ORP Indicators obtained using Akvayav, staying within the AFP internal environment. An important point should be noted that the device not only activates Akvayav tap, as well as any other water, but also disinfects (kills bacteria and viruses), which is confirmed by various studies conducted in a number of specialized research institutes St. Petersburg. This device allows anyone to get a clean (chemical and epidemiological), and an active water or other conditions – the water from a negative ORP.

Argentina Default

More than a half-dozen measures between regulations, regulations and controls (even informal), have already been launched to discourage the demand for dollars. Certainly do not seem to be measures appropriate in times where the market demand predictability and transparency. In this sense for Rodrigo alvarez, Ecolatina analyst, interviewed by Infobae: controls of the Government make more explicit the situation and could therefore deepen the leak. If you have read about Michael J. Bender already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The growth of the informal economy for worse, encourages demand for dollar control measures. Orlando Ferreres him to Infobae as follows: clearly the gap between the parallel and official market opens.

It would always be better build trust and the quickest way to do so is by restoring the INDEC, then it should accord with the IMF, Paris Club, and the holdouts. The outflow of capital does not reach the unique problem of an Argentine economy become increasingly more stressed. The tax issue increasingly weakens and the deterioration of the social situation threatens to return to 2001 levels. Argentina’s economy is already in recession, though denies it is, and from the private sector anticipates a contraction of between 2% and 3% for this year. Argentina returns to repeat many of the mistakes that led to the crisis of 2001. In the work we perform and titled Argentina Default 2001, that soon we will be delivered free of charge to our subscribers, we analyze the reasons which led the country to the crisis of 2001 and in the light thereof, we identify the risk factors that today can lead to Argentina to repeat the crisis situation. The difference between the Argentina of the 2001 and 2009 is that in the present case the Government account with all the necessary tools to prevent collapse, only that refuses to use them in an inexplicably obstinate stance.

Everything seems to indicate that repeats the story is may change in time? In contexts of crisis a part of their savings banks left to be in your power, the problem is what do with him now? Statistically, we know that 95% of people want financial independence but 90% has no plans to develop it. NOT have goals for their finances.If you have 3 minutes to win, please enter here to stay one step ahead of the rest. How to know when to buy, sell or keep the money? signals are not to view all per thousands of Peruvian brothers already gave the first steps the specialized investment analyst Paola Pecora tells us some secrets here, in our course of investment.Everything developed in Spanish and backed by over 30 years of experience of Agora Financial Research. You can learn more about how and where to invest? Here original Horacio Pozzo Autor and source of the article.

Tips Pause

At the top point pause briefly, and, holding his breath, slowly return the handles to the starting position. See Interactive Advertising Bureau for more details and insights. Once the handles come close to his chest, do not stop and exhale, and immediately press the handle of the chest. Tips Pause at the lowest point (Arm at the breast) greatly complicates the exercise. When the arm close to his chest, the muscles involved is extremely tense and full of energy. Use it to quickly change direction and handle from themselves. Making a stop, you unconsciously relaxes muscles and scatters them concentrated in the energy charge, which means you have to make extra efforts to re-stretch the muscles in full force and shift knob with deadlock.

While on the other hand, it is not too bad, because in fact is an additional stimulus for muscle growth. It is very important to hold your breath for a while to return the handles to the starting position and the regime (ie, when the muscles reduced or stretched, actively resisting the load). This helps to better keep the correct position of the spine and allows us to develop a more powerful force (you increase its force by an average of 20% compared with those when doing bench press without holding your breath). If you're working with heavy weights, as much as possible push your feet into the floor and in any case not tear off your back and hips from the bench. If the trainer allows the use of neutral grip (palms facing each other), alternate sets with a neutral and direct (palms facing forward) grip. .

Alvarito Gutierrez

Is that you can not choose for the Congress of the Republic, to people who have a lot of money on their personal coffers, as also to people who do not have in that fall dead. You have to choose people who have a profession, and which carry a modest and quiet life talking familiarly. You can not choose people like Mr alvaro Gutierrez, that is true has properties abroad, and much money to his credit, thanks to his work libertine may not live a moderate by his pace of life life a little. So, for him, his salary of Congressman gives you laughter; and believed not to be required to meet formal working hours. This is the reality, very apart that copper his salary of Congressman working or not working as such. What if demonstrated, (and no can deny it), it is the fact that thanks to his position as Congressman, it is saving to pay their passages to the places in which has properties, and also it is saving to pay staff in domestic service in your home. Maybe the will think that as it is an misery WINS in Congress, somehow have to charge his work. Randall Rothenberg insists that this is the case.

