Tag: education & career

Good Education More Important Than Holiday

Young people know the completion of training to appreciate Cologne, February 12, 2009 young people know the value of a good education to appreciate. This is the result, a recent opinion survey of the training network comes azubister (www.azubister.net). Asked about their wishes 58% of surveyed students and trainees reported the successful completion of training than most desire. Thus, the apprenticeship is unchallenged at the top and refers to rear seats paid vacation or a new car. In the survey, school leavers show the greatest ambition.

In them the desire is after a good training with 81% atop the wishlist. If you have read about Interactive Advertising Bureau already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Even after routine in everyday training has returned, only every fourth apprentice would want to exchange his apprenticeship to a year’s paid leave. In addition, the survey shows that the female offspring is very motivated. The result clearly shows how seriously young people take their education”, says Andreas Diehl, founder and CEO of azubister. The Training platform azubister has set itself the goal a reliable companion before and during their training to be young people. In groups and networks, young people support each other on all aspects of education. In this way, especially pupils benefit from experience of experienced apprentices like linked the young help and advice. For students a great way to find out about training are the opinions and contributions of apprentices inform. “, so Andreas Diehl concluded.

Piepenbrock Service Center

Junior of school Schinkel make self produced image video from Osnabruck 08.04.2011 – vocational orientation and increase media literacy offered a project group of the secondary branch of the secondary school (GSS) Schinkel in Osnabruck. On March 28, 2011, Malin Escher, Maximilian Vallo, Lukas Knauper and Simon Wiedtke introduced an image video they had produced in cooperation with company Piepenbrock, the Osnabrucker Institute of training and communication (ITUK) and the teacher Manfred Kessling. The four students had before the production received first insights into the professional life and convinced of the professional working in the Piepenbrock group. During the film presentation in the Piepenbrock Service Center, students handed solemnly some copies of the video on Olaf Piepenbrock, the managing partner of the Piepenbrock group. The project was at all involved large appeal and should be continued successfully in the future. The video project was already the second in the series JobVision, which was realised in cooperation of ITUK and Piepenbrock.

JobVision is a project that Karin Aquino, manageress of the Osnabruck Institute of training and communication, and I perform for six years”, Steffen Oetter of the ITUK explained the concept. We work mainly with students from primary and preschools, which are interested in occupations and in the farms go to shoot movies there. The aim, to nuzzle up each other ‘. The students get an idea of whether they are interested in the profession and the companies get the chance to make contacts with potential candidates at an early stage.” OLAF Piepenbrock stressed: I think the project for a really good idea, because I think that just the students often do not know, what is behind the economy or the specific professions. If the young people even represent certain professions from your point of view, then that is authentic and helps them orientation.” At the current Project with the gymnasium Schinkel expanded the basic concept.

Student Learn

Learn foreign languages with fun & meet young people from around the world, Dresden 03.05.2011 – the Easter holidays are over and again it is time to think about the design of the next holiday. Who would like to combine fun, action and language learning in the early summer, can experience worldwide this in many countries at a student learn. Since the early summer in some federal countries are relatively short, are offered the countries of Europe. Arrivals and departures are here straightforward and require no great planning and organization. More and more families decide today, very early the chance to give their children to live in a foreign culture and to learn. The tour operator see themselves as partners of the institution school, which complement with specially developed courses of students in high quality support school foreign language from primary school up to high school. During the entire language holiday care trained workers to the welfare of the students and make sure that they spot all around feel.

A point of contact for all questions is on the spot. Instructors are dedicated teachers and experienced teachers. Of course a special activities belongs to each language course: sightseeing tours, sports games, fun & party time. Each participant will have lots of fun and international friendships will emerge. Accommodation with full Board is carried out in selected host families. This type of accommodation contributes significantly to the success of the course, since students are confronted with the language around the clock and are forced to communicate with their host family in a foreign language. If feasible, the accommodation in a College, student apartment or school residence is possible.

