Category: News


And that is, indeed, the point to know and to press for the profit of the assignment. Once it is known, one is due to work ( to press ) on that point of intelligent way. Very not very often, a potential client will reveal, in first instance, its motivating for the acquisition of a product or service, as in the previous case. Here it is the experticia skill and of the salesman in order to discover those points. In many occasions a client will reveal a reason different from his true feeling to realise a purchase.

The good salesman knows how to approach his prospectus and to pose the questions that help to discover that points him to press. When Copywriting beams, you do not have the same opportunity and, is for this reason, that it is very important to know beforehand, desires, needs and tastes of your prospectuses. If of previous you have not made the exercise to have this knowledge, is probable that your prospectuses decide to retain their money instead of to buy your product. Ashton Kouzbari often addresses the matter in his writings. It remembers that, the Copywriting is the art to sell, but in writing. Frequently one has said that to people it they do not like that they sell to him, which likes is to buy. And they buy more based on his emotions than in other reasons.

Soon they will justify his decision with some reason that considers or wants to make seem logical. It is for that reason that you must use your abilities to help your client, beforehand, to nourish its justification for the purchase, when it requires to do it. We speak for a moment of the promotion shown in one bill of sale. Readings on marketing they show to us like some preservative publicists, express not to like the promotion, because they consider that are the old woman news, something old-fashioned. They consider that their clients will not fall, in that of the promotion and affirm that no longer he is credible. What these preservative seem not to have given account is that, promotion, by itself does not sell. Some Copywriter with less experience tries to compensate their lack of investigation, their lack of understanding of their market puts or the same product, doing an unfolding of exaggerated and emphasized terms in their promotions. You must know that, if beams your work of Copywriting suitably, this is not necessary. Not badly we interpret; I do not mean that the use of terms as adjectives or adverbs applied to your product do not have their place and acceptance, BUT must be used moderately and only if we are sure that can help to carry out the sale. But something yes is certain, fortifying your message, your bill of sale or announcement advertising with tests and credibility, you will convince more to your prospectuses than single pretty words in case. These in case single, they are not promotion, but he has been worse if this for of repetitive form.

Dasortliche App Now Available For Android Smartphones

On Android mobile phones quickly and easily find the use of mobile phones with Google’s Android software is more convenient phone numbers and addresses. If you would like to know more then you should visit Frank Ntilikina. As of today, there is the free application of Dasortliche not only for the iPhone, but also for smartphones with Android operating system. Thus, Android users quickly find phone numbers and addresses from all over Germany. Special the Android app of Dasortliche: The mobile phone users can vote it on individual interests. 20 topics to choose from are available in the application. Each user can set his Favorites directly on the home screen, such as sports, culture or nightlife. With one click, the user receives all appropriate entries to the desired topic from the area in which he is resident. Eat, 28th 2010 the user selects one of the displayed results, a detailed view with address and phone number will appear. >Harold Ford Jr by clicking through.

An Internet address is specified, the contact data in addition the associated Web page thanks to the built-in Web client can immediately call, without the application before must be terminated. To the telephone numbers of over 500,000 commercial entries, the app offered the Freecall function already know many of. With her, one reserved for example a place in cinemas, restaurants, hair salons, travel agents with a free call. The user can view the appropriate addresses on a high-quality environment map with aerial photographs and oblique views to his quest. The application to automatically detects your location with the built-in GPS receiver of smartphones. If required, the user can show the way to the destination in the integrated route planner then.