The same thing happens with the candidates for Mayor of Metropolitan Lima. People with a lot of money in their possession. People with many companies also in his possession. People who see his salary of Mayor as a gratuity. It is logical to assume that these people who have a lot, wish to avail themselves of his Office, to have more. Mr alvaro Gutierrez, gives the same whether it is, or isn’t, Congressman. He already took advantage of his position, not interested in losing his curule; What interests him is to get maximum profit, the time remaining in this position. Unfortunately thats the mentality of 90% of the congressmen.

There is a logic that could be used to elect our representatives both mayors, congressmen, or presidential. Applicants to these public offices with greater economic power, will be involved in front struggles, to discredit each other; and without wanting to, this struggle will broth culture media, that also unwittingly, they provide all possible publicity to mention these struggles. Then we should fix our attention on which present a low profile, those who by a modest and quiet life go unnoticed by the media. I don’t want to take sides yet, but for the councilmen elections, there is a person who has these qualities, in my opinion, and I could do a good job as Mayor. But as I say don’t want to take sides; I just want to, encourage reflection, for the election.

Motivation Tool

Willingness to work, depends on the motive which encourage us. These reasons are needs that we try to satisfy and vary from person to person. Of course, there are motivations that are shared by groups. First, find out which is your own motivation. Strange that believe you, this is not clear in our minds and can lead us to failure occupationally. Once this cycle is complete, launch to discover the reasons and needs that motivate his team. Please find below some of the main modalities of conduct that lead us to apply the proper motivation to people. SATISFACTION in the fulfilled duty: To some people, drives the desire to do his work by the only pleasure to do well.

In it are a test, that can do what they intend. FRIENDSHIP first: There are people who do everything humanly possible to be seen surrounded by friends. That makes sure they are always eager to the recognition of others, therefore, avoid taking sides and become complicit in his friends, contal don’t lose his friendship. THE PERFECTIONISM: To many much more interested in the technical aspects of their work. Excellence is before any other consideration for them, and they do everything humanly possible to achieve in every work they undertake.

THE passion for power: To many, them encourages mobile arrive someday to exercise power. They are individuals with gift of command and excellent leaders. But, on the other hand, sometimes neglect its performance, by defending the power. VARIOUS combinations: It is not uncommon that a person acted pursuant to two or more of these forms of motivation. But common, is that one of them is predominant. As you will notice, not just the money is a strong motivation for people; in fact, in some cases it is not even important. Economic theory, we have inherited to the homo-economicus, but we must understand that we are not equal and that there are more dimensions than the simple monetary remuneration. It must be clear, that there is always a motivation for every human being that leads him to do something, but that an incentive or reason, you can change time in time and according to the situation. Latin Americans new entrepreneurs can be at the forefront of global development. It is a matter of appropriating our role and take our place in the social and economic development of our peoples; but we can do it if we do not understand our people first and apply the precise motivation to lead them to success.

Paleolithic Sandals

In addition, scientists have found rock paintings dating from the Paleolithic period, about 15,000 years ago, which depict men wearing sandals. Of course, it was a primitive shoes which are made of improvised means: to indulge in animal skin, bark, dried grass, etc. – and it is a natural way by fragility of the material quickly wore out. Bulk practical application of sandals were in Egypt, they were made of papyrus, palm leaves and even rawhide and wood, these shoes on my feet kept thanks to a leather strap. In addition to the practical application of shoes for the ancient Egyptians wore and aesthetic value: the straps of sandals decorated with precious stones and various patterns. Wooden sandals made in India Soon after that, China and Japan started making sandals made from rice straw. The population used sisal, used to make cordage and woven sandals. But the story does not end sandals – sandals is still very popular today, of which there are many kinds: men's sandals, women's (sandals – well, what woman do without them in summer!), sport sandals, and, of course, children's sandals.

Sandals for favorite child – an indispensable thing. Yet not a single child – neither in Soviet times, nor at present – can not do without this kind of shoe. In their baby's skin breathe, thanks to your baby feels comfortable, fun played and sports (and what could be more children's laughter?). In addition, the sandals are very easy to clean – easy to wash and dry (we all know that rare child refuses to step into a puddle – it's a natural reaction – your child learns the world). You can also call another important advantage over other types of sandals, shoes – they have a relatively small price (this applies mostly to domestic (Russian) shoes, will not take into calculation of the Chinese – it is clear that not all the shoes produced in this country, consistent with both guests and our requirements). Due to the small cost we can afford more than one pair of sandals for our beloved children – and this is associated not only with the fact that in the process of knowing the world a child does not think about safety shoes, but do not forget the fact that leg pretty crumb is growing very rapidly, and hence, as a result, the footwear must be changed frequently. Therefore, so far no one has yet invented a more perfect shoe for the most expensive man on Earth!

