Category: General

Fantasy In Our Lives

Of that serves us to think? We have asked ourselves many times. So maybe, for advance, since by thinking humanity has been able to develop all the advances that today we have. In our minds we rehearse what later will take you to the action. That saves us time and we can assess the possibilities and the different directions that can make our decisions. All the time we are working with our mind, imagining our future, our tomorrow.These imaginations lead us to the fantasy.

Use this fantasy to try and know how we feel in this or that situation. That is a very important aspect of fantasies, since they are able to wake up the same emotions that in the actual situation. And these emotions are those that we use to decide if a decision or not. The burden we feel or tranquility in accordance cases determines our decision. Fantasy leads us to go long ways that would be impossible in reality. The fantasy allows us to imagine other lives and have fun with them, and at the same time can teach us new things about ourselves. But this closeness between fantasy and reality has a dangerous component, because sometimes it can be confused with one another. We may use fantasy to deceive ourselves, to cover the reality, and see things not as they are, but how would we.

Above all, we do this in bitter situations for us. That you must be careful, since this fantasy can lead us to more bitterness if, when we go for a wrong direction and then and then too late to go back and fall into a great frustration. As I read in an article, many writers when they work on a story make it this way: they write first the principle and then immediately imagine the end. They say that it is then very easy to connect one with the other perhaps in our lives this is often necessary, because when we know what we want, when we carry out business, travel plans, love .what we see with a good finish with a good road is necessary to see it so, because but would do. Same one when she marries, thinks that it is forever, imagines a life with your future partner superfeliz, but no, you do not casarias, is unclear. This fantasy has a very important role in our lives, because it is what gives us enthusiasm and pushes us to continue. In our lives we must have early, reality. If we look at our reality distortion-free, we will have a good start and if we design an attainable fantasy, you will have a good ending, with what the connection of one and another easier us than we think.

Excuses Work

Do you have a dream or grand objective (that is, in principle, the same thing)? And what do you do to achieve it? To take some real steps, or find an excuse? Just answer truthfully. You can only deceive yourself. A you need it? If yes, then can not read. It will not help. You know, I do not understand people who set themselves the pre-barrier and give up, do not even begun, even without making a single attempt. But this is not enough, they and you are ready to drop his level. As long as you do not succeed.

No matter what you say or do, they will put pressure on you with their limitations, excuses, pessimism, and stuck up for failure. Some of them are doing it without a second thought. Just because they are accustomed to think and do not already do not know how different. But in doing so they bring confusion and doubts in your head light. You continue to want to continue listening to these people? Needless to say, and he often unconsciously begin to build speculation as to why any idea will not work or impossible. But I've learned to realize that I was starting to look for excuses for inaction, and suppress such thoughts in the bud. Listen to the words of people when they explain that they have something did not work or not work. They bring you a lot of arguments and explanations, which will expose guilty laws, the circumstances of other people.

Hershey Milk Chocolate

DeWitt Wallace, founder and publishing of Reader s Digest. He left the University the first year, then tried again and went out again. Frederick Henry Royce, designer auto, billionaire, co-founder of Rolls-Royce. He never finished College. George Eastman, multimillionaire inventor, founder of Kodak. He never finished College. Henry Ford, billionaire founder of Ford Motor Company.

He never attended the University. Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, one of the richest in the world, Dyslexic people. Isaac Merritt Singer, inventor of the machine of Cook, founder of Singer. He never finished College. Jack Crawford Taylor, founder of Enterprise Rent-a-Car. He left the University to become a pilot of war in World War II. Jay Van Andel, billionaire co-founder of Amway.

He never went to College. Jerry Yang, co-founder of Yahoo! Ran a program of PhD. John D. Rockefeller Sr., billionaire founder of Standard Oil. The only school is left 2 months before graduating. He later took some courses at a business school. Kemmons Wilson, multimillionaire, founder of Holiday Inn. He left the College. Kevin Rose, founder of He left University during his sophomore year. Michael Dell, billionaire founder of Dell Computers, which developed from his piece at the University. He never finished his university studies. Milton Hershey, founder of Hershey Milk Chocolate s. Education until 4th grade Basic. Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald s. He never finished College. Simon Cowell, producer of TV, music judge, American Idol, The X Factor and Britain s Got Talent. He never finished College. Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, billionaire. He never finished his university studies. Thomas Edison, inventor of the ampule, phonograph, and much more. Branded by his teachers as a fool and educated by her mother at home. Tom Anderson, co-founder and friend on MySpace. He never finished College. Walt Disney, founder of the Walt Disney Company. He left school at age 16. (Source:) We live in the was of computing.

Passionate Student

He had just turned 101 years. Hilario Fernandez had been one of the best criminologists and spies of the Francoist Spain and nazi Germany. Had also worked for the Austrian spy and how not!, for the American C.I.A. so overestimated. Thus considered it that old strong as an oak and ready like a Fox: the C.I.A. was small for him was delayed. The last journalist who had dared to ask for an interview to ask about why you bothered both people to be late to an appointment with him, and if this had to do with some kind of repentance in his life this replied: If someone believes that being late to an appointment is an act of God or an act randomly and that does not carry any responsibility or discipline some is thatYou must devote himself to journalism in the liver.

