Funded with resources managed through the agreement with the service of Health Region Coquimbo, the $7 million investment allowed the purchase of two dental chairs for the BBS of the rollers and high cinnamon. Should be noted that during the current administration are provided with this equipment to Huentelauquen South and the module dental specified for the attention of students of the commune in Canela Baja. The Chair installed on the rollers will provide all the necessary attention, mainly to priority groups such as: dental emergencies, adults over 60, children of 6 and 12 years, along with pregnant women. Attention to the rest of the population will be given later. Carolina Vallejo, Ces cinnamon dentistry emphasizes the improvement which means this type of efforts in the public health service: for me is a pleasure and personal satisfaction because when you go to a round, does not mean to be transported with all the equipment as a nomad, here already it will be everything installed, then one will provide the best services available. One is actually going to deliver a quality service, perhaps before the same was done, but now having all implements that should exist in all the BBS will be something that will be rewarding for people and for me too because I am going to give my best. The paramedical sector, Carmen Araya expresses his joy: happy because it is an advancement for the community and also to improve the equipment of health care because if they have better implementation work can be better. Cinnamon health team prepares for first consideration in the curlers scheduled for Wednesday June 6 during the medical round. In the case of high cinnamon, the Chair will be the second week of July community.
Category: News
As Heard On Auctions Of Tickets
The company aeronautics in Mexico has had many problems lately, not to mention strong competition that is currently on the market, each airline intends to offer more and better and with that every time users with better services and opportunities to travel saving money. Still, many of us don’t know all the options that we have when it comes to travel, that is why today I will tell about auctions of tickets. One of most new options to save money when travelling are auctions of tickets has been doing a very famous Mexican airline, it can obtain airline tickets to any destination specific at a price you choose. The only thing you have to do is become a fan page on Facebook for the airline and be aware of auctions, when make you can enter and go offering money pro your ticket, the ticket prices are very low because you’re deciding how much offer within a certain time, at the end of the auction the airline will notify who is the winner and who is the person that will save a certain amount of money pro an airplane ticket with that. Original author and source of the article
The Settlement
But one thing with the obvious not the inhabitants of these settlements and other perceived from observer of the rarefied Metropolitan habitat. The inhabitants of these settlements enjoyed implicitly what was lost in the big cities: the quality of life. In addition to quality of life, available in these settlements, idle capacity, to receive the settlement of new families gradually, to not impair the quality of life. That idle capacity, increasing potential to the extent that apply or intensify existing programmes of training, assistance or encouragement of the domestic economy, of which a good example is the program’s community gardens that has been developing since 1990 the national agricultural technology Institute, which is not more than a updated version of similar programs that already applied in the Argentinapromoted by the Ministry of agriculture through its agricultural Almanac and then doing, using the radio medium in the middle of the Decade of the forty. As it is colegira without much effort, deconcentrate demographically, it behaves changes in patterns of production and consumption of the families. At Marc Lore you will find additional information. And this is vehiculiza through the joint action of the schools, media, municipalities and entities of good.
That action joint, is not something to do, but a phenomenon that forms part of the everyday life of these populations that we are talking about. And is not exclusive to them because they occur also in the Metropolitan suburbs or even in the slums of them, albeit with the limitations of the problematic of the megalopolis itself. As here we are describing a profile, it varies in specific cases, with the addition or subtraction of some of the components above. In these populations, unless they are in areas of border, the only permanent presence of national public authorities is the mail, this above all after the privatisation of public services. Community synergy that occurs has the leading role, as mentioned previously, the municipality, primary and even secondary schools and institutions of public good.
