Young Pythagoras taught orally their doctrine, to the end that his disciples ejercitaran long-term memory, if not they would trust of what was written, because the Greeks considered suitable exercise the spirit. And one of the ways to exercise the same, was to use permanent memory, same Plato said that to be philosopher was necessary to possess a vast memory. Thomass Kuhn concerns us somewhat concerning the intuitions of the astronomer Kepler. Which they were neoplatonicas and if we talk about intuitions neoplatonicas we must observe Pythagoreans characters in them. Because Pythagoras conceived the universe as something harmonious. By which the planets in their translation broadcast musical notes in the space. eady – you may have come to the same conclusion. Which could be heard by the spirit of metaphysical intuition.

Metaphysics and theoretical physics intersect in the deepest levels of the universal intuitions, which generate different interpretations about the being of the nature. long before commencing their work on orbits elliptical, or enunciate law in the areas under its modern formulation, Kepler had already drafted this law of speed, inversely proportional to the distance to replace, at the same time the old law of uniform circular motion and the variant of Ptolemy which allowed the existence of a uniform motion with respect to the Equant point. Certainly Kepler sack sleeve this first law of speed thanks to a strange intuition. Quickly arrumada by his successors on the forces that should govern a solar universe, on the other hand this primitive statement of the law of velocities is not total correct mind, the law on the areas the so-called second law of Kepler. It is not at all equivalent to which relates inversely speeds and distances. Still somewhat more precise results deducted from the first one, however when they are used in the calculation of planetary positions. Both formulations of the law of speeds, leading to nearly identical forecasts, Kepler believed.