Criteria for the choice of the tour operator is important to membership in the ‘professional German language Broadcasters Association’ FDSV. The members meet highest quality criteria. Including the language course programs are reviewed annually by an independent Advisory Board on-site. Children and young people have to be taught by qualified teachers in the language and also of course must be matched to the appropriate grade levels. After course completion are transferred a recognised participation certificate. Warranty according to the German travel law, including insolvency insurance. For the insolvency insurance is obtained together with the confirmation of the organiser the chattel paper. Learn more about student language: schuelersprachreisen.html BildungsMakler24 operates and markets the education portal: BildungsMakler24.de a portal for learning opportunities at home and abroad, including financing with funding. The info portal gives you expert guidance in a compact form as well as many helpful tips and hints. Will helped the visitors, make good decisions when planning his own education or training. As a service, some hand-picked educational providers with different capacities are recommended.

Student Party

Life University of applied sciences the life at a University of applied sciences is versatile and is happening not only behind books and lectures. Because this type of high school offers also much room for personality development for new contacts with external scientists, experts from the economy, institutions, and companies. And also the entertainment is not too short. Also the Repertoire of their event and their audiences are as diverse as the courses of higher education. In addition to lectures, seminars and practical projects, numerous event outside of the actual teaching take place at universities for applied sciences for students and those who want to become it for scientists and practitioners, academics and guests. So not only current content from science and practice are taught, but allows also the versatility, creativity and dynamism of the universities and their recruits. By the guest lecture to the event by the Learning textbooks: curiosity, commitment, social competence, responsibility and personal development and fulfilment are just a few. At the end of a lecture, on weekends or during the semester holidays, there is also ample space, once the soul to let, to spend time with like-minded people and to make new friends: in college sports, pub nights, student parties or trips. Universities of applied sciences everything. Out of pure theory.

Student Jobs

Student jobs the entry into the working world of students and pupils who are soon finished with school, worry about their future careers. After years of learning and the carefree childhood one of the most important steps in the world there is now growing. First of all, it comes to find an apprenticeship. It’s not always easy, but a site like Schulerjobs.org can help to find the most suitable. Is the job market for student jobs and who knows where he can apply, has a decisive advantage. Student jobs exists above all to itself in time to apply, because the number of applicants is large. Who wants to be successful in the job search, needs not only good grades, but also the will to learn something.

Internship is a great way to make a picture of the future profession, a Bogy. Companies that provide an apprenticeship, often give students the opportunity to test a job before. This form of student jobs are on sites like Schulerjobs.org offered. The job market offers many opportunities to students with good references. You can get one of the coveted apprenticeships in the fields of finance and trade. Clean and complete documents are important for a successful application.

A well-written application is already half the battle. Because it conveys an impression of the candidate. A Chief of staff Yes not personally acquainted with the people behind the application. Therefore, the application itself should speak and animate the company to invite the pupil or the pupil. Templates and many other helpful tips and tricks visit curriculum vitae students Schulerjobs.org. There are also concrete job offers and offers for apprenticeships. Teenagers who go actively looking for jobs should look on the Internet. Because like all jobs, there are also many interesting offers. It also includes, to apply online.

Weber Tips

Just in time for the Zwischenzeugnissen students help published practical and effective advice for learning pleasure instead of learning frustration Stuttgart, February 2010: it is time again: these days the assess will be awarded, and black and white, students receive your performance appraisal. Already provided the groundwork for the transfer in the summer. The assess are always taking stock. Now it is to catch as much learning as possible and efficiently to prepare. The specialized support of the entire school year, the students help published an Advisor series revolving around the theme of learning.

The two first counselor can on the day of the open door (6.2.2010 from 10: 00 to 14:00) or the consultation evenings (Wednesday, the 03.02.2010 until Friday, the 05.02.2010 15: 00 to 19:00) will be picked up at your local students help. Learning frustrations and learning pleasure close together often with students”as Sylvie Weber-Hauser, area Director of student aid. The note in the basement, it is also Motivation down the drain. With simple but targeted assistance parents can motivate their children to new learning pleasure.” The new parents guide of learning and motivation tips “gives an overview of the most effective expert advice, with whose help children find joy in learning again in no time. But also the pupils themselves can do much to improve his grade. The new audit guides aimed directly at students and school and provides a practical guide to successful learning and a better structured audit preparation. The student aid now will publish further advice on current topics related to school and learning at regular intervals.