Does that mean exactly?-replied the reporter. It means that for you the answers are overrated and don’t mean shit. Your questions are that created problems. You don’t want to understand; just want to get lost in your empty nonsense. Please get the hell of my house!. He knew the human mind and its mechanisms and therefore decided to stop and feel human life. They had spent more than 15 minutes from the feeling of waiting, and the knob of the door began to sound strongly.

The grandfather not hurried to open since it was ending COMAR a Tangerine. The boy continued to insist until he understood something: he had arrived late, and therefore had no excuse. Grandpa closed his eyes and allowed sunlight flooded his whole being while it is stretched in the hammock in the back yard of his Italian villa. A young man’s voice interrupted his first NAP of the day. Mr. Fernandez? approached shyly and quietly the young journalist. Yes? – replied the elder opening only one eye and looking directly at the boy in the face.

Better Student

To be a good student at school will be studying and not to lose the year nor to waste time. To University you will acquire the necessary knowledge to successfully perform a profession, prepare the generational and let firm bases for the construction of a country better in the development of their social, economic and human relations and renewed in its essence. While we are in the classroom, good performance is an obligation. Being a student is synonymous with continued effort, permanent dedication and anxieties related to a theme inherent in the training programmes. Continuous evaluation and the need to show good results to move forward in the progressive scale of the academic plan in which you are registered.

Let’s look at some aspects that are going to be useful in the event that, as it is obvious, you want to obtain very good results in your academic life, understanding these results not only as good grades but with the useful learning for life and work and the early and successful inclusion in the labour market. Let’s see then: must have clarity as to the vocation, what makes us vibrate and excites us, because in the chosen profession we will spend most of the day every day of our lives. Choosing correctly is an initial and essential step to ensure good results since it was proven that we better do what we like, such as happens to children, who are happy for example, in the game to the point that sometimes prefer it over something that I like them, such as eating or drinking your favorite drink. If you have not yet chosen your future profession, keep in mind something that you like and allow you to grow as a person and as a professional. If you are already embarked on something that you feel that it is not yours, it is better that you go falling or think with seriousness in pursuing an alternate career in which you can make you fully.

Happy Students Unhappy Universities

Law students, through the Association of people affected by the law on access to advocacy and procurement (ANALAP), succeeded in that past on July 7 the BOE ratified a policy change. With it, students and recent graduates in law are no longer obliged to make a mandatory master with practices and a review to exercise like all lawyers Online. Also, they may colegiar in two years. To achieve this ANALAP plotted out a broad strategy that Member several months. It began with mobilizations peaceful on the streets of many cities and complaints through social networks. Later emails were sent to the media that diesen outreach initiatives. Finally met with representatives of the various political parties and contacted the Ministry of Justice to expose their discontent. The past May 29, PP, with support from other parliamentary groups, submitted a transactional amendment.

The 31st was ratified when Commission of Justice Congress approved the Bill of mediation in civil and commercial matters that included the third final provision, with the changes proposed in the law 34/2006. The process culminates after passing by the Senate and be approved in the Official Gazette. As a result of these modifications, many universities have shown their discontent because they had invested many resources so that the masters were in operation in the next academic year 12/13. Investment that, with the policy change, hardly going to recover because many of the students who had been forced to register are not going to do.

Best Builtin Google

In 2007 Google hired Ed Lu, a former NASA astronaut. ED is Ph.d. in Astrophysics at Stanford University and spent 6 months on the ISS after the Columbia disaster. Currently, this worker engineer Chief and former astronaut has conducted numerous projects with Google, collaborations in applications such as Google Earth or Google Sky and tools like the PowerMeter, a service that analyzes information from the consumption meters to save energy. Joshua Schachter is the creator of one of the most important pages of the past years, Delicious. This man joined Google after the acquisition of the popular social bookmarking by Yahoo! service After recent events and the going in recent years Joshua decided to join the great G. Google has contributed all his knowledge and experience helping to devise new tools.

The expert in Artificial Intelligence, Ray Kurzweil who argued at the time that a few decades there will be conscious machines, also joined to Google. Considered by many to everything a technological guru joined to help and develop the long-awaited universal translator. This miracle of technology is known for its daring technological forecasts as of download the brain of an individual in a computer system. You were hired to the browser Firefox, Ben Goodger, Chief Engineer would contribute their knowledge to the creation of the Google Chrome browser. Firefox is a free browser that has gained adherents by their special characteristics and that receives less hacker attacks. Google also hired numerous engineers of the Internet Explorer browser to compete against him.

Shirley Tilghman, teacher of biology molecular and former Walt Disney policy also joined Google as part of its Board of Directors. This woman is part of numerous associations of great importance such as the Royal Academy of science or the Institute of Medicina.Su experience as lecturer and researcher has been vitally important to Google. In the Today, one of the most dreamed and weird additions has been that of Seth MacFarlane, creator of the series of drawings parent and American Dad. This cartoonist has signed an alliance with Google to perform small episodes of a series that can only be viewed through adsense. The name of the series in question will be Seth MacFarlanes Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy and a revolution for adsense users. In addition to these great additions, Google has managed to catch great talents as Kai-Fu Lee, formerly of Microsoft, Louis Monier, a former eBay and Vinton Cerf, one of the fathers of the internet.


