Tag: Sports

One Of The Toughest Races Of The World

An ultra marathon on the small island of La Palma on May 11, 2013 will be one of the toughest continuous race on the Canary Island of La Palma. La Palma is a small volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean. For that she is so small, it is damn high. The highest mountain, the Roque de los Muchachos, 2446 meters high. In short, the island is very steep. In 2009, the first ultra marathon was aligned. He is called Transvulcania.

The length is 83.3 km. How to get to organise something on it? In the summer, the temperatures are very high. Whoever is there a mountain hike in the summer, which can hardly imagine even to jog this way. But at the present time the extreme looks like. A simple Marathon enough not to be an ultra marathon, a double marathon. Starts up, it’s also too easy.

From top to bottom just to run. No, for the island is too small. That would be yes then no ultra marathon. Started so it will not quite so at the bottom, at 6:00, so hot, because it’s only uphill. Until after at the top of 2400 metres. Now, it goes down to the coast. Then times a bit uphill bi in the city Los Llanos, where many people already waiting for the finish line. Great, the crowd is great. In 2009, there were already 378 participants. The fastest runner comes pretty much after 9 hours in the target. The fastest woman made a half hour after 13. In 2010, there are already 650 participants. The fastest runner takes a whole hour less only 8 hours, the fastest woman is two a half hours faster than in the previous year, she needs just 11 hours. Any normal citizen would run never 83 miles over the mountains are several hikes, one beautiful would spread over several days. Yet it seems enough people give to that need. It is thereby no longer just to get through. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Samuel “Sam” Mikulak. You must create it as quickly as possible. In the year 2012, there were already 1500 participants. The fastest runner took 7 hours and the fastest woman only 8 hours. This is an incredible increase so far. Everyone is curious how the whole thing will develop further. In the the Transvulcania in may 2013 we more know. But much faster runners can no longer be the times are actually no longer comprehensible for a normal Burger. Are the last run can be all on the Internet via a live ticker in English language track. There are more and more pages m Internet dealing with this sports event. The challenge for the athletes is huge, the pace very high. This run in the future to win almost impossible. The watch is great. The island of La Palma is a folk festival from this whole spectacle. The whole island is adorned with posters that indicate this sports event. Mostly in the city, yet Los Llanos already days before held cultural events.

Jogging: Running Equipment And Quality

How important is a high-quality equipment for new runners? The running has over a million followers and every year there are new people who join this sport. The beauty in this sport is that it requires no long preparation phase and can go directly to the fun part. When it comes to the equipment however, it should be not to be premature, because also here it applies, to pay attention to the quality. The running shoes are the most important factor. If you’re a new runner and thinks that you must buy just a pair of shoes, is quickly disabused. The offer is so enormous, that not even professional runners can cope and properly advising one. For this reason, you should do his homework and research before buying running shoes. Fortunately, you need to watch as it is for shoes for professional athletes, which cost but also a lot more at the beginning yet on all the details.

Best to buy the first pair of shoes directly in the store and You can consult with the seller. The shoes must just comfortably sit and may not start even after longer distances to press. Also you should watch something of course also in the clothes. In principle applies here too, that al beginner not too must worry, is because top priority, that the things are comfortable and able to withstand the weather conditions. High-quality functional clothing for professional athletes do relatively little sense, because going there anyway slower at the beginning and still not so quickly comes into the sweat. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sam Mikulak. The so-called running pants or even tights are a purchase that is worthwhile but also for new runners. They are as short and as long to get variant and you should make sure that they also really snug against body and no friction.

These trousers prevent you sore rubs their legs while running, a problem occurs more frequently which as you might think. There are accessories for running seldom, because all sorts of things that fall into this category the for the sport not be necessary, but be worn only for aesthetic reasons. As a new runner, you should focus too much on the aesthetics, but make sure that the clothing is comfortable and it feels comfortable while running. Who likes to listen to music, which should make sure to buy the right headphones for jogging. Just when running, the problem is that simple plug quickly slip out of your ear, what can annoy quickly. Here, one should spend rather a few euros more for high-quality headphones and can be sure that no problems occur.