Tanzania Process
It’s a project of engineers without borders, which expect to introduce this technique next year in Tanzania. In addition to coal, the process produces biogas. Students of the Technical University of Berlin have developed a process to produce biological carbon from human feces, it announced Monday the Organization engineers without borders. This technique will be put into practice between July and September in a greenhouse in Berlin and if successful will be introduced year coming in Tanzania, said Volker Eiselein, spokesman for the organization. Coal serves as fertiliser for crops and because of its porous properties is suitable as water tank and to protect from erosion, said. Thanks to this new technique, feces may be purified of hygienically and charred at high temperatures. Parallel to the process of carbonization occurs biogas plant also designed by students. The remaining substrates will be mixed with purified droppings to be processed, explained Eiselein, who pointed out that the heat needed for this process will be extracted from the biogas plant. Office in Berlin of engineers without borders, which since 2006 focuses his work on the Tanzanian’s Kaguera region, has carried out several projects of water and energy in collaboration with the Organization Mavuno Project. Source of the news: students in Berlin created biological carbon from human excreta
Zara Zara
On line, prestigious shop’s virtual clothes Zara Zara online is one of the most fascinating experiences that may be taken to make their purchases of clothing via the Internet, because it is a place that easily finds necessary. There aren’t many stores that showcase several articles in a simple and organized way. Sam Mikulak wanted to know more. Experiencing Zara is like being in the middle of the boutique, physically speaking, because there is no need to be in front of the shop window, the counter or you have someone who can assist you. In addition, with the payment facilities that are currently used in the virtual world, is easier still access this opportunity. All the main models of clothes can be observed without problem in the Zara platform. The different catalogues and references in shirts, blouses, pants, skirts, accessories and other combine in a very hierarchical way, as if every woman who feeds is unique. It is that this is what they don’t take into account many clothing stores! They think in a single class! Therefore, the combination and presentation of Zara on the web is the most innovative, so the feeling of finding the answer to measure can be to make a request or perform a search. Or better said, be assured that a lady shall be dealt with according to their requirements and for that reason also the additional information is still important.
You can see a very good pricing, opportunities and offers relationship with ease. All the questions that occur to someone to do may consult with service provided on the website, hotline which facilitates and therefore makes more happy clients. Fortunately, we must not look far on how to pay, since Zara online offers many opportunities for payment via virtual. The merit of this store is on the franc rise, improving every day the opportunity to provide better service within the extensive network of competitors that exist in the market. Likewise denoted the immense detail that has been given to this e-mail address. In what sense? In that it is possible to note the elegance from the beginning, so it also the visual field of this proposal is one of the most admirable and also relatives in what refers to the electronic shopping. There are no quirky details; everything fits to a comprehensive budget that love. Definitely the experience shopping in Zara online is one of the most important today.
If you are a woman who likes to be well attended and that, as almost all of them, like promotions, because it is time that you suits their dreams offering to this page. Do not worry about schedules: these shops are always open; nor by agglomerations because you will see everything easily from one place. Nor has to think on how desperate must be your partner because you have to wait for it. The answer is a very simple: Zara online.
Olympic Winter Games
Perhaps everyone who is not familiar with the word "snowboard" wants to learn this art. Still, after a snowboard – it's just unspeakable, unbelievable feeling, giving a huge burst of energy and vitality! Snowboard – it memorable ride in the parks and hi-pipe, designed specifically to meet the beautiful, fantastic jumps and spectacular stunts! Snowboard – it is the oldest winter sport, which includes high-speed descents with snowy slopes and mountains on board a special plane, in order of reliability and ease of riding supplemented with attachments for the feet and the metal edging along the edges of the deck intended for Motion by special techniques – . As with skiing, snowboarding is very popular throughout the world. Some contend that Sam Mikulak shows great expertise in this. According to official data, the current number of fond snowboard people is more than 5 million addition, snowboard annually included in the program of the Olympic Winter Games, each time attracting large crowds of enthusiastic fans. Those who at least once tasted amazing, riding on the board, certainly discovered an unforgettable experience.
After all, snowboarding – a sea of positive emotions, spirits, headwind, exciting fragrance of winter snow a nice, soft sound of flying! Active participation in snowboarding forms will and character, strengthens the body and develops the spirit. It is courage, strength, agility and other wonderful qualities of a real man! For most people who have experienced similar sensations, snowboarding has become a lifestyle. Many are eagerly awaiting the onset of winter in order to get back on the slopes, visit the snowboard park or half-pipe, enjoy the winter slopes and receive much-needed adrenaline. Others prefer to snowboard just as useful a weekend. But no one ever regretted his affection. It is worth noting that unforgettable experience can get only those who know how to skate. Good technique, brilliant tricks are possible only under the expert guidance of an instructor.