“Parents guide of learning and motivation tips” the first parents guide of learning and motivation tips “was developed in cooperation with experienced educators and psychologist Dietmar Langer. Numerous examples for optimum support of children by the parents make the work to the helpful reference book. Exam guides for student training recommendations for oral and written tests and the proper time management tips to healthy eating, a testing guide for students provides efficient preparation course at a glance the best tips and tricks to the topic.

Sabrina Staubitz And Elke Haberle Joins The Team Of The Munich-based Agency

dot.Communications expands with communications professionals and founds new unit Munich, 28 October 2013. Profound know-how, consistent strategy, modern means of communication solutions is the Munich Agency for brands and media for over thirteen years and can convince national and international top customers every day of. Due to the rapidly growing importance of brand communication in the public space, as well as for companies and their executives, the Agency establishes brand staging”the new unit. Their offer is aimed especially at brand, which professionally staged their product, their companies or their management and journalistic want to sharpen their messages. Thus, dot.communications responds to the increased challenges in corporate communications, requiring holistic concepts of the classical PR addition, developed with journalistic expertise and deep understanding for brand, company, and personality.

Consequently, the Agency strengthened with two long-term experts and real communication professionals: Sabrina Staubitz and Elke Haberle. Sabrina Staubitz, 45, to conceptual design in the future as free TV presenter in the new unit for top clients events, public and internal events, congresses or workshops and moderate. “In addition it brings their extensive camera experience in that unit media training / crisis communication” a. Santiago studied at the Munich Ludwig-Maximilians-University political science, communication science and market and advertising psychology. She received her journalistic touches at the Bayerischer Rundfunk and RTL.

She both private as well as public service broadcasters, among others, the DSF Deutsches Sportfernsehen, RTL, RTL worked as presenter of evening formats, magazines and talk shows II, the Bavarian broadcasting and sky. Also the professional journalist Elke Haberle, 47 is new to the team. The longtime author of the IWB Internet world business and proven digital expert now works as a freelance journalist and communications consultant for the Agency and puts her a comprehensive knowledge especially in the media and Agency customers. Elke Haberle entered journalism after graduating in economic and social sciences at the Meininger Publishing House, and worked for various international and national marketing magazines, including over ten years for w & v and for media & Marketing Europe. In addition, it organized numerous seminars and events. This includes the Agency founder of Birgit Jacob: both new members know and I guess for years. Their creativity, their journalistic standards and their high level of professionalism are a godsend for the Agency and for our customers.”dot.communications is specializes in PR for brands and media and divided into four units: media, digital & technology, media training & crisis communications and brand presentation. The current portfolio clients such as BSH Bosch include Siemens Hausgerate, the market-leading Dehner garden center group, Munich Airport, the ProSiebenSat.1. 1 Media AG, the Agency Group pilot, QUISMA and the Deutsche Telekom AG. Images on request, happy to further questions: dot.

Education Sciences Academy

Launch of the new Academy for educational research and teacher training (ABL) at the Goethe University in a major trade event. FRANKFURT. Change of course new ways to professionalize teacher training”: under this title discussed high-level speakers from science, economics, politics and education and then celebrated the opening of the newly founded Academy of educational research and teacher education (ABL). With the Academy, the study should be reformed structurally and in terms of content and in the University Education ensures sufficient practical experience and deepening ways at the Goethe University. In addition, young scientists in educational research is encouraged. The keynote of the event was Dr Helge Braun, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF). The Keynot spoke of the Humboldt University of Berlin Prof. Heinz-Elmar Tenorth. In the subsequent discussion board Secretary Ingmar Jung discussed by the Hessian Ministry of for science and art with some education researchers on the future of teacher education. With the founding of the Academy, the Goethe University is a visible sign of the profile of the College, where education plays a central role. With this change of course the Frankfurt concept aims to position itself, not only in Hesse, but also in the entire region and beyond. “Only an attractive academics can continue in the next phase of the strong fall in student numbers so Frankfurt,” stressed Prof. Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Vice President of the Goethe University. Task of the ABL is to ensure the quality of the courses in which she engages all disciplines involved in teacher training in issues of teacher education and specifically designed with this curriculum and organisation and co-ordinated. Also the Academy campaigned for the development of new courses on topics such as migration, inclusion and new media. The ABL further development is the major aim of strengthening practice, the basic sciences in the so-called Education Sciences ‘ meet.