Category: News

Kids And Nutrition

Another problem is that there is a nutrition class in schools and children do not learn to eat a balanced meal. The odds of a child as overweight or obese continues being adults are still very real. Hence the importance, emphasize health professionals, the family learns to maintain healthy lifestyles to minimize the risk. That’s why families should be guided and educated for daily professional responsibilities and job pressures are not an excuse for not eating well. Here a number of recommendations for adults: Plan your meals in advance. Remove first time to exercise and prepare their food and then the rest. Bring additional snacks when you pick up in the extended care or before their sports.

This prevents the desire to deviate to a fast food restaurant, while promoting healthy blood sugar levels. Set limits while kids play video games, and use as a reward take them outdoors. The school and physical education exercises, scientists have pointed out, should be more valued in schools. Similarly, researchers at Harvard University have recommended that recess should be longer and should take advantage moments after school for activities that put kids in motion. Changes that may help 1. Send nutritious snacks.

2. Do not sponsor fast-food establishments that do not offer low-calorie alternatives (most have included these alternatives on their menus by the pressure and emphasis to the problem of obesity). 3. Mind you, if you choose a menu “low calorie” and adds mayonnaise or margarine and heat content changes. 4. Control the TV and passive games. Look for games that encourage movement. Michael J. Benders opinions are not widely known. 5. Talk to caregivers of their children about what they do not want to eat. Remind them to give more food is like offering the wrong medication (that hits them and makes them think.) 6. Realize family activities, hiking, games and more. 7. Set realistic goals, you may not lose weight, but did not win. 8. Seek professional help, consult a physician or registered dietitian and exercise program for children.

MEC Specialist

This is delivered in the General Register or auxiliary records of the MEC, autonomous functional Areas of high inspection of education of the Government delegations or in any of the places for the presentation of applications, writings and communications included in Royal Decree 772/1999.The request must be accompanied by the same official documents which in the equivalence of graduate degrees. The certified copies legalize via corresponding to the country of origin and are accompanied by an official translation into Spanish, if necessary. In addition, other supporting documents are needed to prove the equivalence between the formation of the title required in Spain and overseas.The applicant must pay the fees at the beginning of the proceedings: 90,09 euros when you want to standardize a Spanish title of licenciado, engineer or architect, and 45,05 euros for graduates, engineers or technical architects. No fee for titles of Health Sciences (medical specialist, pharmacist specialist, specialist in hospital Radiophysics, psychologist specialist in clinical psychology, chemical specialist, specialist biologist or biochemist specialist) is required.The payment of the levy can be from Spain or from abroad. To do so since our country it is necessary to download the model 790, which must be presented at any Bank, savings bank or Credit Union, which act as collaborating entities in tax collection. If you opt for the payment from the country of origin, the payment is effected by deposit or transfer in favour of the Ministry of science and innovation in the restricted account of levying charges (0182 2370 44 0201516962, of BBVA) abroad. In both cases, proof of payment must be attached to the documentation that it accompanies the request. Resolution once the request is received and documentation, the MEC has six months to issue a decision on the approval of the title, based on the preliminary report prepared by the technical committees which designates the General Secretariat of the Council of University coordination.

Associate Discounts

New features for our associates AIESEC is the greater organization of young people of the world, present in more than 100 countries, more than 1,100 universities, directed completely by students and just graduated. It is composed by more than 28,000 members and is the international platform so that the young people discover and develop their potential with the purpose of to have a positive impact in the society. AIESEC owns a program of international interchanges that offers per year to more than 4,500 students and just graduated the opportunity to live a Professional Experience in another country, choosing between more than 3,500 companies and organizations allied anywhere in the world to our organization. In order to begin with experience AIESEC of the program of international interchanges, the affiliation cost is of approximately 200 Euros. Now all the associate AArEII will be able to enjoy a discount smaller to 20% just by not to mention that they are associate to the AArEII. If not these associate, regstrate already in and comenza to enjoy the benefits of being associate AArEII. For more information on the benefits, contactate with us through the electronic mails of our page Web! We are hoping that the benefits! AIESEC South Cone is present in the following Universities of the Region: * University of the CEMA, Buenos Aires Argentina * National University of Cordova, Cordova – Argentina * University Argentina of the Company, Buenos Aires – Argentina * National University of the Center – Faculty of Economic Sciences, Tandil – Argentina We will continue working for ofrecerte more discounts and benefits day day! What you wait for asociarte?

