Category: News

Piepenbrock Service Center

Junior of school Schinkel make self produced image video from Osnabruck 08.04.2011 – vocational orientation and increase media literacy offered a project group of the secondary branch of the secondary school (GSS) Schinkel in Osnabruck. On March 28, 2011, Malin Escher, Maximilian Vallo, Lukas Knauper and Simon Wiedtke introduced an image video they had produced in cooperation with company Piepenbrock, the Osnabrucker Institute of training and communication (ITUK) and the teacher Manfred Kessling. The four students had before the production received first insights into the professional life and convinced of the professional working in the Piepenbrock group. During the film presentation in the Piepenbrock Service Center, students handed solemnly some copies of the video on Olaf Piepenbrock, the managing partner of the Piepenbrock group. The project was at all involved large appeal and should be continued successfully in the future. The video project was already the second in the series JobVision, which was realised in cooperation of ITUK and Piepenbrock.

JobVision is a project that Karin Aquino, manageress of the Osnabruck Institute of training and communication, and I perform for six years”, Steffen Oetter of the ITUK explained the concept. We work mainly with students from primary and preschools, which are interested in occupations and in the farms go to shoot movies there. The aim, to nuzzle up each other ‘. The students get an idea of whether they are interested in the profession and the companies get the chance to make contacts with potential candidates at an early stage.” OLAF Piepenbrock stressed: I think the project for a really good idea, because I think that just the students often do not know, what is behind the economy or the specific professions. If the young people even represent certain professions from your point of view, then that is authentic and helps them orientation.” At the current Project with the gymnasium Schinkel expanded the basic concept.

Students Help

Tuition provider extends services on Facebook Gelsenkirchen, April 6, 2011. There regular learning tips, direct communication, the latest topics and events related to education and learning, great competitions and actions to take on Facebook from now the students help to be touched”. See students help pupils, parents of learn poverty-stricken children, teachers and the audience interested in education have the possibility of direct exchanges. “Education to be touched, current events or just go a few questions in between” clarify the student aid is available not only in about 1,000 stores in Germany and Austria, but now also around the clock and easily over the Internet available. “36 years of experience in tutoring and education we would not deprive that Facebook users”, so Marion Lauterbach, spokesperson of student aid.

This new form of communication provides the ideal complement to our Service offerings.” Becoming a fan of student assistance, this means, in all educational matters on the pulse of the time being, to take advantage of the best tips and tricks around the theme of learning and once to sit in the front row”. students help. On student aid: Student aid is one of the leading providers of qualified education and tutoring services in Germany and Austria. For 35 years, it offers individual tutoring in small groups of three to five students. The students help offers support in all major subjects for all classes and types of schools.

Qualified and motivated tutor individual care of each student and help him to improve his services permanently. This is also a scientific study of the University of Bayreuth. The student assistance promotes at about 1,000 locations more than 70,000 students annually. As important private training providers, students help holds a wide range, which in addition to tuition also Includes exam preparation and holiday courses. A quality management system, certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, is used to achieve a high level of quality and customer orientation. With success, because 94 percent of customers are satisfied and would recommend the student help. The students help is premium partner of DeutschlandCard. With the loyalty program can students help customers collect points, redeem points and discounts to secure themselves.

Coffee Machine

PAUL gives the first gift missed in 2011 since late last year has it a new site on the Internet. PAUL gives gifts wasted there for no comprehensible reason simply. This time he has given away a Nintendo Wii game console, and was a student of Kelkheim, near the town of Eschborn, at the right time at the right place. He had PAUL gives as a home and do not believe his eyes when the circle stopped spinning and the blue field was yellow. PAUL has given away three gifts, an Apple iPod, a digital camera and now the Nintendo Wii game console. Currently he is giving away a Senseo Viva Cafe premium.

It is even already sponsored. DISCOUNTER-PRODUKTE.DE is sponsoring a coffee machine and supported Paul in his idea. The next gift is already clear. A shopping voucher for Amazon worth 111. Which can be used freely. Because almost everything can be bought, the selection may not be as easy. PAUL gives has but just in case a wishlist on facebook by his fans created the diligent wishes, comment and even post pictures on facebook upload. There the most diverse wishes are available, including books for study, a kinder surprise, a dishwasher, an iPhone, and much more. Let’s see whether he can fulfill the wishes of all. So far, he has over 600 fans and that rising. We express in the fingers crossed that there will be much more! Anyway, there are the gifts on.

Student Learn

Learn foreign languages with fun & meet young people from around the world, Dresden 03.05.2011 – the Easter holidays are over and again it is time to think about the design of the next holiday. Who would like to combine fun, action and language learning in the early summer, can experience worldwide this in many countries at a student learn. Since the early summer in some federal countries are relatively short, are offered the countries of Europe. Arrivals and departures are here straightforward and require no great planning and organization. More and more families decide today, very early the chance to give their children to live in a foreign culture and to learn. The tour operator see themselves as partners of the institution school, which complement with specially developed courses of students in high quality support school foreign language from primary school up to high school. During the entire language holiday care trained workers to the welfare of the students and make sure that they spot all around feel.