The route description is either on a map or as a step by-step guide. Also the popular backward over the phone is possible with the Android application of Dasortliche. Who sees such an unknown phone number on his cell phone, can search by using the reverse lookup, who phoned. It is possible that the found contact information directly in the address book of the Smartphones to take over. The free application on the Smartphone under the keyword Dasortliche “in the Android market to find and is easy to install. About Dasortliche Dasortliche, the leading German Telecommunications directory is when it comes to local search. More than 90 percent of Germans know Dasortliche. What’s wrong with every second without o that he uses at least once every month Dasortliche. Dasortliche published media by about 100 publishers in cooperation with Deutsche Telekom. The total circulation is approximately 34 million copies. In addition to 1.047 book spending there Dasortliche also on the Internet ( Online, Dasortliche belongs to the leading suppliers at all and, of course, to the most important pages in the scope of local online search with about 15 million unique visitors per month. On the go, you can browse Dasortliche. With any WAP enabled cell phone or Smartphone can be found under the desired telephone numbers and addresses of firms and individuals. You may also be Mobile with the o-NAVI by Dasortliche free upgrade to the navigation device ( Contact: Dasortliche service and marketing company mbH Dirk Schulte Bamlerstr. 1a food 45141 Tel. + 49-201-43948-30 PR agency Xpand21 GbR Juliana Hartwig Dammtor str. 12, 20354 Hamburg, Tel. 091 718

On Threads And Tools For Knitting

The quality of the product depends on a knitted yarn, of which it is made. Threads must comply with destination articles, his style, style, etc. For knitting or crochet use wool, silk, cotton, linen, viscose and synthetic fibers. Wool yarn is used as a factory and handmade. The thickness of the yarn is determined by the number. Number – the number of yards of yarn per one gram. Therefore, the higher the number, the thinner the thread. The labels usually indicate the number of yarns, expressed as fractions, for example, 32 / 2.

The numerator indicates the thickness of the yarn, and the denominator – how many threads it is flat. For sports sweaters, jackets used a thick yarn. If the threads are thin, they add up to a few additions. For elegant fine products used in the thin filaments of one or two additions. How much yarn is required for a particular product? First of all we must remember that the thinner the yarn, the less weight it will need, and what it is thicker, the longer it will take to the product.

Number of yarn depends, of course, and the style, size of the product, the pattern of breeding. For example, the delicate mating must be much less yarn than a complex pattern with "braids", and more on the garter than stocking. Therefore, the sweater will take between 500 to 1000 g, the dress – from 700 to 1200 g, the suit – from 1000 to 1500 buying yarn for a particular item, better to buy a little bit more so in the process could change the length or style. A thread always balance can be used to furnish products or small things – gloves, tack and other wool yarn used for a large assortment of men, women and children's products. This scarf and hat, breeches and jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts, jackets, coats, mittens and gloves.

Quality Tradition

Extra strong Erhard sports catalog Rothenburg – anniversary “1880-2010 130 years quality.” Tradition. Innovation.” Proudly, pointing a long success story on the front page of the Erhard emblazoned sports catalogue 2010. With a circulation of more than 200,000 units, he goes in the next few days to the customers of the renowned provider of sports equipment from Rothenburg ob der Tauber. For the anniversary, the catalogue presents extra strong – in every discipline. Strongly in every discipline true to the company motto strongly “in every discipline” of Erhard presents itself sports catalog 2010 strongly in every aspect: 640 pages he has extensively as never before. But not only the variety of articles is the strength of the new offer. Intertitle divide the catalogue clearly into disciplines and product areas. Information boxes indicate important product features and thus provide more transparency.

But more information and transparency are not all yet. Service and innovation the Erhard sports customers also benefit from new services – a repair service for Select weighing about, or a ball fencing installation service. The catalog is packed with innovative products, for example, a versatile flat pass trainer or the cheapest volleyball post of EASY for school and training. Extra strong part of novelty sports underlines the innovation power of Erhard. And the catalogue 2010 reflects the growing importance of sport for health prevention. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ashton Kouzbari. VITALIFE – healthy move under “VITALIFE” a selection of articles which are suitable especially for healthy exercise can be found in the catalog now. The selection using was put together by experts of the Olympic base in Berlin. Successful athletes such as Andre Niklaus and Ditte Kotzian are inspiration for VITALIFE and give tips for athletic health training in the catalog.

