Something that illustrates this umbilical linking between oscultivos and the traffic was the said failure of ' ' programs desubstituio' '. The first one of these plans, the Plan Teacher, to tentousubstituir the cultivos of cocaine for coffee in the region to the south of the Cauca. However, exactly at this time it had an international fall of the prices of the coffee, it very queafastou of that believed that this seriavivel exchange of merchandises. The drug trafficking became then part of the daily Colombian and umafonte appreciable of captation of dollar, valued currency that derived from the vendado product the Americans, its main purchasers since the time docontrabando of marijuana. Ambguasimbiose Since the formation of the Leagues 12 Peasants or doestabelecimento of the Independent Republics, is far from the urban centers quese had uncurled the conflicts questionadores of the government.
The guerrilla colombianatem its main areas of action in the forests, where the numerical superiority dosseus aggressors is annulled. was also in this scene that if had uncurled assangrentas fights for agrarian reform, becoming the small agricultoresexperientes in appealing to the weapons when the long speeches or the ways polticasno take care of its pressing necessities. Far from the sights of the State, these zones knew only aviolncia and the repression as government form. The hatred of the ruraispelos populations agent repressores of the government was skillfully used for the guerrilla comoum efficient method to attract itself the affection of these peoples. It became inside prpriaum Been of the State. ' ' Woollen Defina wools reglas distribucin of it tierra, decided los familiar problems, educaba cierta measure lagiente. En end, sustitua al Estado' ' 13. It was at this crucial moment queaconteceu the approach between the guerrila groups, as the Farc, and otrfico of narcotic drugs. If you are not convinced, visit Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas, TX. One of the ways for which the guerrilla finances asua fight is through the collection of taxes in exchange for protection against osdesmandos of the Columbian government, either of agriculturists, traders or to dequalquer another one that is established in the zones where it dominates.
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