Ottawa Methods

teams in various sports used in the preparation of biofeedback methods, c) is similar to the U.S. in Canada created DynamicEdgeSportsVisionTrainingCenters in Ottawa for a special sensory training members of the Olympic team and the Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada 9 teams Olympic team preparing for the BOS-metodikamg) to the World Cup 2006 in Germany's national football team of Italy went on neyrotrening system ProComp-MindRoom (BOS-integrated simulator), e) recent football's top clubs Real (Madrid) and Chelsea have included biofeedback methods to train their players. The appropriateness and effectiveness of biofeedback techniques, due to the fact that under normal conditions, the potential of his brain an individual uses far from complete. A number of features prominently blocked stress and strong negative emotions. Particularly affected the function of attention and related functions of precision and accuracy of the programming stereotyped motor acts.

BOS-method enables us to strengthen, reinforce the neurophysiological, ie brain mechanism of these functions, improve the sustainability of this mechanism to stresses, and hence effectiveness of the brain as a whole. The effectiveness of these methods is proved by strictly scientific methods. List sports in which are beginning to use methods BOS-training steadily and rapidly expanding. Today These new methods have been widely used and give their results in such types as – football, basketball, baseball, tennis, golf, rifle shooting, archery, table tennis, athletics, wrestling, diving, horseback riding, cycling. In general, in the coming years we should expect mass adoption of BOS-methods in the structure of training elite sports of many kinds of sports. This is supported by examples of China and Canada. The amount of key qualities of an elite athlete is the essence of introduced sport psychologists and coaches the concept of "sport" of intelligence, having a muscular and mental-cerebral component.

Traditionally, the focus of training Athletes given it myshenoy component of sports intelligence. For the mental-brain exercise there were no adequate methods. Today the situation has changed radically, and the delay with the introduction of such methods preparation of our athletes give tangible handicap our opponents. No wonder they call it their secret weapon.

Immunity Training

Before them is not – in organism will actively hormone insulin, and in the classroom you will be lethargic and weak. Fat, protein and fiber before a workout eat as little as possible: they long to digest and deal with on a full stomach is not worth it. Then As and fiber – you need 3-4 hours to the stomach time to get rid of it. Meat, fish, cottage cheese (the products of protein and fat), vegetables (fiber), biscuits, chocolate and cakes (carbs + a lot of fat) before training unacceptable. Of course, to cook porridge with milk or dripping a little oil in the potatoes or pasta is not forbidden. The last remark – about the condiments and sauces. Fatty, you already understood, can be quite a bit. Sharp, alas, provoke thirst, so during the workout you always will want to drink.

That is, after training After training, the general rule: eat for 40-60 minutes, or feel tired for several days. Yes and Immunity decline. On your ultimate goals, too much depends. Want to Lose Weight? On any given day to eat 200-300 calories less than normal (with a day of training is still little more than usual). After the lesson – vegetables and low fat protein (Low-fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken without skin, lean fish for a couple).

Want to pump up muscles? On the day of exercise add 30-60 grams of protein to your diet. After training, eat a "slow" carbohydrates and low-fat protein (cottage cheese with muesli, boiled veal with buckwheat and seafood with rice). Want just a little bit of femininity to gain weight? Calorie-day leave, as calculated (energy of basal metabolism + 400-500 to 200-500 + daily activities on fitness). After workout eat anything consisting of proteins, carbohydrates and fat together: for example, normal-fat cottage cheese and fruit salad with a slice of bread. And finally, most importantly: even the most correct foods must be tasty! No fun no effect will be. Looking for, try, look for yourself.

