New features for our associates AIESEC is the greater organization of young people of the world, present in more than 100 countries, more than 1,100 universities, directed completely by students and just graduated. It is composed by more than 28,000 members and is the international platform so that the young people discover and develop their potential with the purpose of to have a positive impact in the society. AIESEC owns a program of international interchanges that offers per year to more than 4,500 students and just graduated the opportunity to live a Professional Experience in another country, choosing between more than 3,500 companies and organizations allied anywhere in the world to our organization. In order to begin with experience AIESEC of the program of international interchanges, the affiliation cost is of approximately 200 Euros. Now all the associate AArEII will be able to enjoy a discount smaller to 20% just by not to mention that they are associate to the AArEII. If not these associate, regstrate already in and comenza to enjoy the benefits of being associate AArEII. For more information on the benefits, contactate with us through the electronic mails of our page Web! We are hoping that the benefits! AIESEC South Cone is present in the following Universities of the Region: * University of the CEMA, Buenos Aires Argentina * National University of Cordova, Cordova – Argentina * University Argentina of the Company, Buenos Aires – Argentina * National University of the Center – Faculty of Economic Sciences, Tandil – Argentina We will continue working for ofrecerte more discounts and benefits day day! What you wait for asociarte?
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