Category: General

Happiness and Love

"Love – a competition for men and women is to give each other as much happiness" (Stendhal) The basic understanding of love rather limited. When are interested in young people about what is love, the answer is limited to thoughts about the feelings that come and then somewhere to go. Already by age 25, many young people believe that love exists and that it's just attracted to the person of the opposite sex, and 'Phenomenon' is temporary. On the other hand, we see many examples of people who have lived together for over 20 years and over, happy and truly love each other. Hence the love still exists and contributes to our lives harmony and happiness. This love should be eternal and immutable, the fact she's real. At heart we all want such a relationship, sincere and true.

Unfortunately, not many get to maintain and develop love. Let's look at love more broadly and then we will see that love can not discover and develop components without 3 aspects: emotional (feelings), intellectual (knowledge and understanding), volitional (action) First of all, love – is, of course, a goodly of the senses. Human emotions are very unstable, however, they are often the main engine and the motive of our actions. Marriages are generally when the partners are in the power of feelings, but these feelings, at first call of the expression of our physical nature to the procreation. Emotion of love can become stronger or weaker, and change its quality over time.

New Technologies

Experts warn that Spanish universities serve not enough technological progress in relation to medicine. They advocate to modify the current system so that medical schools teach a formation capable of meeting the challenges of today and, above all, of the future. The doctor away Pazos, of the University of A Coruna, Coordinator of a Conference on Biomedical Informatics and personalized medicine that have been held in the corunesa town of Padron, warned of poor training in new technologies of the students of medicine in Spain. In Spain is being not offered adequate training to physicians to meet the needs of the practice of medicine today and of the future, Pazos said in a telephone interview coinciding with the celebration of the 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Informatics in Europe.That meeting was attended by experts from various European countries, mainly in the Iberian Peninsula, and United States. Any doctor spends hours and hours at the computer, said Pazos, who lamented that the Spanish universities not addressed sufficiently technological progress and the challenges posed to the future exercise of that profession. Some studies underline the inadequate technological formation of students in medicine and the important gaps in knowledge of genomics, legislation or ethics, said Pazos, Professor of computer science and Artificial Intelligence and director of the Department of information technologies and the communication of the University of A Coruna.The challenges of today and of the future stressed that it is necessary to sensitize public opinion and the authorities change the current system so that medical schools teach a formation capable of meeting the challenges of today and, above all, of the future. He stressed that some large U.S. universities have established alliances, among which highlighted the of Harvard with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, both based in the city of Boston.

Commercial results therefore advocated giving a shift towards this new medicine of the future that requires preparation more open to other areas in which new diagnostics, treatments, drugs or therapies will be developed. Pazos noted that in Spain, as in the whole of Europe, there are research groups, with aid from public institutions, but regretted missing the last link in the chain that will allow patenting and reap the commercial results of these discoveries. There is a very good scientific production in Europe, but prevails the paradox that there is not a business sector willing to assume risk, nor in Galicia and Spain to commercialize and patenting, he noted. Source of the news: experts warn of poor training in new technologies of doctors

Berkley Economic Press

The study realised by Claude Berrebi, of the Berkley Economic Press (Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy Volume 13, Issue 1 2007 Article 2) that tries to find the relation between the terrorism and the degree of education, says that compared with the total of the Palestine population, the majority of the Palestinian terrorists has more high education. The data taken from the terrorists (who were studied) between aims of the decade of the 80 and May of the 2002 suggest it as much high education and stantard of life positively is associated with the participation in the Hams or the Islamic Jihad for convertise in suicidal terrorist, whereas to be married it reduces of important form the possibility of participating in terrorist activities. The report says that unlike which is reflected in the Palestine society, between which they participate in terrorist activities is possible to be found that half of them can be called poor. Of 208 terrorists who were investigated through study, 96% have completed the school secondary, and 65% have something of tertiary education, whereas Palestinian 15% and 51% generally that have secondary education of the total of the Palestinians that have tertiary education.