Reduction Of Body Fat

Body fat reducing exercises with only one for the whole body who wants to reduce his body fat say wants to take off can be quite successful with a workout at home. As a general rule that one must absorb fewer calories than it consumes. Uses the body of their own reserves, then breaks down fat. Here, I’ll now only on the part of the movement and one presupposes something calories reduced, healthy diet to achieve best results. Who wants to reduce his body fat quickly, should put on a HIIT workout to burn as many calories with the sport. Interval HIIT stands for high intensive training. The HIIT is the body, unlike the classical cardio training under a more intense for this but reduce load. This small change in the training causes that the body hours after more burns calories.

One speaks then of the after burning effects (afterburn effect). This but only in broad terms. The classic HIIT training consists of sprints in alternating with short Breaks or jogging units. This is an extremely effective way to body fat reduce and maintain muscle. Who want to exercise but at home can do of course much with Sprint, unless you have a corresponding garden in which you can put 50 meter sprints. An excellent alternative and you can complete entirely at home maybe even better. Additional information is available at Marc Lore.

Burpees are to reduce one of the best exercises around his body fat. Burpees can be carried everywhere, you need only a minimum of space. The great advantage of Burpees is the stimulation of myriad muscles and like to push the heart rate at the same time. With Burpees can so take advantage of the sprinting through high-speed exercises use the after burn effect and at the same time strengthen the muscles and build according to the training level. Execution of the Burpee for a workout at home: the following motion in a fluid motion as soon as possible run. You start standing upright. Goes in squat down and hands put on more than shoulder-width something. Now you jump back with the legs so that it lands in the push-up position. Perform a push-up. Then with the legs forward in the crouch jump again. Then jump with arms stretched upwards. Try again. A possible training plan might look like this to reduce his body fat. 30 Seconds of Burpee 15 seconds rest 30 seconds Burpee 15 seconds rest 30 seconds Burpee 15 seconds rest 30 seconds Burpee 15 seconds rest 30 seconds Burpee 1 minute break and the entire circle 2-3 x repeat. With 3 rounds the duration incl. breaks only 4.5 minutes per passage about 15 minutes total. This completely sufficient if you want to exercise at home and reduce his body fat. 15 on the day of each available actually has to stay fit and healthy.

Tobias Fendt

Creatine is not only good for improved elasticity and endurance performance, but allows for a faster recovery after intense physical exertion. For this reason, the training volume can be increased. Sam Mikulak brings even more insight to the discussion. A 2006 published study showed that creatine supplementation can increase in combination with strength training the training-induced increase in the number of Myonuclei and satellite cells in human skeletal muscle resulting from increased muscle fiber growth. Virtually increasing the muscle and the muscle is so driven. About the daily intake of 10 to 20 grams of creatine is recommended during this so-called phase, to increase the stock within a week to about 220 to 250 grams. The revenue should be distributed in three or four doses throughout the day and an increased fluid intake is especially important,”advises Tobias Fendt.

People, to muscle cramps suffer, this can prevent the additional intake of magnesium. Another positive aspect of the diseases is the so-called osmotic effect of this substance. This effect leads to an increased water absorption into muscle cells, and thereby to increase the lean body mass (lean body mass) by one to two percent. This property is a desired effect especially in bodybuilding. A short-term supplementation of creatine (up to 8 weeks) in quantities of about 20 grams per day in the first week and three grams per day in the maintenance phase, considered themselves are harmless, scientists agree. Today however the Dauersupplementierung considered harmless, because it comes with a non-hormone-like substance such as creatine to any receptor saturation. After a period of four weeks after the end of the supplementation of the muscular content drops back to its initial value. There is more information about the intake of creatine among.