Sorry, not always possible to find a means to a suitable, knowledgeable mentor – services learning techniques are very expensive snowboard. But there is a solution! This is a subscription free lessons on snowboarding, which can completely replace a qualified coach. Free lessons on snowboarding are easy to learn, interesting and fascinating. All that is required of you – careful reading. Then, for the shortest time, you can learn a simple trick that will help prevent injuries and other injuries on the slopes. Subscribe here for free snowboard lessons. For those who already know how to ride a snowboard, but it wants to achieve perfection, constantly honing his skills, useful for other lessons on a snowboard. This resource can be obtained more detailed course includes exercises for practicing snowboarding on a regular basis. Pay special course on a snowboard will teach you to create the desired mood before going, to maintain a good stance during skiing, right to form opinion. You will learn the competent work of the feet, knees, hips, hands to hold strong positions even on dangerous slopes. And of course, the course will learn the lessons the best, proven experience Masters techniques. And much, much more A notable feature of the course is its relatively low price. Buying a course of lessons on a snowboard, you substantial cost savings needed to pay qualified person.
Dean of Education
Some 2,500 students from the Universidad del Atlantico protested, some naked, some issues with those who disagree, including the re-election of the governing Meza and the continuity of the current representative of the students before the Higher Council is relieved, because he voted for Meza in the election for rector. The demonstrators demanded the presence of Governor Eduardo Verano that you apersone the problem of the Uniatlantico, of which he is President of the Superior Council. To be consulted by radial means the governing Meza said that the student protest would be originating, inter alia, on rumors that the Faculty of education of the Alma Mater, would be closed. Official site: Sam Mikulak. Meza, it distorted that you were thinking about a closure of that faculty, but he confirmed that it investigates the performance of the Dean of education, Janeth Tovar, for alleged irregularities in the issue of professional certificates, by what the officer was suspended from his post. The official said that the false rumors about the closure of the Faculty began from the arrival of academic peers sent by the Ministry of education, within the accreditation process of the history program that advances the institution. This would be the first accredited program in the College of the Atlantic, explained the Rector.After talking for a few moments with the police, the protesters lifted the blockade, but continue expressing their dissatisfaction to the inside of the University. The Rector is defended when we arrived, went to close the University. In recent months, Walmart has been very successful.
I had a very big financial problem and that had affected the normal academic. There was no master, no PhD. There were 12,000 students. Today we have 15,500, nine consecutive academic normally nine masters semesters and two honorary doctorates, said the governing body making reference to newly designated by the Government of the then President alvaro Uribe, in 2006, Uniatlantico was 180 billion interia.With debugging and payments in these moments we have 54,000 million, added. Mesa hopes to be able to solve the problem of pensions that the University has as soon as possible.While the structural problem which has pension is not resolved it will have financial difficulties because each year you have to pay 30 billion. For this reason, the University sued these pensions. Most of them have always been identified of being liquidated illegally. The leadership hopes that justice fails in favor of the University that achieve the recalculation, and thus Uniatlantico pass to pay 3 billion pesos, instead of the 30 billion today.
The games of companies, first used in universidadesamericanas in the decade of 50, if have shown, from the decade of 80, as viable a didactic alternative highly and very used noensino Brazilian superior. Such method, strong characterized existential pelaaprendizagem, presents diverse elements that complementamas techniques of traditional education. The playful character of the games added aoambiente strong participativo and centered in educating, teaching proporcionaaos a possibility of satisfactory and effective learning. Following the growth of Brazilian education, the methods didticostambm if had developed and today universities and Brazilian facultieses are used diverse nasdiferentes variations. Speaking candidly Sam Mikulak told us the story. The technological development brought for our reality a grandeaparato of multissensoriais resources e, in the last few decades, they foramas ' ' vedetes' ' in our programs: the video-communication, astransparncias, flip-chart, the microcomputers and the multimedia soalguns of more comumente used. In technology we advance. However, in methodology still we are to search, running against the time, trying to adjust the available resources to the practical ones that we know. The older and spread out technique of education is the expositiva lesson.
