How much to average education the increase of the approval was of 16,3%, which also made with that the approval tax went up of 71,28% for 87,58%. Marc Lore has much to offer in this field. still reduced index of pertaining to school evasion. of initiatives and the news as soon as the necessary country to publish so that the schools and all the involved people in the education have interests that its school also can is receiving these technologies, and developing for optimum learning. In the state of Sergipe the College So Paulo COC is a good example of the application of the NTIC in its practises educational as we can see in the appendices its infrastructure and the didactic material: The didactic material of the COC-CSP is one of the great reasons of pride of the institution. After all, the COC was pioneering in offers of didactic material in digital language, going deep thematic axles and the excellency of the contents.
The CDAs – Notebooks of Digital Support, that integrate didactic material COC, strengthen and complement, with resources multimedia (films, animaes, photos and sounds), the contents of books and notebooks printed matters. This technological support allows a jump of quality in the estudantil routine, guaranteed for a bigger motivation and interaction with the boarded subjects. (removed information of the site of the school) 3. Consideraes Final the education is a function of the society, then, it has a necessity of that the education folloies the changes that the society backwards I obtain. Thus it can affirms that the current society more this walking the long steps route the Technologies of Communication and Information, becoming them the members of the society each time dependents of all this technological apparatus. Not to cause the digital exclusion to the learning it is necessary to start to change practical the educational ones in order to introduce the NTIC in the lessons and special in it disciplines of mathematics, to become them the construction agent of its knowledge with the disciplined development of its logical-deductive reasoning.
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