A point of contact for all questions is on the spot. Instructors are dedicated teachers and experienced teachers. Of course a special activities belongs to each language course: sightseeing tours, sports games, fun & party time. Each participant will have lots of fun and international friendships will emerge. Accommodation with full Board is carried out in selected host families. This type of accommodation contributes significantly to the success of the course, since students are confronted with the language around the clock and are forced to communicate with their host family in a foreign language. If feasible, the accommodation in a College, student apartment or school residence is possible.

Criteria for the choice of the tour operator is important to membership in the ‘professional German language Broadcasters Association’ FDSV. The members meet highest quality criteria. Including the language course programs are reviewed annually by an independent Advisory Board on-site. Children and young people have to be taught by qualified teachers in the language and also of course must be matched to the appropriate grade levels. After course completion are transferred a recognised participation certificate. Warranty according to the German travel law, including insolvency insurance. For the insolvency insurance is obtained together with the confirmation of the organiser the chattel paper. Learn more about student language: schuelersprachreisen.html BildungsMakler24 operates and markets the education portal: a portal for learning opportunities at home and abroad, including financing with funding. The info portal gives you expert guidance in a compact form as well as many helpful tips and hints. Will helped the visitors, make good decisions when planning his own education or training. As a service, some hand-picked educational providers with different capacities are recommended.

Student Party

Life University of applied sciences the life at a University of applied sciences is versatile and is happening not only behind books and lectures. Because this type of high school offers also much room for personality development for new contacts with external scientists, experts from the economy, institutions, and companies. And also the entertainment is not too short. Also the Repertoire of their event and their audiences are as diverse as the courses of higher education. In addition to lectures, seminars and practical projects, numerous event outside of the actual teaching take place at universities for applied sciences for students and those who want to become it for scientists and practitioners, academics and guests. So not only current content from science and practice are taught, but allows also the versatility, creativity and dynamism of the universities and their recruits. By the guest lecture to the event by the Learning textbooks: curiosity, commitment, social competence, responsibility and personal development and fulfilment are just a few. At the end of a lecture, on weekends or during the semester holidays, there is also ample space, once the soul to let, to spend time with like-minded people and to make new friends: in college sports, pub nights, student parties or trips. Universities of applied sciences everything. Out of pure theory.

The Students

This involves conflicts among students, conflicts between students and teachers, worries and hardships, which are educational in nature and those that are private, family and domestic nature. But, whether private or school problems and concerns, they all are stressful for the students and they affect directly or indirectly on different areas of the life of young people out and also on their academic performance. Right here, the relevance of school social work arises, because socio-educational assistance in crisis situations, can and should be offered in the school. Young people spend there at least a lot of time, around half of their day. In school, the young people are daily (even apart from the weekend). Why should you not use this framework to create an educational focal point for the young people here? The consultation of young people, parents and teachers in the a wide variety of situations, mediation in conflicts of various kinds, individual application training for young people, as well as vocational guidance and many other can be done by school social workers and offered. All this can help to improve the lives of young people and to help them learn to also again. Also school social work can help so that teachers have more time for education and knowledge transfer, and ultimately people involved, to improve the situation of all, the running of the school.

I have in my work at the community school, made various observations and collect the most diverse experiences. They have made clear how important is social work, especially at the community school. However, to provide social work at the school, there are different conditions and requirements. So I have experienced for example often in practice, how important it is that I find my own role within the system of the school as a school social worker. As the Students perceive me and my role and how much confidence they show me, I is largely responsible, as successfully as a school social worker consultations and other educational assistance can perform.

Annual Conference

“Nokia Siemens Networks Award for scholarly contributions of the Fraunhofer MOEZ Leipzig, 14.06.2012 two by scientists of Fraunhofer MOEZ authored paper were with the Nokia Siemens Networks Award for the best paper in technology management” (Prize for the best paper in the area of technology management) awarded. The citation for the award of the two papers, in particular their practical relevance in combination with outstanding scientific work was highlighted. The first paper titled electric mobility what can be learned from existing business models?” (Can we learn what electric mobility of known business models?) examines the transferability of existing business model pattern on the electric mobility industry and gives suggestions for generating new practical business models for the industry. The post was written by Dr. Nizar Abdelkafi, head of business models and services at Fraunhofer MOEZ, Sergiy Makhotin, PhD student at the Fraunhofer MOEZ. and Dr. Thorsten Posselt, head of the Fraunhofer MOEZ and Professor of innovation management at the University of Leipzig. “Under the title opponents innovation: Grumbler or innovation driver?” (Opponents in the innovation process: troublemakers or train horses?) the second paper deals with the innovation opponents so far neglected in the research, critical or even facing innovations with resistance.

It aims to define the role and the innovation potential of these types of innovators in the innovation process. Including Dr. Anne-Katrin Neyer, head of strategy and organization at the Fraunhofer MOEZ and associate professor at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg is one of the authors of this article. “The Nokia Siemens network Award for the best paper in technology management” was awarded within the framework of the annual Conference of the European Academy of management (European Management Academy, short EURAM). The Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe MOEZ has proven expertise in the field of innovation and Technology management, strategy development and research marketing and develops scientifically-based, holistic potential analysis on the conception and implementation of concrete project and business models and network activities through knowledge and technology transfer. Currently, approximately 40 full time employees of the Fraunhofer MOEZ edit including projects within the framework of the 7th research framework programme of the European Union, projects of the Federal Ministry for education and research, the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety, the German Federal Foundation environment, projects for companies, in particular small and medium-sized firms, etc.

