Category: General

National Education

The education cannot be conceived as aspect separately of the social reality. It reflects the questions clearly politics, social, interests of who withhold the financial power and resources to promote professional and continued formation. Everything is part of an wheel-alive one, where the mechanisms function arquitetados of form to answer the necessities politics of each historical period. It is important to remember that this if not sacrificing the old method of the classrooms special, however if inside makes necessary a new method of learning of the schools of our country. The great point of this process of quarrel is as to create the ideas to inside include such children of the new model of inclusion in the education, to show for society that is possible the learning of special children half to another group and first as the inclusive education for society in the process of introduction of this is important same education.

The changes had been if revealing in diverse sectors and contexts, the legal envolvement in these changes was of basic importance, the Federal Constitution of 1988, in its article 208, establishes the pertaining to school integration while constitutional rule, praising the attendance to the individuals that present deficiency, preferential in the regular net of education. In intention to strengthen the obligation of the country in providing the education, it is published, in December of 1996, the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of National Education 9.394/96. This express law in its content some significant advances. We can cite the extension of offers of the special education in the etria band of zero the six years; the idea of improvement of the quality of the educational services for the pupils and the necessity of the professor to be prepared and with adequate resources of form to understand and to take care of to the diversity of the pupils.

Andrew Corentt

I was born in an underdeveloped country and me pain as you continue to commit the same mistakes of more than one century ago, they see how incapable persons and continue taking things for nothing, can someone change when everything succeeds without effort? ES too unlikely, these are the typical people who today thanked them because they gave them 100, but then they curse him because now not takes them 200. It is also important to clarify that it is not being insensitive and we know that there are emergency situations such as health or a natural disaster, there is different because the solutions required are immediate and you must collaborate to the extent of its possibilities. What should I do to help? Well as Andrew Corentt tells us in his book I’m happy, I’m rich you must provide opportunities to people, with this initiative the people will begin to develop by itself, find a job, help low-income people study but based on results, buy their products, knowledge to teach those people to generate well-being to their lives by themselves. Then you will be making a good. All persons without exception have fallen into the comfort and perhaps give us account that we are doing something wrong, but if there is no who point us we follow and this partly converted integral in our lives and then defend it at all costs.

El Salvador

The animal will be without defect, male of a year; you will take it from the ewes or the goats. You will keep and it until the day fourteen of this month, and will immolate all the congregation of the town of Israel between the two afternoons. And they will take from the blood, they will both put and it in posts and the threshold of the houses in there are which it to eat. And that one night they will eat the meat roasted to the fire, and breads without leavening; with grass they will eat bitter it. No thing you will eat of crude him, not cooked in water, but roasted to the fire; its head with its feet and their entrails. No thing you will leave of him until the morning; and what it will be until the morning you will burn, it in the fire.

You will eat and it thus: fitted your backs, your footwear in your feet, and your pigrim’s staff in your hand; You will eat and it hastily; it is Passover de Jehovah. and this day will be to you in memory, you will celebrate and it like solemn celebration for Jehovah during your generations; by statute you will celebrate perpetual it. . Exodus 12:1 11 and 14 As this event can be appreciated were of fundamental importance, a solemn celebration for Jehovah all detail had to be taken care of, nothing could be ruined to the improvisation, who were assigned this so significant celebration had to not only be worthy of confidence but also that to count on the capacity necessary to assure the faithful fulfillment their allocation.

Promotions at Work

December for her – the perfect time to take stock. Although some signs of the Zodiac December would unfavorable, and Virgin are just waiting for the promotion, including the bosses. Gentle Libra December seems too harsh and unfavorable. They will be unhappy with the way the sum of their outer life as well as full year results. Topics at least it was in December could be a month of inspiration and calm quiet domestic happiness, that is, give Libra is exactly what they value most.

Scorpios are so immersed in the depths of his passions and emotions that will not even notice that was their month of November and come December – a month Streltsov. They will be primarily occupied with their love problems and will continually seek his until oderzhut victory. Their adventures may even become a subject of discussion in the press or on television. Never in all year Sagittarians do not feel so strong and energetic as this December. They all will have good luck and success. December – perfect time for Sagittarius, when you can set a goal and achieve it, a lot of travel, travel, meet friends, to exercise their managerial abilities. Sagittarius feels leader, after which people go. Although usually Capricorn avoid public life and tries not to be seen, in December he will have to forget about their modesty.

