Already the intermediate or advanced practitioner must itself be given attention in its objective? what many times is related to the hipertrofia of determined muscle? from there the session with the muscular group that generally has greater difficulty in developing. It is very important that when prescribing a training of musculao, always let us think of logical and rational form which the groups that must at the beginning be carried through, about the way and the end of the session, therefore many times we can commit gross errors, as to initiate with a small muscular group (for example: trceps) and to pass to a great muscular group (for example; pectoral), thus compromising, the good development of the exercise and, logically, the final result. Straight Supino Execution: Lying in dorsal decubitus, to carry through the eccentric phase (descending) with the bar in the direction of esterno until this touch the region of the pectoral one. From then on to carry through the concentrical phase (ascent) (horizontal aduo of the deltoids) until the extension of cbitos (without stopping the joints) e, without rest, to repeat the movement. ArticulaoMovimentoMsculo? Primary engine Escpulo-Umeral horizontal Aduo (horizontal Flexo) Pectoral greater (emphasis in the esternocostal part) Deltoid (part to cravicular) Coracobraquial Escpulo-Torcica (Waist to escapular) Abduo (Protrao) (horizontal Extension) Pectoral minor previous Serrtil brachial CotoveloExtensoTrceps Comments: To support the feet in the soil to have greater balance not to allow the hiperlordotizao.

If although the recommendation not to increase the lumbar bending, this to occur, to support the feet in the raised bank or mante them. Attention therefore this position diminishes the balance and favors the increase of the intradiscal pressure. Inclined Supino Execution: Lying in dorsal decubitus, to carry through the eccentric phase (descending) of form that its prolongations if keep in the alignment of clavculas until arriving where mobility to articulate to allow. At this moment to carry through the concentrical phase (ascent) (horizontal aduo of the deltoids) until the extension of cbitos (without stopping the joints) e, without rest, to repeat the movement.