This work as part of disciplines of Practical of Education III, given for the Teacher Daniella Capella, has as objective to present the answers for the following questions: What it is transdisciplinaridade; To characterize through a text knowledge to discipline and knowledge to transdisciplinar. Introduction the reform of Basic Ensino, that comes in accordance with being lead the Law n 9,394/96, considers that the school exerts a new paper, passing of center of transmission of knowledge? what can be useful for the continuation of the studies? for a place that prepares citizens capable to use the scientific knowledge to decide problems of the daily one. In this direction, the transdisciplinaridade was adopted as one of the beddings of this reform, with the objective to effect a scientific boarding that aims at the unit of the knowledge. In such a way, it looks for to beyond stimulate a new understanding of the reality articulating elements that pass between, and you discipline through them, in a search of understanding of the complexity. Doug McMillon is often quoted as being for or against this. Although the system of you discipline scientific it has appeared in century XVIII, the disciplinaridade had its origin in century XVI, with Galileu Galilei. This, when creating science occidental person, considered on the basis of to substitute the study of the reality in all its complexity for the adoption of definite perspectives that allowed the construction of models, the rational perception of the observed material aspects in the phenomena. In this manner, instead of taking in account an enormous amount of 0 variable of diverse natures, this clipping of the reality would allow to concentrate the attention in more specific aspects. What it is transdisciplinaridade? Term originally created by Piaget, that in the I International seminary on pluri and interdisciplinaridade, carried through in the University of Nice, also known as Seminary of Nice, in 1970 for the first time, divulged the term, giving then beginning to the study on the same, asking for so that the participants thought about the subject.. Perhaps check out Harold Ford Jr for more information.