It may be in the midst of important developments may differ on the job, get promoted or – on the contrary – an unexpected criticism. Everything will depend on his diplomacy and ability to behave properly at the right time. In December, he will need all his skill and acumen to keep their positions. All complexity and emotional storms in December will pass the careless Aquarius, which will be extremely busy with his creativity, his work, his life. Even if he gets a message of resignation, he will treat it with irony and quiet. For a whole year in his soul went undercover and important processes that formed something new, and this inner work for him is more important than what happens outside. Fish will experience some discomfort in connection with the coming of winter. They will be hard to get used to the frost. May cause slight discomfort. But the mood is good in connection with the joyous prospect of rest. But have fun and celebrate the new year, no one may be better than Fish. For them it is truly a creative project, which brings joy to all, and more than most – by Pisces, as it gives an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and capabilities.

Tatianas Day

Surely, everyone remembers the phrase from a tv commercial about the detergent – shampoo and conditioner? Here it is – the "two in one bottle! This phrase has become so familiar that, without thinking of the shampoo and Rinser, we use it when we want to combine several events or developments. January 25 – just a day. That day the Empress Elisabeth Petrovna signed the decree "On establishment of the Moscow University." And with Since then, the day began to celebrate as the Day of the Moscow University. Then followed the decree of Nicholas I. By the will of the monarch appeared student holiday! In 2005, a decree signed by President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Since then, the official name of the holiday "Tatyana's Day – the Day of Russian students"! What are the traditions in the celebration of this day and does exist? In Russia the last century was the day Tatiana merry and boisterous celebration of student fraternity. On this day, students thronged Moscow, drove a cab and crowd bawled songs And what now? For example, students at Moscow State University fireworks, drink mead, meet historical characters of the holiday – the Empress Elizabeth, Count Ivan Shuvalov and Lomonosov. So the first tradition – the "noisy and fun." What gifts can ensure that the noise and merriment? All fireworks in their diversity: land and flying fireworks, batteries and single fireworks, fountains, roman candles, firecrackers and sparklers! Just imagine: a set of colorful comets burst bright colored fireworks on the background of golden clouds popping with twinkling silver stars.

Chief Colombian

They had warned us both about the promises of the politicians who were possessed by what could be called the spirit of St. Thomas. Only he consoled us the conviction with which spoke to us that wayuu skinned, compassionate look, kind word and convincing gestures which at that time served as Chief of all the maicaeros. Us quoted Saturday by May 7 in the school staff room San Jose. The day of the meeting spoke with particular interest for the construction of a new school and other projections for the city, and when the meeting almost ended, pulled out of his pocket a key attached to a blade with the colors of the national flag and handed me in front of everyone.

The door was our brand-new bus with white and green colors of the governorate of the Department, in which we could travel to Riohacha to receive our University wise classes. Since then we consider to Nando as a friend Mayor and as someone who became a good representative of its generation. Then we visited him a couple of times more in his Office, always at one o’clock in the afternoon, always with hunger and sleep, always to ask for something, we always got, related to our studies or with the construction of the new Colegio San Jose. Why everytime fondly I look at my university diploma, remember the bit that I have a friend whom I came to have the affection of older brother: Hernando Iguaran Romero. Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian writer, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. He is frequently invited as a speaker at conferences, forums, and other academic events.

Barack Obama

But aren’t the Swedish academics (or those who postulate candidates) the only animals that are left to overwhelm by their natural vigor natural or cultural when it comes to reward its heroes is the global political right which is in crisis and makes water sketch: Alfred Nobel Foundation pays tribute to who celebrates intelligence, humanity and art to speak of the human species, but founder bequeathed to posterity one of life most affects wars devices invented. However, accepted that it acts by remorse and see in this a sublime trait of man. The Nobel Prize crowned almost exclusively to such luminaries of the human species that belong to the Party say cultural, in the line of the expression war of civilizations, and they stick in the opposite side heads when declare their affections to the high Western political establishment, which is to say that they reward dissent and in many cases to traitors. Hardly conceivable a recognition to the inventors of the atomic bomb if it had been released on the humanity of the ethnocentric Western culture. The Nobel boquean when his estate say premiante, in all branches of human divinity, they bid to create a sort of political Prize, summary of all the contradictions that prevail in the mechanics of the other prizes.