Olympic Winter Games

Perhaps everyone who is not familiar with the word "snowboard" wants to learn this art. Still, after a snowboard – it's just unspeakable, unbelievable feeling, giving a huge burst of energy and vitality! Snowboard – it memorable ride in the parks and hi-pipe, designed specifically to meet the beautiful, fantastic jumps and spectacular stunts! Snowboard – it is the oldest winter sport, which includes high-speed descents with snowy slopes and mountains on board a special plane, in order of reliability and ease of riding supplemented with attachments for the feet and the metal edging along the edges of the deck intended for Motion by special techniques – . As with skiing, snowboarding is very popular throughout the world. Some contend that Sam Mikulak shows great expertise in this. According to official data, the current number of fond snowboard people is more than 5 million addition, snowboard annually included in the program of the Olympic Winter Games, each time attracting large crowds of enthusiastic fans. Those who at least once tasted amazing, riding on the board, certainly discovered an unforgettable experience.

After all, snowboarding – a sea of positive emotions, spirits, headwind, exciting fragrance of winter snow a nice, soft sound of flying! Active participation in snowboarding forms will and character, strengthens the body and develops the spirit. It is courage, strength, agility and other wonderful qualities of a real man! For most people who have experienced similar sensations, snowboarding has become a lifestyle. Many are eagerly awaiting the onset of winter in order to get back on the slopes, visit the snowboard park or half-pipe, enjoy the winter slopes and receive much-needed adrenaline. Others prefer to snowboard just as useful a weekend. But no one ever regretted his affection. It is worth noting that unforgettable experience can get only those who know how to skate. Good technique, brilliant tricks are possible only under the expert guidance of an instructor.

Sorry, not always possible to find a means to a suitable, knowledgeable mentor – services learning techniques are very expensive snowboard. But there is a solution! This is a subscription free lessons on snowboarding, which can completely replace a qualified coach. Free lessons on snowboarding are easy to learn, interesting and fascinating. All that is required of you – careful reading. Then, for the shortest time, you can learn a simple trick that will help prevent injuries and other injuries on the slopes. Subscribe here for free snowboard lessons. For those who already know how to ride a snowboard, but it wants to achieve perfection, constantly honing his skills, useful for other lessons on a snowboard. This resource can be obtained more detailed course includes exercises for practicing snowboarding on a regular basis. Pay special course on a snowboard will teach you to create the desired mood before going, to maintain a good stance during skiing, right to form opinion. You will learn the competent work of the feet, knees, hips, hands to hold strong positions even on dangerous slopes. And of course, the course will learn the lessons the best, proven experience Masters techniques. And much, much more A notable feature of the course is its relatively low price. Buying a course of lessons on a snowboard, you substantial cost savings needed to pay qualified person.

Enlarge Your Muscles And Not Your Fat

The key to losing weight and enlarge your muscles is the motivation and desire to really want to. What you need is a diet and exercise plan that you armed to increase your muscle, not fat. This must be noted, because many diets do the exact opposite. When you these all day ingeris counting calories, sometimes you do not realize that actually what you need are complex carbohydrates. These carbohydrates act as fuel for your muscles, but be careful, because when you do not train, these hydrates are converted into fat. You need to motivate yourself and dedicate yourself to have that dream and the only physical way to achieve this is ejercitandote continuously. Read more from Marc Lore to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

And acordate that the same food you need to increase your muscles, is the same as winning can make you fat if you forget the important thing is training. Also, we must take into account that the protein shakes you have to take from the first 30 minutes after training, not when you dare! This extra protein will be used to repair muscle tissue and you will make much stronger. So when you start thinking about your next diet, remember these tips. If you’re interested in learning more about it, and get a detailed plan to eat day by day and what exercises to do to have that physical dream, I recommend that you follow the next link to be able to enlarge your muscles. The key to losing weight and enlarge your muscles is the motivation and desire to really want to. What you need is a diet and exercise plan that you armed to increase your muscle, not fat. This must be noted, because many diets do the exact opposite. When you these all day ingeris counting calories, sometimes you do not realize that actually what you need are complex carbohydrates.