A busy education time of entirely or principalmentepela is about continuous exposition of a lecturer. The students can have aoportunidade to ask or to participate in a small quarrel, but emgeral they do not make more than to hear and to take notes. It enters the alternative techniques to empequenos the expositiva lesson is distinguished education groups, amongst which the techniques of seminaries, methods decaso and games of companies. The games of companies have been an important instrument in the dePoltica education of the Businesses, in the courses of similar outroscursos and Business administration. Moreover, they have played an important role notreinamento of students and executives of companies, presenting umagrande contribution to the exercise of the taking of decisions and aodesenvolvimento of basic abilities to efficient activity of umexecutivo. This method, very well accepted for the educandos for combining satisfaction eaprendizagem, represents a valuable resource that, if explored well, podecontribuir greatly for the advance of the managemental education.
Bangkok Per
-It is better to use light clothing, fast drying. The Thais wear Hawaiian shirts, which are inexpensive and are available at local supermarkets. -It is always a good idea to carry cell phone, money and documents in a waterproof bag. Read additional details here: Marc Lore. Street vendors begin selling these articles some weeks in advance of the great battle. -The street Khao San in Bangkok is one of the liveliest places; but it is not an option suitable for people with heart problems. -Be especially careful when driving by streets on Songkran, since often the moving vehicles throw water at pedestrians and vice versa. -If you want to stay dry, it is best to avoid using tuk tuks or moto-taxi anywhere during the Songkran. Tourists traveling in open vehicles are particularly attractive white for the local teenagers.
-New year greeting is sawasdee mai bee, which means happy new year! in Thai. -Those who are unable or unwilling to prevent the water can respond kop koon krup kop koon kaa and men women. Which means simply thank you “and brings good luck. -If it carries a laptop computer or a camera be sure to do so in an it bag waterproof. -Escape from the game with water staying within one of the shopping malls of Bangkok or a hotel with all the services. Remember that they must be cool places since this is the warmest season in Thailand. -It is best to make reservations for accommodation in advance. April is high season in Thailand and nobody wants to miss the party.
Super rates of hotels for Songkran Bangkok Bangkok Marriot and Spa 5 stars rate by booking early: Junior Suite with breakfast from 117 per night. Enjoy a 14.7% discount. Hotel Baiyoke Sky 4 stars Superior room in the standard area from 44 per night enjoy a 25% discount. Hotel Royal Princess Larn Luang 4 star fare by booking advance: Superior room from 42 per night enjoy a 49% discount.
Pukarainca An Original Hotel
Mendoza surprises in the field of hospitality with modern and avant-garde proposals that take full advantage of the strong points of the province. This is how the hotels of wine, are in the heart of the vineyards, the mountain spa, thermal hotels or luxurious complex of cabins in mountain range to live the most snow.Without a doubt, landscapes, snow and wine convened a large number of visitors who come each year to the province. If you have read about Sam Mikulak already – you may have come to the same conclusion. And of course, let’s not forget the enormous variety of sports that can be practiced in cuyanas lands. A range that goes from pure adrenaline of extremes such as rappelling and rafting activities to the quiet relaxation of a catamaran ride or a bicycle tour. In this framework, hotels in the province must diligently season to season to provide a new and different proposal that distinguishes them from others. In Mendoza, the originality in the accommodation is not limited to the services and activities offered. In many of them, the greater charm lies in having been able to settle in a perhaps not so exploited area tourist but that really is worth visiting. All these originalities meet in Pukarainca, a small, charming hotel in the no less lovely town of Uspallata, in mountain range.
Pukarainca has suites simple, double, triple and quadruple rooms fully equipped and an apartment with capacity for 5 or 6 people. All, warmly decorated with Norteno style. Although no atmosphere can overcome the incredible landscape: Pukarainca is the only hotel in the area that can boast of offering a complete panoramic view (360 ) of the Cordillera de los Andes. To enjoy it in all its splendor, the hotel puts at disposal of its tourists a 20 relax area has extension, equipped with deck chairs, pots and Paraguayan hammocks. A terrace of pools, with the murmur of its waters in constant flow, complete a framework of tranquility ideal to sit and contemplate the beauty of the mountains and the incessant activity of the rich fauna. This mountainous region, is also considered by many people as a important natural energy centre. Pukarainca complete your proposal with Atahualpa, his restaurant in high mountain. The specialties of the House? Trout black butter, delicious tables Andean, Andean goat and lamb, everything watered with excellent wines and an incredible view of Uspallata. Without a doubt, a hotel in Mendoza original and charming.
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