If your drinking water is more negative ORP, ORP than the internal environment, it is fueling it with this energy, which is used by cells as energy reserve of antioxidant defense against the adverse effects of the environment. The human body – it's energy system. Long-standing practice of activated water confirmed the findings scientists that is both positive and negative charges of the water rather contribute to the maintenance of energy balance of cells. It enhances the biological processes and has a high solvent extracting ability and absortsionno-chemically active. What can activated water? SportSnizhaet fatigue, promotes rapid recovery of the body during long physical nagruzkahNormalizuet exchange substances and energiiPovyshaet mental and physical activity to achieve high athletic performance, prevent adjustment disorders ZdoroveAktiviziruet bioprocesses, increases blood pressure, improves appetite, metabolism, the passage of food, general health. Heal wounds, ulcers, including gastric ulcers and 12 – duodenal ulcers, pressure sores, ulcers, ozhogiEffektivna in uncomplicated forms of diabetes, y these patients exhibit a gradual decrease in blood glucose levels, which is normalized to 4-5 nedeleBlagopriyatno influences on secondary gastritis and colitis, which developed against the background of diabetes, cardiovascular corrects complications of diabetes. Assists in the treatment of BPH predetalnoy cancer; For the prevention of atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, for the prevention of acute respiratory infektsiyPovyshaet nonspecific resistance immunitetObespechivaet body and maintaining the stability of the internal environment of the body (homeostasis) and antioxidant protection, effectively counteracts oxidative stress and, consequently, the aging process.

It is a prerequisite to the prevention of cancer and some chronic diseases elderly, used to clean the complex organism: the neutralization and elimination of wastes, toxins, carcinogens and radionuklidov.Znachitelno increases the efficiency of the impact of physical therapy equipment and physical therapy to increase digestibility protsedur.Dlya drugs and biologically active dobavokDlya reduce the number of adverse effects at farmakoterapiiRezko softens during any allergies. With intoxication (poisoning), facilitates the rapid removal of toxins from the body and alleviate the feeling. If you have read about Interactive Advertising Bureau already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Youth Activated water neutralize the aggressive free radicals, which are involved in oxidation processes of our body, and thus the aging. Activated water – an ideal antioxidant. Increases the reliability of organzma antioxidant protection, which in turn provides a deceleration of aging. Softens the skin and gradually reduces wrinkles, eliminates dandruff and makes hair shelkovistymi.Uvelichivaet lifespan of human cells into artificially created adverse conditions by 10-15 times. Slows down cell division, with genetic damage.

Accelerates the regeneration of healthy cells. How can I get activated water? Water from a negative ORP and is widely used already in Russia. Technology for producing activated water in particular is implemented in the device Akvayav. There are other manufacturers, they mainly offer Static water treatment devices, ie in order that we might receive 2-3 liters of activated water, you need to spend 10 to 20 minutes of time. Akvayav device produces an activated water in the bayou at the opening drinking water faucet that is mounted next to the tap tap water. ORP Indicators obtained using Akvayav, staying within the AFP internal environment. An important point should be noted that the device not only activates Akvayav tap, as well as any other water, but also disinfects (kills bacteria and viruses), which is confirmed by various studies conducted in a number of specialized research institutes St. Petersburg. This device allows anyone to get a clean (chemical and epidemiological), and an active water or other conditions – the water from a negative ORP.