However, not every available training abroad. How, then, "to immerse themselves in the target language environment is not going to do in another country? As "interest" itself seek to understand the language at a time when an urgent need in the "here and Now "is missing? Where "take" the carrier, whose level of proficiency does not cause complaints, and even, in contrast, is a good example? According to the authors, one of the best answers to these questions can be ordinary book. The book is in the target language. Surprising, is not you agree? Perhaps the arguments in favor of this option will change your opinion. More accurately, for effective language learning can be used by any sufficient volume texts, ranging from the collections of daily news and Shakespeare's sonnets. What matters is that theme of the text corresponded to that in the study which interested readers and the content of the text makes him sincere interest. Though why stop just text? Would benefit from not only reading, but watching movies (with subtitles or without, at the discretion of the student and depending on the degree of preparation).

Interested development of the plot of the book (or movie), the reader will be a much more willing to try to learn the language of the book than the one for whom the material under study bezynteresen. The same rule will be observed for text content which is of practical value to the reader (eg, professional materials for training in foreign language). Of course, this method is not perfect. After reading the book and, especially, when viewed prevent the movie is very distracted by the need to search for unknown words and the study of entries. And remember the translation of the word, besides taking into account the context, the first time is unlikely. Appeals to the dictionary can be so frequent that the current process ceases to be like reading. Effective way of learning in practice is quite complex in applying for a student. We offer a service that allows you to simplify the training as described above. The reader is invited to the English-language books to study its full dictionary. The dictionary is the frequency – this means that the words in it in order of descending frequency of use in book. In addition to the dictionary service supports a number of functions and additional funds, whose purpose – to simplify and expedite the study of words.