If you have ordered the money to pay for your education, you want to avoid getting in the absence of the student loan if at all possible. Skip to student loans create estrago with your credit account, and carried a bad financial situation for a long time. There is help for those with defects in the student loan. How can I exit my default student loan, you can ask. The rest assured there are legal ways to get out of student loan default help click to clean your credit, is called grati is a student skipped loans default student loan are any federal loan of education that is not restored according to the schedule of payment on the promissory note. The loan can enter default after several missed payments. Two loans, the FFEL and direct loan program, have a specific number of days that qualify as default. For these loans, the defect occurs when 270 days progress without a loan payment.

Having a loan in default is a serious black white spot on your credit account, and is something to take seriously. There are severe consequences to this problem credit report free, even with ignored private student loans. Failed payments go in the history of the student credit for many years, and are often the first article in the history of credit. This makes it difficult for the student is approved for another credit in the future, for example a mortgage or a car loan. The IRS may withhold income tax refunds until restoration of the loan. A student who has the default student loan can even make their wages decorate until the loan is out of default.The llamadasde telephone harassment of the agencies of collections and other problems are still a loan skipped, making it important that students avoid default wherever possible. Possible causes of defects many students end up in default of a student loan due to the poor financial planning. They borrowed more for their education so they can reinstate realistic.

When you add to this other debt, such as a car payment or a mortgage, many college students again graduates are setting themselves up for future financial disaster. Another possible reason for the student loan default occurs after the money you have borrowed. Sometimes, the University’s graduates have trouble that found employment once they graduate. This can be to ignore private student loan problems, and creates difficulty to the student. This cannot be avoided, provided the student has been actively looking for employment. Student loan default stats seem to indicate one growing problem with those with debt that cannot find employment. This is why clean my credit which have been created the legal ways out of the student loan default.

The Professor

The compromised professionals of the education in fact must fight so that new curricular orientaes appear, where the multiculturalismo are present. Valley to stand out that, the professors need a differentiated teaching formation stop of this form, to place in fact in practical its ability multicultural where it circulates the different cultures freely. 2 – The IMPORTANCE OF the INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP IN SUPERIOR EDUCATION Many professors of didactics of superior education speak in classroom in ' ' Sinergia' ' , and, so that this is possible to happen, it has the necessity of possible more productive interaction with the purpose to reach common objectives, where all involved ones are more than a simple addition of the parts. Constructing and desconstruindo, we have a permanent task that it is to learn, not only to teach ahead of the changes that occur in the current society. To give attention in the other, in its to know, difficulties, requires to know and to recognize the necessities where let us can change necessary subsidies to the performance.

Being thus, the interpersonal relation in superior education as goes if narrowing it grows on two sensible ones: practical and the theoretician (prxis), conceiving the confidence, the respect between team favoring the constitution as people. ' ' In this direction, the good professor is what obtains, while it speaks, to bring the pupil until the privacy of the movement of its thought. Its lesson is thus a challenge and not one ' ' cantiga of ninar' '. Its pupils tire, do not sleep. They tire because they follow gone and the comings of its thought, surprise its pauses, its doubts, its incertezas' '.

(FREIRE, 2010, P. 86). Through the considered dialogue one of the positions multicultural important so that if it obtains to promote discovered, democracy, autonomy and respect, we also identify that this depends very on the interpersonal relation annexed to the context of the interaction and shelter to the different referenciais, that the professor is opened to value these questions and to promote of this form the knowledge.

American School

Procedure of bonds: The relation family-school in the participation of the parents in the house duties. The great objective must of it of house is to extend the learning in amount, for the extra-pertaining to school space, being an occupation adjusted for the students in house and also an important process teach-learning. Traditionally the house duty was seen as an education strategy, only for setting, revision, reinforcement and preparation for the lessons and tests, in the form of readings and exercises. This strategy affects the life of the students is of the school and its familiar routine, therefore it assumes the connection between activities of house and classroom, and a domestic structure adjusted supporting the pertaining to school activities. In the psychological aspects and moral he has been justified for the importance, autonomy and responsibility of the student. It has been a strategy to improve the pertaining to school exploitation. Some authors until say that the house duty is main half of interaction the family-school. The official lines of direction to start to see the interlacement between family and school as being importantssimas, being the eighth goal of the national education, that preserves the participation of the parents in the social development, emotional and academic of the children. On the other hand, the house duty passes to be seen as violence symbolic, because difficulties exist to adhere this method in some families, they are they them relations of classroom, race-etnia, sort and age, free time, without money to also pay reinforcement lessons and because the parents do not possess academic culture and brought up to date knowledge thus to transmit for its children. International the comparative studies strengthened the perception of the importance of the familiar environment and the practical ones of having of house: the Japanese, Chinese and taiwaneses students had better performance in standardized tests and made more duty of house of what the American students.