Junior of school Schinkel make self produced image video from Osnabruck 08.04.2011 – vocational orientation and increase media literacy offered a project group of the secondary branch of the secondary school (GSS) Schinkel in Osnabruck. On March 28, 2011, Malin Escher, Maximilian Vallo, Lukas Knauper and Simon Wiedtke introduced an image video they had produced in cooperation with company Piepenbrock, the Osnabrucker Institute of training and communication (ITUK) and the teacher Manfred Kessling. The four students had before the production received first insights into the professional life and convinced of the professional working in the Piepenbrock group. During the film presentation in the Piepenbrock Service Center, students handed solemnly some copies of the video on Olaf Piepenbrock, the managing partner of the Piepenbrock group. The project was at all involved large appeal and should be continued successfully in the future. The video project was already the second in the series JobVision, which was realised in cooperation of ITUK and Piepenbrock.

JobVision is a project that Karin Aquino, manageress of the Osnabruck Institute of training and communication, and I perform for six years”, Steffen Oetter of the ITUK explained the concept. We work mainly with students from primary and preschools, which are interested in occupations and in the farms go to shoot movies there. The aim, to nuzzle up each other ‘. The students get an idea of whether they are interested in the profession and the companies get the chance to make contacts with potential candidates at an early stage.” OLAF Piepenbrock stressed: I think the project for a really good idea, because I think that just the students often do not know, what is behind the economy or the specific professions. If the young people even represent certain professions from your point of view, then that is authentic and helps them orientation.” At the current Project with the gymnasium Schinkel expanded the basic concept.