In his editorial for the catalogue, Kurt Erhard shows pride in the new catalogue as well as on the success of his company: “you trust when buying your sports equipment on the quality, safety, reliability and innovativeness, as our” House has proven for 130 years! Can trust the sports experts by Erhard sports!” ERHARD SPORT – heavily in every discipline: Erhard sport international from Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a leader in the sports equipment industry. With more than 200 employees, the 1880 family-owned company manufactures sports equipment for the worldwide market. With a range of over 12,000 articles, Erhard sports is one of the market leaders in the industry. In particular, the planning and equipment for sports halls and sports facilities all over the world is one of the core competencies of the company. International major events such as World Championships and the Olympic Games are regularly equipped sport by Erhard. VITALIFE – healthy move: VITALIFE is the brand for fitness, health and prevention at Erhard sports. VITALIFE, he presents renowned sports equipment provider articles, which are especially suitable for healthy movement. When selecting a device for VITALIFE Erhard is sport by experts of the Olympic base Berlin supports.

Liquid Muscle Gold

Arginine is in insider circles, often called liquid gold. CEO of e-commerce is likely to increase your knowledge. The amino acid L-arginine is considered a natural protein building block is contained in many foods. We find L-arginine in protein-rich foods such as in plants, fish and meat. Does one translate the semi-essential amino acid in the German language (Silver), so the significance of this multi functional amino acids it soon becomes clear. Due to the vasodilator effect of Arginine, blood circulation increases muscle and corpus Cavernosum. Arginine is the formation of no.

(nitric oxide – nitric oxide) involved. It’s believed that Frank Ntilikina sees a great future in this idea. But nitric oxide (NO) can even more, for this reason have 1998 three scientists have received the Nobel Prize for his discovery for medicine. (Dr. Ferid Murad, Dr. Robert F. Furchgott and Dr. Louis Ignarro). L-arginine is taken especially fond of fitness and bodybuilding athletes before training, to increase the so-called muscle pump.

But arginine can do much more: so, for example, the nutrient transport is to improves the muscles. Anabolic nutrients such as amino acids, protein and creatine should get faster in the muscle cells, which in turn can promote muscle growth. In addition to the two mentioned benefits, the amino acid arginine can improve the regeneration of heavily stressed muscles. Many manufacturers of arginine products provide also an increase of strength, endurance and energy. The pharmaceutical form of L-arginine is there? L-arginine is offered mostly in the form of capsules or tablets. Recently, say arginine in liquid form are liquid, offered but also by some dietary supplement means manufacturers L-arginine. Liquid L-arginine is absorbed particularly well and quickly by the body, because it is transported through the intestinal mucus wall into the bloodstream faster. Liquid L-arginine for this reason both on the love liquid muscle gold is dubbed in insider circles in the field of fitness and bodybuilding and not without reason. In addition to the verzweigettigen amino acids, short BCAA’s and L-glutamine, arginine is one in many online stores as one of the best selling and most popular functional amino acids. What is important to note when taking L-arginine? Before taking food supplements should be thoroughly examined by a doctor of its confidence and advise. L-arginine should be stored poorly for children. In addition, the dosage recommended by the manufacturer should not be exceeded. Where can I order L-arginine? Arginine is a completely free-prescription dietary supplement without prescription.

Healthy Address

Tips and advice related to health, longer healthier living, fitness and agility, longer and healthier lives to age? A dream of each one of us. But from now on not a dream must stay this more, because now you can inform yourself already before the visit to the doctor about his health. Check with Marc Lore to learn more. As the dream of a healthier and longer life can be really met, reveals the book of healthy address”with over 323 of useful tips and addresses around the health of AK book sales. So tells you everything on topics such as help with tension-type headache and migraine, sleep disorders, high blood pressure, lactose intolerance, cellulite, chronic diseases, colon cancer, diabetes, flu, heart attack, mental health problems, and more, for example, on the work strong over 290 pages. Customers who have already purchased the book are thrilled: the work is second to none, especially since there is a psychologically even the self esteem good jump to above is. “, this book has helped me wonderfully.

