Tag: news

Motivation Tool

Willingness to work, depends on the motive which encourage us. These reasons are needs that we try to satisfy and vary from person to person. Of course, there are motivations that are shared by groups. First, find out which is your own motivation. Strange that believe you, this is not clear in our minds and can lead us to failure occupationally. Once this cycle is complete, launch to discover the reasons and needs that motivate his team. Please find below some of the main modalities of conduct that lead us to apply the proper motivation to people. SATISFACTION in the fulfilled duty: To some people, drives the desire to do his work by the only pleasure to do well.

In it are a test, that can do what they intend. FRIENDSHIP first: There are people who do everything humanly possible to be seen surrounded by friends. That makes sure they are always eager to the recognition of others, therefore, avoid taking sides and become complicit in his friends, contal don’t lose his friendship. THE PERFECTIONISM: To many much more interested in the technical aspects of their work. Excellence is before any other consideration for them, and they do everything humanly possible to achieve in every work they undertake.

THE passion for power: To many, them encourages mobile arrive someday to exercise power. They are individuals with gift of command and excellent leaders. But, on the other hand, sometimes neglect its performance, by defending the power. VARIOUS combinations: It is not uncommon that a person acted pursuant to two or more of these forms of motivation. But common, is that one of them is predominant. As you will notice, not just the money is a strong motivation for people; in fact, in some cases it is not even important. Economic theory, we have inherited to the homo-economicus, but we must understand that we are not equal and that there are more dimensions than the simple monetary remuneration. It must be clear, that there is always a motivation for every human being that leads him to do something, but that an incentive or reason, you can change time in time and according to the situation. Latin Americans new entrepreneurs can be at the forefront of global development. It is a matter of appropriating our role and take our place in the social and economic development of our peoples; but we can do it if we do not understand our people first and apply the precise motivation to lead them to success.

Government System

The Argentine State was born in the mid-19th century, and one of his first actions was to organize the educational system. State intervention sought to take charge of many educational functions held by the Church at the time of the nationalization of church property. With a centralist tendency, merged with the society by ordering the will according to the needs of the current Government (political, economic, or repressive) corpus. In the first instance the oligarchic State (1880) took charge with the intention to institutionalize its authority, consolidate the national identity and build the State itself. For even more details, read what Michael J. Bender says on the issue. To this end, he appealed to ideological penetration, namely its symbolic production capacity to create a sense of belonging in order to ensure the governability of the mass through education.

This symbolic burden should be weight just to create new Argentines in the conviction that the established order was that they themselves wanted. But, on the other hand, managed to generate a system of social stratification according to interests of the sector leader / dominant, contrary to the ideals of liberalism raised in the Constitution and in the newly passed law 1420. From here begins a gradual process of politicisation of education and culture, becoming both in matter of State. Click Interactive Advertising Bureau for additional related pages. Trying to build the nation and, at the same time, be likened culturally to the large foreign contingents that they arrived to the country. There is sufficient evidence to hold that with the generation of the ‘ 80s until 1916 (Asuncion de Irigoyen), were prescribed in the Argentine educational system (SEA) rituals, the definition of the curriculum, the design of school practices and the imposition of a pedagogical and social authority that predominate for a long time. The path of progress and setbacks, authoritarianism, poverty, policies of structural adjustment, etc., contributed to make the State was losing its ability to organise and give step, in the last hundred years, to a speech bordering on neutrality school; current allusions resort on the fragmentation of the system, contents emptied speeches, the decline of the former teacher authority and the absence of ideologues and ideologies reformers and visionary. .

State Secretary Measures

EL MUNDO 12/29/04 building studies prohibit that circulate the cars without chains the Minister acknowledges that the performance on the roads during the storm was insufficient Rajoy requests the Government to stop be justified. The PP calls for the resignation of the Director-general of Civil protection. Without chains do not drive.It is something like valuing the Ministry of public works, bore criticism by the traffic chaos of the last temporary homeland.Additional measures come later when the Ministry assured that it is studying the feasibility of a system that, in situations of snow and ice, do not allow circular to heavy trucks or cars that do not carry chains… The initiative has much to do with the thesis of the Director of civil protection which blamed among other additional measures are the establishment of a network of parking of heavy vehicles in certain strategic points .the State Secretary of security A – Camacho was asked by the complaints of many drivers by a shortage of civilian guards during the days of the collapse. M: Rajoi said that in the first case of these features has faced the Socialist Government, has given a sample of fairly obvious ineffectiveness, .how everything by those that when the previous Government committing an error made all sorts of accusations the spokesman of the PP in the Senate, Jose Joaquin Penarrubia, said that only the desverguenza and. They can explain that it has attacked against drivers.Likewise this group will request the attendance of the director general of traffic, Pere Navarro… they not ruled out asking the resignation of this qualifying it as a virtual political letters to the Director: TVE no pays close attention to the storm: it seems that we return to the old ways with the politicization of television. Last Sunday, the great nevada day, when thousands of motorists were trapped on roads, the news program of the 2nd Edition relegated the information to a secondary plane.

Happy Students Unhappy Universities

Law students, through the Association of people affected by the law on access to advocacy and procurement (ANALAP), succeeded in that past on July 7 the BOE ratified a policy change. With it, students and recent graduates in law are no longer obliged to make a mandatory master with practices and a review to exercise like all lawyers Online. Also, they may colegiar in two years. To achieve this ANALAP plotted out a broad strategy that Member several months. It began with mobilizations peaceful on the streets of many cities and complaints through social networks. Later emails were sent to the media that diesen outreach initiatives. Finally met with representatives of the various political parties and contacted the Ministry of Justice to expose their discontent. The past May 29, PP, with support from other parliamentary groups, submitted a transactional amendment.

The 31st was ratified when Commission of Justice Congress approved the Bill of mediation in civil and commercial matters that included the third final provision, with the changes proposed in the law 34/2006. The process culminates after passing by the Senate and be approved in the Official Gazette. As a result of these modifications, many universities have shown their discontent because they had invested many resources so that the masters were in operation in the next academic year 12/13. Investment that, with the policy change, hardly going to recover because many of the students who had been forced to register are not going to do.