BMX is a sport that is subdivided into several forms among which is the flatland and BMX. Flatland is what is artistic skating for skating, its name translates flatland flat land that is to perform tricks or stunts on bike without support feet on the ground, the tricks are free choice and the most rewards in this mode is the originality and the difficulty, the more convoluted and difficult to implement are the best tricks are valued practicantens. The origins: The sport was officially started in the 60s in the area of California and was inspired by motocross, a sport that already had many adherents at the time. The bike at the beginning of flatland: Due to its parent sport, motocross, ICICI in this mode uses very heavy bike and equipped with the rotor, turn the knob that allowed an unlimited amount without causing a tangle, front and rear brake wear was also indispensable. The bike today: Like everything else in the world that we live flatland has evolved and continues evolving like the bicycle manufacturing technique. Currently, bicycles are made much more free and curves that allow the practitioner to maneuver more easily. Currently not used the brakes but and there are many practitioners who prefer not having them at all, that to make even more difficult tricks and original. Attire: As with any sport it is necessary to adequately bester security and practical reasons. In many sports is the way of dress regulations in the flatland does not, however it is necessary to account for two aspects to the choice of clothing.