Sports Section

When you decide you want to enroll your child in the sports section, above all, ask yourself a few voprosov.Sprosite himself: "Why would I want my child involved in sports?". Ask your child: "Do you want to do sport and why? ". Ask the head of a sports club or sections: "What can you offer my child?" A good sports program should provide children with all the positive qualities that sport can to offer – this is the main goal for the sport. Nobody denies the benefits of playing sports. Besides the obvious health benefits of physical activity and exercise, research shows that a huge plus receive also social and psychological spheres of life – and all thanks to competition. Dan Gould, director of the Institute for the Study of Youth Sports State University of Michigan, said that when children are involved in several kinds of sports from an early age, they develop a more comprehensive manner. 'The abc of sports – it's agility, balance and coordination.

" He adds that children can learn both the basic motor skills such as running or throws, and specific, that in any case will help them stay active and in adult life. Helping to develop physically, sport also provides a positive psychological effect on the child. Dr. Darrell Barnett clinical psychologist specializing in youth sports, suggests that participation in sports meets four basic needs, promoting self-correct. "When children are involved in competition they feel its importance, its value and learn to respect others and learn about what is emotional control.

The Art

We are changing the world and change with it. But in the history of mankind is the place to the phenomenon as a classic. It combines everything that reached a certain level of excellence and worthy to stand before the eyes of all generations of mankind. It is a treasure of civilization, be it music, literature, architecture, tradition or form of combat. Certainly, Fencing has its rightful place in this treasure.

"In the cold arms has an ethical advantage, which lacks the firearms … Blade, gentlemen, this is a mystical creature. Yes, yes, fencing – Mystic noble people. Especially in these times. " Yes, the art of combat and possession of knives has transformed, but not dead. Today, fencing sport but, even becoming a contest, it retains a presence of three types of weapons. A this suggests that the art contest carries a certain kind of knowledge, skills and values. Are they important today? Is it really important? That in addition to titles and awards fencing can give a person? If there is desire to take, then you can get enough.

Do not forget, coming into the treasury of classical music, fencing, by definition, is a treasure. On the first couple need only develop the right attitude to fight, and life begins my eyes. You'll be seeing and understanding what is behind the missed kick or stab and what the price of defeat. What can cause the error and what is the value of training. Fencing provides an opportunity to experience a bout of others, one life for another.

Earning More Money

To earn more money, there are 2 options: 1. work plus 2. Learn more any person who has a solid work ethic has best options of getting ahead in life. On the other hand, is we pay for what we know or what we do. As we educate us and train us in our area of expertise, we can aspire to have higher incomes. Then, if we put together a good ethics of working with an excellent education, we will have success guaranteed in life, right? Fake! When our children were more guys, what we always said them is: see your passion and pursue it with all your heart. Thus you will have success in life. That was, according to my husband and I, the formula to success in life.

We felt that it was important for them to discover and develop their strengths instead of simply choosing a profession according to the possibilities of salary that is offered. At the same time inculcabamos them good habits such as discipline, rigour and responsibility for foster a good work ethic in them. However, over the years our advice for a successful future has changed. The formula for success remains the same, but we’ve added a third ingredient. To look in our around we realized that there are many very talented and specialized people who are not successful in finances, despite all their efforts. Many of them have titles and major diplomas and are characterized in your area.

