Month: October 2014


Already the intermediate or advanced practitioner must itself be given attention in its objective? what many times is related to the hipertrofia of determined muscle? from there the session with the muscular group that generally has greater difficulty in developing. It is very important that when prescribing a training of musculao, always let us think of logical and rational form which the groups that must at the beginning be carried through, about the way and the end of the session, therefore many times we can commit gross errors, as to initiate with a small muscular group (for example: trceps) and to pass to a great muscular group (for example; pectoral), thus compromising, the good development of the exercise and, logically, the final result. Straight Supino Execution: Lying in dorsal decubitus, to carry through the eccentric phase (descending) with the bar in the direction of esterno until this touch the region of the pectoral one. From then on to carry through the concentrical phase (ascent) (horizontal aduo of the deltoids) until the extension of cbitos (without stopping the joints) e, without rest, to repeat the movement. ArticulaoMovimentoMsculo? Primary engine Escpulo-Umeral horizontal Aduo (horizontal Flexo) Pectoral greater (emphasis in the esternocostal part) Deltoid (part to cravicular) Coracobraquial Escpulo-Torcica (Waist to escapular) Abduo (Protrao) (horizontal Extension) Pectoral minor previous Serrtil brachial CotoveloExtensoTrceps Comments: To support the feet in the soil to have greater balance not to allow the hiperlordotizao.

If although the recommendation not to increase the lumbar bending, this to occur, to support the feet in the raised bank or mante them. Attention therefore this position diminishes the balance and favors the increase of the intradiscal pressure. Inclined Supino Execution: Lying in dorsal decubitus, to carry through the eccentric phase (descending) of form that its prolongations if keep in the alignment of clavculas until arriving where mobility to articulate to allow. At this moment to carry through the concentrical phase (ascent) (horizontal aduo of the deltoids) until the extension of cbitos (without stopping the joints) e, without rest, to repeat the movement.

Learning Center

It is not that we are alone, actually we are misunderstood Kane. Before the end of the year 2008 the University community of the University of Carabobo should count on new authorities guaranteeing proactivity, scholarship, research, educational excellence and above all, participation to the serious problems faced by the current national stage in favour of a country that requires changes, ensure you development, a quality of life favourable to all which they inhabit in the. Venezuelan education, especially top. can not continue staying in the shadows beyond the needs stage national demand for trained professionals, duly prepared to generate transformations that are needed, more, before a Government proposed instituting a socialism, where probably the population is not prepared to do so and where, more than ever, you need an education of height facing the great challenges which economic systems present and affect in the economy countries, as in our case. The University of Carabobo in November have the possibility of recovering that path has lost in favour of academicism, social responsibility, commitment to knowing how to choose the authorities that renecesitan to start the transformations that the University needs to fulfill its mission and vision, which in recent years has neglected and seriously affected his commitment to the country. Who says Prof.

Jubilado is very valid, but still active, Chichi Paez in its open column of the Carabobeno newspaper, which this week is critical for the future of the University of Carabobo, as are provided for elections of the highest authorities of that institution. Tuesday 4 – the first round – and three days later Friday 7, the second round. In the passing of that time, is when prevails the political criterion, well above the academic, where votes – of the University staff – including regular students in the Learning Center are negotiated. Negotiation strategy is distributing and assigning powers to people who are identified with such or which political party or the infinities of electoral groups who have a lawful life in the alma mater.

Director Gerhard

Domain law: More expensive farewell to external agency is preventable the shops of renowned, medium-sized Ameres techno AG (name changed) go well for years. Annual sales exceeded EUR 30 million in 2010. The innovative Ameres techno wanted to present in the World Wide Web (www). 1999 managing director Gerhard N. instructed (name changed) the external marketing agency sunshine (name changed) to create a site for Ameres techno AG. With the sunshine agency subcontracts. The initially simple Ameres techno AG website gradually developed to the interactive platform for customers, partners and suppliers. The dissatisfaction with the marketing agency, not least because of increasingly poor quality of subcontractors used by sunshine but grew with time.

Managing Director Gerhard N. remembers: “in other areas of cooperation with sunshine it troubles. In November 2010, our patience was at the end. We wanted to pay the final bill and then with then restart by another marketing agency. And our own IT Department should take over the Ameres-techno Web site. ” But it was different.

“Sunshine turned transverse and suddenly demanded 50,000 euros for the transfer of the rights and move of the Ameres techno techno-Ameres website! We no longer have understood the world.”the CEO adds. in 2001, Sunshine had delivered “turnkey” and taken over all work to register the domain for Ameres techno AG. Instead of making the registration on behalf of and in the name of Ameres techno sunshine had not only as an administrative and technical contact person, but as a domain owner and thus as a contractual partner of the DENIC (Administrator of top level domain. de) register. Legally clear: Sunshine was the owner (“materially owner”) of the domain. There were no written agreements or signed over the rights to the domain. Ameres techno was mightily under pressure, because in addition to the domain had sunshine of course also the control over all, associated with the domain name, eMail addresses, such as or. Managing Director Gerhard N.: “it was at that time not only to the presentation of the company and our products on the Web. We use eMail to make 70% of our business! We have learned our lesson.” To keep the rights to the own domain can be essential for companies. The review of the data in the domain name register is very simple and takes less than 2 minutes. As an experienced Advisor Joachim son has can avert payment of 50,000 euro management consulting. And most importantly: the business of Ameres techno AG was not affected, all eMail addresses ( were, without any interruption, available and the website could Ameres-techno-IT will taken over by the. The own domain registration can be checked easily and quickly with a free tutorial. Joachim son advises management consulting companies and entrepreneurs to all online and Web topics, E.g. also at recover domain privileges, hoster selection, performance and quality optimization of websites and hosting, backup of the source material (E.g. photos and graphics) of the site. Son of Joachim consulting, Dr. Gunnar Joachim son