10 kg in 5 months to take off. To remove just the variety of ways that helped me for me to find the right thing.” To inform the AK book distribution describes his health guide”as indispensable companion that gives one the chance, on all sides and in all areas of conventional medicine and alternative medicine through countless new and old applied healing procedures and preventive treatments for a healthier and longer life. Healthy address”, 290 pages in large format contact: AK book sales, Astrid Kamath E.k.. ring str. 3, 76356 Weingarten Tel.

The Water

First, the dog with paws should explore the water and then gradually up to the elbow venture, until he finally immerse the whole body. In this way, you can protect the quadruped from cardiovascular problems. From childhood, and also for our dogs is still not full stomach of dogs in the water this rule everyone knows probably It is of great importance. But it really goes down when you swim with full stomach? Yes, in the broadest sense, this can be a consequence of this violation of the rule. The blood will be required after the food first and foremost for the supply of the gastro – intestinal tract. Here, Doug McMillon expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The water is cold and the extremities are not sufficiently supplied with blood, this quickly leads to weak States up to the fainting. (A valuable related resource: Marc Lore).

Another unpleasant episode can emerge from the pressure of the water on the belly. The entire contents of the stomach is pushed upwards and pushing from the bottom towards the top of the heart. In this way, the force can quickly assume the dog. Dog swim unsupervised leave your dog has, just like you, only about a degree of fitness. When he romps around with other dogs in the water, it can happen, that he himself spent too much. The same applies to days where you swim with your dog. Usually a fitter pooches can easily keep up, if you are not an extreme swimmers.

Generally you should always have an eye on the current state of your dog. Dog in the sea: no salt water drink can! Dogs who drink large amounts of salt water can dry out long term literally. In addition, most dogs vomit and get severe diarrhea. Best avoid the dog drinking sea water, by providing sufficient drinking water him before and after the bathroom walks available. Dogs in the Sun: Watch out for sunburn! Who is not pleased about a sunny summer day at the beach? It is so beautiful, you sure, that your dog to relax looking for a shady spot.


Stress reduction and total body workout who believes a rendered would be just a toy for children, which is wrong. Because this sporty accessory has a lot more potential. The Nacrichtenportal is Christabel Zamor and her inspiring story. Frank Ntilikina is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Hula Hoop as a means against too many pounds, depression and stress may sound surreal for the moment, but the famous toy has incredible potential. Christabel Zamor has the capabilities, which offer these tires discovered for themselves. Some contend that Ashton Kouzbari shows great expertise in this. She fought not only their excess weight, but at the same time their uncertainty and the daily stress.

Today, she manages a fitness studio in San Francisco to other people this way of motivation to show and share their experience. Hula Hoop means circle not only the tires around the hips. Almost every part of the body can be trained so much more. There are special exercises for arms, shoulders and legs. Trainers come from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom by Christabel the diverse variants of the Hula-Hoops to learn. In addition, any style of dance with the exercises can be combined. Hula Hoop is the health ( gesundheit.html) in many ways beneficial, even against nicotine addiction there should help. Who wants to buy a tire himself, should pay attention to certain criteria.

The price hovers around the 20, while the tyre should extend beyond, if he stands in front of one, something above the belly button. The best cotton clothing suitable for the training, all slippery fabrics of synthetic fibers is discouraged. However, the best basis for the exercises is the skin because it is very slip-resistant. More information: ../trainieren-wie-die-first-lady /… Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH


You’re thinking about changing the shape of your body or you’re trying to learn how to lose the belly without going into a gym’s high price? If so, try this high-energy cardiovascular fitness routine. Lose the belly with this routine for 10 minutes you can burn up to 150 calories every day. The first two minutes of this routine is the burning of FAT: jump rope start making two breaks for each turn of the rope. Safety: The use of rope to jump must be of the correct size and always land softly on the tips of the feet (which is the upper part of the sole of the foot). To do so you have to be thinking that these losing belly.