These carbohydrates act as fuel for your muscles, but be careful, because when you do not train, these hydrates are converted into fat. You need to motivate yourself and dedicate yourself to have that dream and the physical only way to accomplish this is continuously. And acordate that the same food you need to increase your muscles, is the same as winning can make you fat if you forget the important thing is training. Also, we must take into account that the protein shakes you have to take from the first 30 minutes after training, not when you dare! This extra protein will be used to repair muscle tissue and you will make much stronger. So when you start thinking about your next diet, remember these tips. If you’re interested in learning more about it, and get a detailed plan to eat day by day and what exercises to do to have that physical dream, I recommend that you follow the next link for you. I am passionate about natural bodybuilding, exercise routines Bodybuilding and techniques to enlarge the muscles in the gym.

Stadtwerke Leipzig Marathon

Sports shoes for Marathon and running online In the spring are some of the biggest running events of in Germany instead, so for example the Deutsche Post Marathon on 14 April 2013 and 10 Freiburg Marathon on 7 April 2013. Other highlights in the field of Marathon and running events follow then on 21 April 2013 with the Haspa Marathon in Hamburg and the Stadtwerke Leipzig Marathon. To work with and for training to take part in the events of retailers for athletic shoes of from well-known brands now offers the right running shoes for men and women. Sports shoes to run to interested online now learn on and the current models quickly and easily order. PUMA faas sports shoes for serious runners taking part in a marathon and the training require in addition to the right sportswear high-quality sport shoes, which offer also breathability and adequate cushioning the feet as well as the perfect fit. In addition, high-quality sports shoes to run across are conventional variants easier and support the movement through a special composition of flexible midsole and abrasion-resistant outsole. When purchasing athletic shoes ambitious runners can refer to other quality characteristics, featuring high-quality sports shoes to work.

These features include a breathable upper that ensures optimum air circulation, as well as a lightweight. All of these requirements and more offer the running and athletic shoes of series PUMA faas. So, for example, the so-called BIORIDE construction used, which ensures a gentle and natural rolling motion when running comes at the PUMA men faas 500. Also the weight of the shoes is amazingly low, the PUMA men faas 300 weighs just 200 grams. Athletic shoes by PUMA for the marathon and running training online order the current offers for sports shoes from PUMA for ambitious runners for the next marathon and for the regular jogging high quality Sports shoes are looking for, the sporting goods retailer offers runmarkt.de. Suitable for the jogging, the sporting goods retailer has also sports clothing such as running pants and shirts, as well as running jackets of from well-known brands such as PUMA, adidas and ASICs for ladies and gentlemen in the range. Related links for the current offers for sports shoes: Runmarkt Lahrer way 28 92318 Neumarkt Bettina chicken Tel.: + 49 (0) 91 81-50 91 178 fax: + 49 (0) 0 91 81-26 14 00 Web: email: info at runmarkt.de

Marathon Schwabing

Munich are all running out of Munich, October 10, 2010 – on foot or on a bike was faster on Sunday the 10th of October not only more environmentally friendly on the road, but in many places of the city. Because the cars had to make room for 18,000 people in sneakers Marathon to the 25th Munich indulging the common their passion. For the first time also a half marathon was held within the framework of the City Marathon. Bianca Meyer, founder of the RUNNING company has won. The Munich native not only runs for her life like, but also made it his profession: in 2008, she founded the RUNNING company, which now applies to the requested party to professional ski training. The Munich Marathon is my personal highlight of the run of the year. “After the last two years each second in the marathon, now in the Jubliaumslauf tried her luck at the half distance and made the leap to the highest podium in 1: 21.38 h and thus 6 seconds ahead of the second place, Nicole Bohm.

