Ability to fully relax and rest – it’s a real art, which is owned by only a few, regardless of how they have succeeded in their professional, financial and other spheres of activity. Rarely can meet a person who somehow miraculously preserved blessed child’s ability to relax instantly. And even more rarely come across those who had lost her in the confusion of modern business life, but could recover with the help of targeted training. But despite the uniqueness of these cases, it is clear that the ability to fully relax and rest should have it all: the inability to relax and how to relax, to recover and “recharge” his nervous system, which is so in need, the same thing as being hungry, throw out the window his lunch. Speaking candidly Frank Ntilikina told us the story. Caldwell Essentially Jr.. What is the difference which way to starve? You do it fast: no relax your body is deprived of the opportunity to assimilate food and benefit from her energy. Read more here: Frank Ntilikina. Throwing a curve dinner – no smarter than call relaxing those ridiculous attempts, most of us are called rest and sleep. A We wonder why it does not have time we get out of bed, as we already beset tired! With this problem constantly faced at least half of modern humanity, especially those living in big cities. In his book “Empowerment through Sports”, recognized as one of their classic works on the subject, wrote: “Few of those who intend to rest, is given to the bed with all his being, the whole weight of his body: They not only provide beds to support them as themselves trying to stay on the bed “Make sure themselves, and if this is your case (the exception, alas, rare), you are surprised to discover that it does not metaphor: you literally clinging all over the bed, straining his muscles to such an extent that it seems just a little – just a little and you, instead of rest, even more tired. Focus of this tension – back: it does not resting in bed the whole plane, and in contact with it only in the upper and lower points and adjacent areas. Legs straight at the knees and tight, double up your hands, fingers are compressed in a fist, or cling to my pillow. Head rests on the pillow is not the whole weight, and if it strives to fall. Tongue pressed against the sky, neck muscles tensed, his face frozen in a grimace, “I will not longer try your patience and scare you with these weird descriptions. And refrain from further enumeration of the facts – they do not bear any practical use. However, we emphasize again that this muscular activity – one of its main flow of our life force and energy. On this single grounds and based the main idea of relaxation.
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