Tag: society and culture

The Training

Another point important to stand out is that the race does not separate the individuals for social classes and is an excellent promotional agent of integration and socialization, congregating of executives office-boys, beyond people of diverse ages. To run is to pursue objective, always. (Similarly see: Marc Lore). Many only train aiming at quality of life whereas others want to be each time more competitive, fighting passed the passed one for the pdio. All have goals and to improve the income is the inevitable destination of who practises physical activity. The moment where the esportista starts to collate its previous treinos or to compare itself with the other corridors is a fort accuses of that being wanting more than simple a practical esportiva. Many corridors are more competitive to the measure that it perceives to be made use to face the race as a competitive sport, the behavior in relation to the preparation if it modifies. Educate yourself with thoughts from David Delrahim. While the amateur athlete must only be worried in having healthful habits, the necessary competitive corridor to take care of to the maximum of its feeding, rest, social life and even though of the professional routine.

As GODOY (1996) since the oldest times the man associates the training with feeding, having as example the training of the Greeks that occupied the biggest part of the day, following always the norms of an alimentary diet during the treinos. The training starts to be more intense and rigorous, and with these procedures, the alimentary ingestion daily pay, during and after exercise assumes prominence position, therefore one me the feeding can reduce, and very, the reserves of muscular and heptica glycogen, harming the income. Of the nutrients that compose foods, the carboidratos assume basic role in these processes of supply and reserve of energy, mainly in cyclical modalities e, whose aerobic component is very requested. According to WOLINSKY & HICKSON (2002) carboidrato is one of the components most important in the feeding of the human beings, for disponibilizar the glucose that is a source energy importantssima for the cellular metabolism.

Monkey Bridge

According to Jose Miguel Wisnik, ' ' adopting the xingamento, they proud revert the supposedly negative character of the expression, printing to it a connotation provocativa' '. It was what it made twisted of the Athletical Association Black Bridge. According to Aristides Almeida Rock, in its excellent book on the animal symbology in the sport, it has three theories that they explain why the Black Bridge is the Monkey. The theory of the torcedor Jose Mayan Renato Kings is of that, when the pontepretanos torcedores arrived in a city, they always walked in groups, what the inhabitants said that ' ' the flock of macacos&#039 arrived; '. The theory of engineer Ariovaldo Casimiro Nesso that, according to Aristides, would have greater credit is of that, in the year of the foundation of the club, the pontepretanos played ball next to a bridge (Black) where, unexpectedly, it appeared a monkey. (The true one will be this, then it must be concluded that the Monkey is probably first mascote of the Brazilian soccer, as already we said in the chapter ' ' First mascote' ' , in our book Of the deep one of the trunk.) Finally, it has the theory ' ' tradicional' ' , of that it was a xingamento of the twisted bugrina.

There the pontepretanos had transformed the lemon into lemonade and the monkey is mascote official of Bridge. Well, it was not difficult to the pontepretanos to find qualities in ' ' xingamento' '. As it would say the great Cascudo Chamber, the monkey ' ' it is the figure of the agility, astuteness without escrpulos, infallibly victorious for the rapidity in the unexpected solutions and felizes' '. In posterior edition of its famous Dictionary of the Brazilian folklore, it says more: that ' ' in the classic fabulrio the monkey appears as symbol of cynical ability, shrewdness and ligeireza.