DEFINITION OF STRESS COPING Coping is defined as: Is the effort, both cognitive and behavioral, that makes the individual to cope with stress, to manage both external and internal demands and conflicts between them. Lazarus and Folk (1984) defined coping as “cognitive and behavioral effort to manage the constantly changing demands specific internal / external are evaluated as excessive in relation to the resources available to the person” This would include managing stress not only the domain but the acceptance, tolerance, avoidance or reduction of stressful conditions. Mind not only the result but would include all attempts to handle these situations. It has sometimes been included among the defense mechanisms of stress coping resources. Buendia and Mira (1993) when dealing with childhood stress propose the following table which compares the defense mechanisms and coping strategies: Coping Defense adaptive sense Reducing maladaptive anxiety domain object consciously unconscious n T hese automatic operation courageous same authors say there is no coping strategies that are valid for everyone, but each person can choose one or the other depending on their personality, context and timing where you are. They distinguish between coping styles and coping strategies, combining the style characteristic of those procedures and strategies would be associated more to environmental conditions, referring to cognitive or behavioral actions carried out during a particularly stressful episode.
The type of coping behavior is important because, besides serving to master the demands of the stressful situation, determines how the body is activated. The agency is active in many different ways, depending on the person concerned to control the situation or adopt a passive attitude toward it. Motor behaviors performed to cope with a stressful situation-specific behaviors are a specific situation or behavior more generally for a wide range of situations, depending on what behaviors are learned in the past. The consequences of these behaviors determined to be considered as correct or incorrect by the person. What determines whether the conduct is repeated or not in the future, is not the supposed moral correctness and incorrectness of it, but its effectiveness to change the situation. Possible coping techniques to nAutocontrol nFind nConfrontacion nDistanciamien nAceptacion support Netscape responsibility. Avoidance nPlanificar positive solutions nPensamientos nReevaluacion positive (active efforts, cognitive, viewing the problem) nBusqueda nBusqueda social support benefits nContabilizar solutions (approaches to the problem compared to a worse situation) STRESS INOCULATION TRAINING is a procedure that aims to cognitive behavioral train people in coping skills that immunize against stress. Following Meichenbaumy Novac ( 1978) components would be: “a) self-guided discovery that evidences the contribution of cognitions of the person subjective distress b) auto maladaptive behavior monitoring c) learning problem-solving skills d) promote effective coping and procedures ) graded exercises that encourage the application to real life problems f) behavior therapy procedures that include relaxation, imagination, and behavioral rehearsal when the disorder can be repeated..
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