At present, the confusion of the political with the sublime or vice versa, is exercised when taking the decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize. Without more words, think about the given to Barack Obama, which puts us also to travel back in time and imagine the frustrated mood academic by not having been able to grant Joseph Raymond McCarthy in his time, for their commendable work in pursuit of Communists, human animals these bearers of ideas contrary to human progress, i.e. to own the political power, culture and civilization.

Positive Energy

When we are afraid we don’t account ourselves are the ones who create the feeling of fear, that we experience it and then want to not repeat. The same happens with the pleasant experiences, we ourselves produce them we experience them and then want to continue. We can feel very well experiencing a sensation of peace and relaxation, watching a sunset, reciting a mantra pleasurably eating or watching a good game on television. The problem is that we don’t realize that that so nice feeling comes not from anything external to us, we are ourselves that we produce are experiencing and want to repeat these experiences or not. Should not surprise us that is then, point to meditate is not reciting strange mantras, repeated phrases positive, or sit in a rare way it uncomfortable waiting for the Chi Prana or positive energy to flood our being, nor is viewed or concentrate. According to the real academia de la lengua meditate is thought to apply with absolute attention to the consideration of one thing. This suggests that if we want to know what meditate we must examine with attention to thinking why, necessary to analyze what is attention and thought.

We are reminded, that being attentive is to observe, monitor, something that very few times we do and when we look at we do it in a way I am critical, look to people locking us in his personality, his appearance his way of dressing, but never look to ourselves. If observasemos ourselves we would see our mind always restless, in a coming and constant thoughts. This chatter is incessant and unnecessary, since thinking should use it only when needed, the same as the legs or hands, when one is sitting does not need legs to move, but mind you already are standing, sitting, lying, awake or sleeping, he is tirelessly working.

Alameda Marta Garcia

In this case must be taken into account that already not only it that the child learns a language, but that comes into contact with an education system other than in our country and continue their education in the country in question. Stay time is something that you must choose between parents and children. But if we do not have very clear and feel some misgivings at the idea that passes much time alone, it would be better try a summer with a course of a few weeks, and then think about the possibility to continue studies in another country for an entire year. Advantages and disadvantages to studying in another country is one of the most efficient ways of learning a language. The child will immerse completely in the language and will be able to dominate it much more quickly than if attends private classes for years. Your academic level can dramatically improve the educational quality of some countries is higher than in Spain and in most of them, the practical training is quantitatively higher regarding which can receive in our country.

For the child it will mean a chance to mature, learn to move around only and to meet people New from other nationalities. Your experiences will help you to open your mind to other cultures and allow you access to better jobs in the future. In negative side we have the problem that the child can sit alone or helpless. Live in a country that does not know without the safety cushion of having their parents on the side can be difficult at first, but over time it will adapt and will get used to this new way of life. Economic investment which entails study outside of Spain also tends to be a drawback for many families. But, the truth is that the price of the courses abroad can vary much according to various factors, and there are also a wide variety of scholarships. Alameda Marta Garcia. original author and source of the article


So far this year, estimates that work-related accidents have increased, compared with 2007, around 6%, taking the sad Palm of fatalities, accidents in the construction sector. The annual number of fatalities, victims of accidents at work, is truly chilling. However when we talk about occupational hazards, cannot only noting the narrow margin of accidents with fatal victim. A large family of occupational hazards, is making presence lately in an alarming manner: it is psychosocial risks, and thus each day it is more usual to meet someone with depression or stress caused by work, and new anglicisms such as Burnout or Mobbing, begin already part of our everyday language. Therefore, increasingly more companies, in addition to trying to reduce accidents, have among their objectives addressing these emerging risks.

It is difficult to find people, especially managers, who work under pressure can maintain an emotional self-control, and the wisdom to dedicate to each situation the attention, time and occupation that requires, or executives that while maintaining a strong level of demand at work, convey tranquility to the people who are responsible. On the contrary, is common to find heads that, before the slightest difficulty or adversity, overflowing emotionally, and transmit your stress to much, but to the entire organization. Nobody can escape him that having a happy and happy worker is, though speaking, much more profitable than having it discouraged or stressed, since in that way, it yields more and show more loyalty to the company, given that the large number of casualties who have stress as a source is known. As he gave recently announced the Institute of Labour Studies of evades, working under stress exponentially increases the likelihood of accidents at work and increases the risk of that, to be kept for a long time, resulting in mental illness. With respect to business productivity, stress can make it fall up in 30%, according to the same study.