The sad thing is that they work hard all his life and seek to specialize more and more in your area of expertise, but they don’t seem to get ahead. 95% Of the people in the world operate according to this formula, because it is the only thing they have learned to do. Work and educate themselves. Which is the third ingredient of the formula for success that the vast majority of people are unaware and which is not taught in school? It is the ability to sell. Sell himself and sell services or products offered by one. Here is where the big difference between the people who are successful in life occurs, and which they set the pace not more. Traditional education not considered financial intelligence intelligence properly such. Even the majority of parents think that their children will learn about the handling of money making way to the ride. the problem is when they are 45 years old and are given account who have gone astray! We throw away the old formula. Today we say to our children: 1. willing to work hard. 2 Educate yourself. 3. Have a business as soon as possible, although it is small, work as salesmen for a company that has a good training programme in sales, and they learn to sell. This will help them overcome shyness and fear of failure that limit us both in life.

A History Of Sports

Sports are one of the largest entertainment that people have, it is both a recreational activity as a means for physical activity and develop skills, so a large number of people moving in sports activities, whether as spectators or as practitioners of a particular sport. One of the sports that occurs in many parts of the world that brings together a large number of people is the rugby, as it is spread over all continents, with a notable presence of both players and fans. Rugby as a sport was born in the British Isles, occurring with greater force in England, a country which is a lot of practice of the sport, plus it has a lot of popularity. Thanks to the sport in England was achieving a rapid expansion in other countries around the world in which there were British colonies and many other Anglo-Saxon countries for the connection to be handled with the British Isles. Among the various countries in which expansion was rugby are Australia, New Zealand and South Africa were the largest British colonies, but not only rugby expanded colonies of England, because France also arrived, which was another important contribution to knowledge and practice of this sport in the world, because development is not only stale, but also in their various colonies, which were mostly in Africa and Ivory Coast and Morocco.

Over time the sport was making known in many other parts of the world, ranging from large parts of Europe, America and Asia, where Japan is more representative and thus came to have a global presence. At present, rugby 95 national associations recognized by the international rugby delete, which is the international body that governs rugby. Rugby is a contact game equipment, which is one of a non-rigid garment also prohibited the use of all types of protective elements, as these can cause severe blows to the opponents. The rugby characterized as a game where the rules are respected very much, for violating one of these would mean a serious damage to the opponent, so in the development of rugby is evident in much respect for the rules by both players and spectators, which is very rare disorders or problems occur very rarely have discussions with the officials, because such decisions are usually successful and respected by the players. The idea of rugby is to get the most points, which are available in different forms such as: "The try which consists in supporting the ball in the in-goal area or area of the opponent's mark, this is achieved 5 points and represents the point earning more important. – Who made a try is given the opportunity to kick the ball to pass through an arc, and this means of earning points is called conversion and are given 2 points. – The penalty point is the possibility for a team to kick the ball from a point where he is at fault in these associated if you pass the ball through the hoop will 3 points. "Another way to get points to bounce the ball and immediately kicking and passing through the arch, this will give 3 points. – The penalty try is the result of negligence by the opposing team when he sees that the opponent can score a try and prevent a violation was committed.

BMX Flatland Sports

BMX is a sport that is subdivided into several forms among which is the flatland and BMX. Flatland is what is artistic skating for skating, its name translates flatland flat land that is to perform tricks or stunts on bike without support feet on the ground, the tricks are free choice and the most rewards in this mode is the originality and the difficulty, the more convoluted and difficult to implement are the best tricks are valued practicantens. The origins: The sport was officially started in the 60s in the area of California and was inspired by motocross, a sport that already had many adherents at the time. The bike at the beginning of flatland: Due to its parent sport, motocross, ICICI in this mode uses very heavy bike and equipped with the rotor, turn the knob that allowed an unlimited amount without causing a tangle, front and rear brake wear was also indispensable. The bike today: Like everything else in the world that we live flatland has evolved and continues evolving like the bicycle manufacturing technique. Currently, bicycles are made much more free and curves that allow the practitioner to maneuver more easily. Currently not used the brakes but and there are many practitioners who prefer not having them at all, that to make even more difficult tricks and original. Attire: As with any sport it is necessary to adequately bester security and practical reasons. In many sports is the way of dress regulations in the flatland does not, however it is necessary to account for two aspects to the choice of clothing.