Still valley the penalty to designate that Wadsworth (1997, P. 74), supported in the piagetiana theory, it summarizes the characteristics of a child in the development of the concrete operations (7-11 years), in the scope of the affectivity. We know that the school is a necessary environment for the cognitivo and affective development, Capelatto (2002, p.8) says that ‘ ‘ the affectivity is the dynamics deepest in which the human being can have, and to give initiates at the moment where the love happens for another one. ‘ ‘ The school has as function to provide to the pupils possibilities to evolve as human beings; the pedagogical work must make with that the pupils fulfill rules, imposing itself limits. In this manner, Capelatto (2002, P. 14), alert for the fact of some schools to be worried only about the amount of contents, forgetting itself the affectivity, of the part human being: ‘ ‘ They are moved away thus from ‘ ‘ to be humano’ ‘ , treating the pupils are known only number by it of registro’ ‘ On the same concern, according to Ribeiro and Jutras (2006, p.39) ‘ ‘ the affective dimension contributes for the acquisition of positive attitudes in relation the professors, you discipline to them for given them and for the cognitiva learning of the pupils in room of aula’ ‘.
The affectivity has an enormous importance and responsibility in the educative relation between professors and pupils. It favors the learning of pertaining to school contents (RIBEIRO; JUTRAS, 2006). The dedicated writings to the function of the affectivity in the infantile development are not many in the workmanship of Piaget. We stand out an analysis of ‘ ‘ Unconscious affective and inconsciente’ ‘ (PIAGET, 1972) it makes the relation between its theory and the Psychoanalysis, and a 1972 article in which it argues, with sufficient clarity, the question of the relation between affectivity and cognition.
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