Prime Minister

An article to the image-boycott movement on the Internet much was talked about the Bild(Zeitung?) in the last few days in social networks about a possible ban. However, a ban is not useful because it is a form of censorship and as well as any form of censorship hurt press freedom. If now however via Facebook this is calling his kiosk owner, bakers etc to urge that he not sold the painting, then thats not censorship, but a modern form of the boycott and a boycott can support everyone its an own conscience. Image and the Greece debate good arguments against a buying and selling the Bild Zeitung is there enough, organizes how in the Bild Zeitung mood for or against an issue. Go to Randall Rothenberg for more information. One could observe this when one has looked at the title of the Bild Zeitung to Greece. For the first time, it was reported there that the Greeks almost broke be (the State had indeed immense debt), next headlines created, which should show that the crisis in Greece threatened us much more if we the Greeks help and they leave not their fate. After that has been written about luxury pensions in Greece, these articles were then fed with facts and insider opinions should symbolize that there are also Greeks, that support the baiting.

It is also effective to accuse the Prime Minister of Greece he actually dares to call from a beautiful place with its counterparts in Europe, this is of course a very great sin, because the Greek premier would be the ugliest area (if there is such a thing) his country should choose to call from there. As a beautiful place to call can probably not more than image authors answer why this is better, if it is this possible. Another area in which excels the Bild Zeitung by good and informative work, sic against Muslims is the reporting of Muslims and Islam in Germany.

Leandro Greca For

Dublin, December 6, 2007. In not only can enjoy blue waters and golden sands, this month the authorities of the island designed an activity that combines entertainment culture. Dublin, December 6, 2007. In not only can enjoy blue waters and golden sands, this month the authorities of the island designed an activity that combines entertainment culture. From Thursday to Sunday and during the first three weeks of December, Varadero tourists and residents will appreciate and participate in one that promises much.

The Ministries of Culture and Tourism are responsible for coordinating the tasks and adjust the details so that people never forget this real party. The programming is quite wide and for all tastes includes the following numbers: every Thursday and Saturday tours of floats, dance competitions Friday while Sunday will be devoted to aquatic events in the Paso Malo canal. It should be noted that the entire festival will be accompanied with the participation of prominent orchestras popular. Located at the northernmost point, Varadero is the first major Caribbean resort. High quality hotels are arranged along 20 kilometers of coastline. It has 15 774 rooms in 48 hotels, 84% with category four and five stars. Thanks to the service beach clubs and the kindness of its staff, are guaranteed.

We organize all kinds of recreational activities in the arena, as well as water sports, diving and guided tours of Santa Clara, Pinar del Rio, Cienfuegos and Havana. This carnival is a unique destination for tourists the pass beautifully. The organization of these festivals is part of a long-term policy of the portfolios of Tourism and Culture, which seeks to transform Cuba into a huge cultural plaza. In this sense, Varadero will host in 2008 the Festival of Popular Music in the hand of the renowned conductor and composer John Formell, and the second edition of the Jam Session. As if the above were not enough, Varadero has to his credit two facts that distinguish it: it is the second most visited city in Cuba and is one of the largest in the country. If you’re thinking about traveling to Cuba is advisable that you obtain advice to make your holiday a success. The website provides information not only from the white sands and warm waters of Varadero and the nearly 300 but also its culture, so that the traveler can combine aspects of cultural and recreational excursions can design your. Source Leandro Greca For more information.

South Korea

Probably not meet such a person in this world who never would have heard about the race. Credit: Michael J. Bender-2011. High speed, match the most advanced achievements in the field of motorsport, and naturally the same – the most persistent nerve racers and their support groups. Competition on race cars have considerable popularity worldwide. This is understandable, because this kind of spectacle will not be able to forget any man who ever would once was his fan. Internet and high technology enable hundreds of millions of citizens in the whole world to be observers of this unprecedented spectacle, which is really exciting. To personally stay in the competition, too many individual able to throw the case and go to the edge of the world. Are the same who can not currently provide direct arrival with enthusiasm can watch the event through Internet or TV set – on your telly or in a sports club.

Clearly, in order not to lose anything at all from the amazing spectacle, you want to know the place and time of the start of the main periods of great car racing. Because for all, without exception, the fans of this sport especially important Formula 1 calendar 2010. Because that every year in car racing schedule made some changes – and they may relate not only to the final composition of the groups, as well as the dates of the tournaments, as well as race tracks, so to truly see all that you are able to attract, you should purchase a full-fledged collection of data on the next auto show. Compared with last year race Formula 1 2010 will be on two levels and a month longer. The initial period will be held in Bahrain, will end in Abu Dhabi. New to racing Formula 1 Grand Prix will be Canada and South Korea. There really is a point many fascinating – and new tracks and new lineups.

However, for those who love Formula 1, is valuable not only what and where, but in addition no less important are personalities.