The Fraunhofer MOEZ is an Institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Research for practice is the central task of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The research organization established in 1949, operates application-oriented research for the benefit of the economy and to the benefit of society. Contract partners and clients are industrial and service companies and the public sector.

College Center

I mean alcohol, cigarette, and tobacco. Which eventually end up by destroying families and health. This kind of economic system. Happen over any citizen, since represents a fully valuable and infinite value for industry, trade, economy and the most daring of all, politics. Above all, achievement upon a throne of sand, see the God power. Everything moves. That can do everything.

His coolness has no limit, the injustice is your first ally. And many allies who are born of this genre. A whole planet wasn’t enough, natural resources were not sufficient, the maxims much less. And all good precept was scrapped. Greed, corruption and vanity. They did go crazy to all men, from the youngest to the oldest.

However justice will bring the essence of the good time. Virtue will down noble feelings, taught wisdom by his party that the greater grandeur and dignity. It is in a courageous praxis of Holiness. Which is the most difficult of all virtues. Since our human nature clings easily to vices. But if you look at you see men in a while, we will see that there are still families in the multitude of peoples. To help their fellows as if same. That you try to love one another. I don’t mean to churches. I speak in general. Both them, and out of them. In every place and time, there will be righteous men. I therefore conclude this slight exposure, with a beautiful smile. I have no more to say to them that if they can or succeed. Know manage wisely their powerful monopolies. And they never forget their roots. Since called raised. And the Earth is full of these. Let us be brothers of action, not of religion. That divinity alum their souls and hearts.

Street Suite

Tips for college students for making their car purchase memorable! Car loan for students-used car auto loans get bad credit car loan “college students should consider few things before availing car loans like he should purchase a used car, ask for discounts, choose pre approved car loan, choose a car with good condition, confirm used car history, compare student car loan quotes and choose a right car.” Hartsville, SC 29550-25/04/11 – students have lot of options even with their no credit or bad credit score. Before applying for car loans for students one needs to know many things which can help them to get the best car loan deal. Veryeasycarloans so provide services for car purchase loans and help people in their car. Below given are the few guidelines which can help a person to get good deal. Go for used car purchase: A student should consider used car purchase. It would help him even if he has less cash and if other student car of loans are pending. In most of the cases it’s a better alternative than a new car purchase.

The borrower can even contact used car dealerships or other private party owners who want to sale their cars. Ask for car discounts: There few automobile makers who are willing to provide special discounts to students, they even give extra benefits like free time period, zero down payment, extended warranties etc. Choose pre approved car loan: students can use the pre approved car loan and purchase his car; He can even negotiate as a cash buyer and get the best car of loan Council. Pre approved auto loans help a person to stay in his budget and choose his dream car. Choose a car with good condition: the borrower should always prefer to choose a car with good condition so that the overall repair and other maintenance cost are avoided. used car auto loans for students should only be taken if the car is well maintained. The borrower can even research for used cars online; There are lots of websites online which provide services for used cars.

Confirm used car history: its very important to confirm the history of any used car before buying, this is done to assure that the VIN vehicle identification number is correct and there are no further accidents or any child of damages to the car, one can even know whether the car is previously stolen or not. Compare different student car loan quotes: to get car of loan Council, the borrower should compare quotes from different lenders. Repayment terms should be compared and this would help a borrower to choose the best car loan deal. Bad credit student loan car: students with bad credit should not worry, they can easily get bad credit car loan because there are many calendar who are ready to provide guaranteed car of loans even with bad credit score.

English Language Courses Training Interviewing

"Knowledge of the English language is essential" – a phrase that has become quite common in the job description of most companies. And the first step to demonstrate their linguistic abilities is the interview. Check your knowledge English may have in the first stage – in the personnel agency or during a conversation with the HR-manager. As a rule, asked questions are fairly standard – a story about themselves, their profession and expectations of anticipated vacancies. In some cases, one of the stages could be an interview with a representative of the company's management or by the head – often expatriates. Here anticipate issues that will be given to you virtually impossible.

If you reached this step interview, the prospective employer wants to understand what you're a man, than breathing, than live, and what is your motivation to work exactly in this company. Neither the first nor the fact more in the second case vigorously to sound composed and rehearsed in advance the text does not come out – fraud emerge after the first comments and additional questions. The question is – how can adequately prepare for interview and the best way to present themselves as competent and professional specialist? These recommendations largely apply to candidates with a level of intermediate – categories that are experiencing the largest spread in level of training people. 1. Remember, you hired not as an interpreter and as a specialist in his field, and expect you to demonstrate competency is in it. Preparing for the interview, nice to show their awareness of the specifics of his profession as a whole, pointing out its advantages over other possible candidates in this light.