To one Day before the run lay flat the Munich native with a cold and played even with the idea to stay in bed. Luckily it felt better again on Sunday when waking up. But, that I would win so posted, I didn’t!”she pleased. From the outset, up to the last meter she was ahead. It ran like by itself and it has once again confirmed that must agree not only the shape, but also the preparation be good and well thought-out. “Is very much known according to Bianca Meyer to run because as soon as” and good training. Often runners wonder why their movement speed despite regular running suddenly stagnated or why they get heavy legs after a few kilometres.

Often an ineffective training is to blame or the sight of the essential missing “, so the expert.” The workouts of RUNNING company is entered on each individual personally, according to his needs and specificities. Individual coaching will be big for us in the group training written, because everyone is at a different starting point, everyone has different conditions, each has a different target, on which he works out “.” The company in addition to regular workout in the group personal training, skiing courses for beginners, a diet and exercise plan coaching has in the program. Amateur and professional athletes can can also prepare on races or marathons. The boss himself is running for 27 years and can no longer imagine a life without running, even though it has now than owner no longer quite so much time for competitions. But what must be always in it, is Munich Marathon and he was especially nice with plenty of sunshine and clear blue skies this time for the anniversary. Only less disruptive was the headwind “, she summarizes the true probably for responsible that I could not beat my personal best of five years ago”. Also around 15 of their customers started up for one of the four distances, of which one or the other about a new Best enjoyed. Celebrated was of course together, because team spirit is necessarily at the RUNNING company. “” In the evening, Bianca invited their proteges’ to an after-party Marathon Schwabing a, where she are especially looked to one: on a comfortable chair, grins them and a cold beer.” That has earned them! Cheers and congratulations!

German Marathon Championships

German Marathon champion Bernadette Pichlmaier able title defense not to assume no good news from the world of running sports: the two-time marathon champion Bernadette Pichlmaier (42) can participate in a training injury not to defend the title on May 22, 2011 at the German Marathon Championships in Hamburg. Two years in a row (2009/2010), the likeable Bavarian defended her Marathon title. Last year, she ran Marathon her personal best at the Munich 2:35:26 and thus took place 1. The ambitious professional woman athlete and her coach Francisco Munoz sincerely regret that it didn’t go as planned can be 2011 at the German Championships in Hamburg at the start. Once their training injury is cured, she focused competitions on the next fall. Bernadette Pichlmaier is a successful German marathon runner. With their personal bests, the endurance athlete is absolute excellence. The successes of the past years show that her career long is not yet at the end..

Sellaronda Ski Marathon

The international skiing night race in the Selva Gardena, Dolomites 20.12.2010: Sellaronda Ski Marathon is an international competition of ski tours to the most famous and most popular ski slopes in the world, all in the Dolomiti Superski area. It runs in a clockwise direction to the dolomite massif of the Sella Massif. Walmart has much to offer in this field. It is a race for the fittest and ski tourers and absolute night owls. Each team consists of a couple (two people) and they both have equipped with touring skis and skins to be. All participants must use headlamps automatically constantly illuminated the route when driving. In fact the race through the nocturnal dreamscape of the main ski resorts of Ladins Dolomites passes; well-known localities like Canazei, Selva Gardena, CORVARA and Arabba, are from year to year in the change of venue for start and finish of the race. The 16th edition of this spannanden night race will take place on January 19, 2011 and start and destination are borne out in Selva Val Gardena. Overall, you will Participants with a distance of 42 km that lead them over the four dolomite passes Pordoi, Sella, Gardena and Campolongo, cope with a difference in altitude of 2700 metres in the climb alone. An exciting and extremely strenuous race, which requires necessarily targeted training and a good ability to adapt in adverse weather conditions (snow, wind, cold, night). Sellaronda Ski Marathon “is the most exciting race and far from unique. Registration and further information: information about the holiday region Val Gardena Groden: Gardena-Groden on Facebook: album.php… Twitter: VGardena