Month: September 2014

Educational Center

In 1985, the Educational Center of Niteri (CEN) launched the Project To grow, destined the teaching formation according to degree. The first experience of this project occurred in the state of Gois in accord with the Secretariat of Education. The Project To grow is developed until today. The long-distance Education is a possible alternative in the scope of the democratization of the education in the country. From the experiences presented here, it is possible to perceive the attempt to become the long-distance Education in an action accomplishes in the Brazilian education.

However, although the actions to exist and in agreement the displayed one, to be numerous, do not perceive the establishment of politics in the field of the long-distance Education. In these last years it seems to exist a disposal in the direction to move, a little, this scene. The Project ' ' YP' ' it had significant importance in the construction of new positions on the part of the professors in the schools, the state of So Paulo. In 1990, the Ministry of the Education and the Roquete Foundation Young chicken, through the Educative TV, had launched the program ' ' A JUMP FOR THE FUTURO' ' destined to the recycling and the perfectioning of professors. This program is considered for the Ministry of Educao (MEC) as one of its more important lines in the long-distance Education, also with the destination of resources of the budget of the proper ministry. Today, the MEC invests great efforts in the consolidation of ' ' TV ESCOLA' ' , project that can be considered an extension of ' ' A JUMP FOR THE FUTURO' '. Documents of the MEC indicate a positive acceptance of the programs. The quality of the programs is a strong point of this ' ' acceptance positiva' '. The white clientele is the professors of the public schools.

Four Essential Features

Imagine you that has sounded the phone in the rectory of one school either and responds own rector, who is identified with all courtesy expressed:-in what I can serve you? On the other side of the line, someone whose voice is noted some concern, answers:-my son unable to attend classes in the day today – and that? why -Because quite sick is and so I can not send it okay, responds the rector while taking pen and paper to make an annotation. And who is speaking? The previous dialogue narrates one of the recurring mischief of those who attend schools from around the world in order to acquire new knowledge and grow as people in the understanding and confidence that in the classroom you will find what you need to achieve this noble purpose. Aside from the mischief education continues to be a medium, probably the most important of all, to produce much-needed transformations in modern societies. Let aside the antics of students and devote ourselves to make a study detailed of the characteristics required in the students of this, our epoch, in which technology is a vital part of everyday life and when the people of all nations are close to each other thanks is large part to all the possibilities generated by the telecommunications and the internet. Let’s look at these characteristics of students destined to succeed in our days: 1. A Freethinker, i.e. someone who observes, analyses, reflects and reaches conclusions themselves, through the exercise of autonomy and exercise of thinking for himself, without the influence of their peers or who have authority. The Freethinker acts according to their convictions, is usually critical to those who hold power and take a path according to their own conscience. The Freethinker does not accept impositions or taken as a truth revealed the content of the books or other documents.