Winodws Movie Maker

There are many methods to create free traffic to your site, but in this article you will teach specifically as generating traffic with YouTube or other online video sites and increase traffic to your site and positioning websites. YouTube has become an invaluable source to generate free traffic to your site, the first thing you have to do is search for your niche market or your topic on YouTube and look at the amount of videos that there is, how many visits have received those videos and types of comments received. It is very important to concentrate on analyzing videos that have more visits and look at 3 things: 1. Title 2. The 3 tags. The description once this is done, you can already give you account if it is worthwhile or not hang a video and if so, that kind of video would like to see the people, the next step is to produce your video, there are currently several free programs for video editing, Winodws Movie Maker can use you up the same, but the program that I use because it’s great and allows you to make thousands things to your video is definitely Camtasia Studio. Once you have your video ready must think carefully about the title, tags and description that you are going to put, since this will depend on the positioning of your video and the number of visits that will receive your site, don’t forget to always put a watermark to the video with your site address so that the person who sees it always keep it in mind, and in the description of the video you should always place a link to your page so that people click, reminds that we are very lazy and it is easier to click that type the URL and also the positioning aid web pages. I assure you that if you do this traffic to your website will increase dramatically, personally this has worked for me quite well and has helped generate significant traffic in less than a day and my positioning optimizes web pages. Original author and source of the article


Do such planning or programming should lead the following aspects:? Does Pla nteamiento in relation to the subject matter in class, that stimulate students to think, investigate, browse with respect to said theme.? Selection of exercise and adequate resources? Avoid scheduling or planning to be a task of filling columns. You need to think carefully about the exercises that will work and change it in the moment in which the dynamics of the Group tends to be available.? To select an or the resources it is necessary to consider it as an element of motivation for the group.? Should it be an opening of experience.? That the process that develops both in action learning is very similar or has a close relation, which implies that within the development of one stimulates the other and this implies that instruments that possess to boost creativity constitutes precisely the elements we use in the development of the teaching-learning process as they are: content, exercises, resources didactic, which, insofar as organized or reconsideration coherently, will allow to achieve the fundamental objectives in any area of knowledge teaching in general, and in particular of the artistic disciplines. Now you reader after reading these lines do think it is important to teach and develop the creativity of children?.

Educational Material

The motivation to learn is involved in multiple factors, that if imply mutually and that even so let us can analyze them separately, is one part all that it depends, wants in its nature, wants in its quality, of a series of conditions inside and outside of the school. methods used for the professors in classroom so that reach the objectives of disciplines, many times they are not efficient, this sample that exactly having the professor total domain of the content of it disciplines is conditional the organized structure which leciona. The learning is an extremely complex phenomenon, involving emotional, social, educational and cultural aspects. The learning is resultant of the development of aptitudes and knowledge, as well as of the transference of these for new situations. The process of organization of the information and integration of the material to the social and educational structure is what the educators call learning, is necessary to reflect that each individual presents a set of percipient strategies that mobilize the learning process. In other words, each person learns its way, skill, style and rhythm.

The motivation can still be learned as a process or as a product. When we relate in them to the optimism of an accumulation of theories, ideas concepts, the motivation appears as a resultant product of these learnings, but as all product is indissocivel of a process, can then look at the knowledge as an intellectual activity through which the exterior apprehension of something to the person is made. In the social level we can consider the learning as one of the polar regions of the pair teach-learning, whose synthesis constitutes the educative process. Such process understands all the dedicated behaviors to the transmission of the learning, also the objectified ones as institutions that, specify and promote the education. With this one understands that the development of the individual is a process that if of the one of is for inside, being that the half influence the motivation of the pupil in the teach-learning process.

King Asosi

What we know of its author is vague, is supposed to Ptahhotep was vizier of King Asosi, and already elderly dedicates his life to collect a series of maxims or rules of educational value. In his texts complains about the inconvenience of the age, and ask permission from the King to educate a student who instructs having as purpose to educate the ignorant to ensure knowledge and acquire the perfect speech rules. See below some extracts of maxims of Ptahhotep written approximately in 2,500 BC and who retain all their validity and timeliness, because they transcend time and place in which were written to correspond to universal and eternal principles: maximum 25, where instructs on what the real is power that it is not imposed by force, but by the values of who exercises it: If you’re powerful, you should make you respect for knowledge, for the kindness of oratory, orders considered to be but not by other circumstances. And, in another translation: If you’re powerful acts so that you’re respected depending on your knowledge, your experience and the serenity of your language. Don’t give orders rather than when it is necessary. Also in the same maxima are references to self-control, self-control and the serenity in the journal live: who raises, enters into evil. Don’t be arrogant not to be humiliated.

No streets, but beware of scuffling. When you respond to who speaks with cholera, depart your face, control you.One who is busy throughout the day, can not spend a happy time. Who is frivolous all day, can not found a House. In the maximum 2, 3 and 4, Ptahhotep instructs on the reaction right before the ira depending on who comes: maximum No. 2 (Of the art of debating with a superior) If you find an aficionados at its time of action, someone who has authority, most important someone who you, fold your hands, tilts back and not desates your heart against him as not are you equal.

