The word parkour is the function of two terms, one English and the other French, parcour of verb browse meaning path or circuit and English park park give rise to this sport and/or philosophical concept. Parkour is not just a concept, but it encompasses a lifestyle in which the practitioner puts to the test its capabilities of displacement in the middle of urban or rural circuits, the idea is desplazarce from one place to another in the most fluid and effective way. The concept parkour and freerunning Freerunning concept translates (free run) and is a discipline very similar to parkour with the big difference that freerunning movements are not subject to any scheme, movements can be fast, slow any utility or simple display. Unlike the freerunning parkour seeks that movements are tooling and fluids, the main idea is desplazarce from one place to another in the most effective manner possible, somewhere that the two slogans are pillars of this discipline: etre fort pour etre utile (be strong to be useful) Etre et Durer (to be and to last) currently, there are several groups trying to bring this discipline to a competitive level which is drifting from its origins. The RT s, jams or competencies are some nicknames that are used to define the meetings that are regularly organized in cities and rural areas. Thanks to new technologies it is relatively easy to summon participants from all parts of the world at a particular date. The practice of parkour is relatively new compared to other sports and dates back to the 1980s, its origins have been discovered in France and some African tribes have served as inspiration for the development of techniques. Exclusive community for colombia with free blogs Parkour traceurs colombia original author and source of the article..