How quickly time flies! It seems that only yesterday was September 1. Festive mood, flowers, smiles. And now looms on the horizon a professional holiday of Teachers – October 5. During this short time we have had something to do. After all, the teacher always looking, always at work and usually dissatisfied with themselves, and therefore constantly strives to conquer the "and more new heights." Of the working week the teacher (by the way, and the student, too) the most difficult to accrue on Monday and the last day or two. Difficult to enter into the rhythm of everyday life after the weekend, and accumulated fatigue by the end of the week. Clearly, in these moments as a teacher is particularly sensitive to insults, and the manifestation of attention and sympathy of others, first of all colleagues and friends.

Different ways you can raise the spirits of each other. In teams where there is consent and sensitivity in relationships, find these ways of unaccountable and often intuitively. But it may be worth more to think about: how done to smooth out the "concentrated wrinkle tension" on the face of the teacher? No matter how the work and love of children, load, paper and leaking ceilings do their "dirty deed". The situation is exacerbated by the fact that some people demonstrate their relevance to teacher 's work as a lowly, "black". What is really at times "heartfelt thanks"? Our crazy life does not recognize the human right to stop and think, sit for a while alone and do not check for this notebook, to talk with a colleague – and not to discuss the behavior Ivanov, prices, and disease, look at those with whom you meet every day, to finally see them. Sabbaticals, dosage load, informal teacher meetings, perhaps we will live someday to such times. And yet We will be attentive to each other. Unclaimed, non-consumable good feeling exhausted, as the leaves in the ground spring, not yet found his bed. Feel free to be kind and gentle, do not count for work to be patient, more precisely, tolerant (as is fashionable now to speak) to family, friends and colleagues – give back to you a hundredfold! C Happy holiday, Teacher! Let no one defile your good name is!


DEFINITION OF STRESS COPING Coping is defined as: Is the effort, both cognitive and behavioral, that makes the individual to cope with stress, to manage both external and internal demands and conflicts between them. Lazarus and Folk (1984) defined coping as “cognitive and behavioral effort to manage the constantly changing demands specific internal / external are evaluated as excessive in relation to the resources available to the person” This would include managing stress not only the domain but the acceptance, tolerance, avoidance or reduction of stressful conditions. Mind not only the result but would include all attempts to handle these situations. It has sometimes been included among the defense mechanisms of stress coping resources. Buendia and Mira (1993) when dealing with childhood stress propose the following table which compares the defense mechanisms and coping strategies: Coping Defense adaptive sense Reducing maladaptive anxiety domain object consciously unconscious n T hese automatic operation courageous same authors say there is no coping strategies that are valid for everyone, but each person can choose one or the other depending on their personality, context and timing where you are. They distinguish between coping styles and coping strategies, combining the style characteristic of those procedures and strategies would be associated more to environmental conditions, referring to cognitive or behavioral actions carried out during a particularly stressful episode.

The type of coping behavior is important because, besides serving to master the demands of the stressful situation, determines how the body is activated. The agency is active in many different ways, depending on the person concerned to control the situation or adopt a passive attitude toward it. Motor behaviors performed to cope with a stressful situation-specific behaviors are a specific situation or behavior more generally for a wide range of situations, depending on what behaviors are learned in the past. The consequences of these behaviors determined to be considered as correct or incorrect by the person. What determines whether the conduct is repeated or not in the future, is not the supposed moral correctness and incorrectness of it, but its effectiveness to change the situation. Possible coping techniques to nAutocontrol nFind nConfrontacion nDistanciamien nAceptacion support Netscape responsibility. Avoidance nPlanificar positive solutions nPensamientos nReevaluacion positive (active efforts, cognitive, viewing the problem) nBusqueda nBusqueda social support benefits nContabilizar solutions (approaches to the problem compared to a worse situation) STRESS INOCULATION TRAINING is a procedure that aims to cognitive behavioral train people in coping skills that immunize against stress. Following Meichenbaumy Novac ( 1978) components would be: “a) self-guided discovery that evidences the contribution of cognitions of the person subjective distress b) auto maladaptive behavior monitoring c) learning problem-solving skills d) promote effective coping and procedures ) graded exercises that encourage the application to real life problems f) behavior therapy procedures that include relaxation, imagination, and behavioral rehearsal when the disorder can be repeated..