If United States Do Not Exist

I don’t know if the world is better without the deposed Sadam Husein in Iraq. Yes I know, however, that some people thought that it would be better without the United States, at least in its latest version, with George Bush Jr. in front of their destinations. Imagine for a moment, however, a world in which there were no United States. In this scenario, the Berlin wall still probably subsist. But that is not the most important thing. The United States have been, and are, the economic engine of the world and a promoter of democracy and human rights.

Without it, world trade would have stagnated and the gross national product of many countries would be half of the current. Research and scientific development upon 50 years the vast majority of the Nobel prizes for science are Americans and even UN would exist in its current form, funded in large part by Washington and received in U.S. territory. Probably not today’s conflicts arise day, clear. But Adolf Hitler instead He could have won World War II, with its disastrous consequences.

Without trace us so much, we don’t know if the latent struggle between India and Pakistan, Turkey and Greece or Ecuador and Peru, for example, they would have not finished in devastating wars. Most plausible of all significant retreat of democracy and human rights in the world at the hands of tyrants and libertycide would have been lacking in the international reference of a strong democratic State. Europe itself would have lacked encouragement enough for its union, its development and the constant enlargement of their freedoms. All this is only a hypothesis, just a political game. But anyone who practices it, whatever your ideology, you won’t find very different results of the stated here. Original author and source of the article.


Values are also things as Justice, the Love, the Pleasure, Solidarity. (SOURCES, 2007) All the concepts above cited only come to still more exaltar the importance of the education of values, when definitions meet that say; the values are the objective and/or subjective manifestations of somebody; they are the importance of determined things; beyond still assuming, the valorativo character that helps to define gostos, feelings, sensations, opinions, judgments, that will indicate pain or joy. Values as love, respect, fraternity, solidarity in against-sense with the revenge, the hatred, the envy. This axiollogy, this theory of values that as much in the aid, but that if used in wrong way or until if not even they will be taught and stimulated its use, in the schools, the families they will make much lack for the social development and of the future interpersonal relations of the pupils, children and futures citizens. Still searching definitions of the ethical and moral values observing itself what if it can define as being Ethical and as being Moral, making an analysis that tries to distinguish the two concepts for one better agreement, a time that the concepts if seem, but is not identical. Some definitions are followed below that can clarify these concepts.

) the ethical one: 1. study of the referring judgments of appreciation to the behavior human being of the point of view of the good and the evil; 2.conjunto of norms and principles that guide the good behavior of the human being. (AURLIO, 2001, P. 300) b) ethical: sets of rules and values which if submits to the facts and the actions human beings, to appreciate them and distinguiz them; moral. (LUFT, 2005, P. 358) c) ethical: reflection on the beddings of the moral. What it characterizes the ethics is its dimension staff, that is, the effort of the man to base and to legitimize its behavior.

Argentina Team Winner Yesterday Today And Forever

We have come to always be favorite group, anyone who is the tournament in which involved and the degree of difficulty that this represents the selection Argentina. While some teams have as main goal ranking tournaments or do what has been termed a decent role, the Argentines arrive with an inamovibe purpose: winning. Argentina national team figures are impressive: two of the World Championships in four disputed late; He has won fourteen times America Cup; d eoro two medals and two silvers at the Olympics; six Youth World Championships. If nse added all tournaments of FIFA and the Sudamericadna Confederation of football, Argentina is the most award-winning inceno history. And since then, therefore, the evaluation will be made from this perspective: If WINS is considered to you have had a successful participation, but if you don’t get the highest award the accusing finger point at them in time that you hear with the word force farther away must be of the lexicon of a sportsman or a collective of high competition: failure!. Celestial fringes and its powerful Sun team came to South Africa, as his custom, on condition of favorite, not only because of sporting history, but by the good level of squad players, most of them with great figuration in Europe is where won leagues, cups and international competitions. The first round was almost a walk and in second round defeated smoothly to Mexico, although the party always is recordara because the referee validated a goal by Tevez in out of place. Already in cuaratos’s end, the team of Diego Maradona was affected psychologically by an early goal from Germany and thereafter the equipment wrecked in a sea of mistakes that did see small before their rivals. The score speaks for itself: Germany delivered you to Argentina a historic landslide. The South American bicampeones they came home prepamturamente and with the label’s failure in his African campaign folder.