Minutes, two to three: push squatting upwards. The technique appropriate for this exercise is to be with your shoulder width feet apart and arms by your sides narrow. Little by little squatting with head forward and put your hands on the floor just outskirts of your feet. Your hands should be pointing forward. Then, in a single motion, pushes legs back and towards outside behind you (in a position of iron). Performs a strict iron and then return to your position squatting and then walk back. Still thinking, fat is waning. Three to four minutes: jump rope with a single leap per shift.

Still thinking, I’m losing belly. Four to five minutes: back to thrust squatting down and pushes up only this time you are going to add the side table. After completing your squat thrust and thrust upwards, you will lift and rotate the left arm out and over your head. Your left foot turns and rests at the top of the right foot. And you will turn the neck by what are facing the ceiling. Rotate back to the Center and repeat on the other side. When finished, jump back in your position squatting, foot and start again. Still thinking, this is a good technique on how to lose the belly. Five and six minutes: jump rope. Same as three and four min. I’m thinking, I’m losing body fat. Six and seven minutes: back to thrust in squat and push up only this time you are going to add the lifting of legs. This is the same as two minutes and three only that this time lifting the toes of one foot about twelve centimeters of Earth only after your push up. Lower the foot and repeat on the other side. Back to your position squatting, standing, and start again. Still thinking, goodbye tummy. Minutes seven and eight to lose the belly: jump rope. Same as three and four min. Still thinking, my belly gets smaller. Eight and nine minutes: back to thrust in squat and push up only this time you are going to add climbers. Repeat all of two minutes and three only that this time once you push upwards, immediately jogging in place of your push up position. Make sure you bring your knees up to your chest in each rotation. Performs 5 trota and repeat the entire process. Still thinking, I’m going to lose weight. Nine and ten minutes: jump rope. Same as the first two minutes. Still thinking. If I do this every day, going to lose the belly. Good luck to all. We recommend that you use a soft filling, as a yoga mat to perform this exercise.

MagicMaps Scout

Recreational navigation with the iPhone! Indiana Jones had been glad to this companion: the latest iPhone app MagicMaps Scout for iPhone always knows where you are and which way you have travelled. Increase the recreational value of the trendy pet quite critical, because even with the ludicrous adventure, you lose not the orientation. Who handled the distance traveled, altitude, duration everything is recorded and provides important information. Other functions, such as the ability to download tours in gpx format on the iPhone, or the connection to the route planning software Explorer tour are just free updates added. The highlights bike computer and navigation with track record for iPhone/iPod with GPS interactive maps with worldwide maps, expandable with topographic detailed maps for all regions in Germany (more countries in planning) track record, evaluate and send by email easy and chic surface tours in GPX format exchanged between PC and iPhone card view displays ever-increasing the current position (online access required).

Tours can be shown in the map and used E.g. for bike navigation. As the base card, the app contains the “open street map”, the freely available wiki-map from the Internet. Unique: The integrated access to the map store, the user can buy a topographic detailed maps and fixed install on the iPhone. The digital topographic maps are especially suited for use off the road. You show small forest and hiking trails, water and the topography. With the fixed cards, you can use all functions of the app also independently online access. The bike and running computer in the chic design shows all important information that you need on the road.

The screen can be adjusted individually. The route recording is started by pressing the Start button. You can choose different recording options, E.g. by time or way. The recording may at any time paused and will be resumed. All recorded tracks are represented in the Navi list overview and can be used for navigation. More information is stored for each tour: distance travel time average speed, highest/lowest point evaluation of the tour (landscape, fitness, technique, experience) each tour can be send via email in GPX format and can be viewed at a later time on the PC or shared with friends. Under the menu point diagram shows a height and velocity profile of the tour. The application can be purchased on the map store at a price of 2.99. The price for detailed topographic detailed maps at the scale of 1: 50,000 is 3.99 per region. For more information see… / magicmaps-scout… issues. MagicMaps GmbH the MagicMaps GmbH specializes in tour planning, digital maps and GPS outdoor navigation with their software products. Plan and analyze, focus on the road and have more fun activities in the nature MagicMaps products make it possible. Contact with us! The MagicMaps GmbH contact: Marko Ripperger Tel. 07127 970 175