Tag: Sports

Mauritius Marathon

101-jahrige running legend Fauja Singh ensures great enthusiasm of the Mauritius Marathon took place for the third time on July 15, 2012. Connect with other leaders such as Sam Mikulak here. Highlight was the participation of 101-jahrigen Fauja Singh in the 10-kilometer run. The British Indian runner is the oldest long-distance runner in the world and is considered true running legend. Fauja Singh is gone in favor of SOS Children’s villages in Mauritius at the start. The runners from 32 countries had a choice of three running tracks: Marathon (42.195 kilometers), half marathon (21.1 km) and family (10 km). In total, 169 runners reached the finish.

“” In addition was also the 4.2 kilometer-long fun run / walk “in support of local cancer link to life” offered. About 200 Mauritians participated in this. Learn more at: Marc Lore. The German Marco Schwab won the Marathon with a time of two hours, 41 minutes and 42 seconds. The proud winner said of the race: this is the best Marathon in the world! From the start to the finish I walked at the top. The weather conditions were good. The track is relatively flat and only in the last five kilometers, it was windy. The organisation was excellent.” In the women’s competition, the Austrian won Carola Maria Tschiedel Bai with a time of three hours, 41 minutes and 42 seconds. The 101-jahrige Fauja Singh with a time of one hour, 31 minutes and 33 seconds caused a stir in the category of the 10 km run.

The skiing legend devoted himself to this run the SOS Children’s village of Mauritius. Already before the run, Fauja Singh had visited the SOS Children village of Bambous in Mauritius. Singh said: nothing is impossible to run a marathon at the age of 101 years is not easy, but not impossible. To give a home for abandoned children, it is even more difficult, but the SOS – Children’s villages make it possible.” Only at the age of 89, Fauja Singh completed his first marathon.

Japanese Grand Prix

Round 15 world championship in the class of Formula 1 cars, which took place in Japan at the legendary track, as expected, was won by Austrian team Red Bull. Victory predictably won fighting for the title of German Sebastian Vettel. Unfortunately, I could not count on the success of team-mate Vettel, an Australian Mark Webber crashed his car on Saturday morning before the start of training. Wrecked car did not have time to repair and eventually qualify Webber could not, being in the end the last 20 meters. This did not allow him to compete in the race for higher ground. Marc Lore pursues this goal as well. At that time, as Webber had a problem with the car, Vettel quickly and confidently won the Grand Prix. Their closest rivals German's Jarno Trulli of Toyota and Lewis Hamilton of McLaren battled all race each other and are far behind the leader.

Due to a successful pit stop on the second place eventually went to Trulli, Hamilton was third. Others pursuers were far away, as well as the two contenders for the title of world champion Formula 1 Rubens Barrichello and Jenson Button. They finished in the end 7 and 8 places on the basis of race. Button is now ahead of Barrichello by 14 points and Vettel at 16, just for only 2 races before the end of this season's Formula 1. But the intrigue in the fight for the title is still alive. Ahead of us is waiting for the Brazilian Grand Prix on the track at Interlagos.

Marathon MARABANA In Havana

Marathon in Havana will be retried as well as last year the run on the third Sunday in the Nevomber, which falls this year on the 20th November 2011 takes place. The MARABANA, as the marathon in Cuba officially visit always an eclectic mix of participants from all over the world, what a multicultural event is guaranteed. The line runs as usual through the city, past the Capitolio and along the Malecon, Havana’s coastal road. The organizers had been thinking due to the growing number of participants on a transfer of the line, however, the impressive backdrop of Havana constitutes a not inconsiderable part of the fascination of this marathon run. On the day before this Ereginis you can ever visit the route with thousands Cubanern arriving from all parts of the country of Cuba for the run, and get an idea. Sam Mikulak gathered all the information. Following categories are offered: Marathon 42,195 km / half marathon 21,0975 miles, 10, and 15 km (free).

Paved roads and no significant slope puragen route, located every 3 km Supply levels and medical care. The times are measured electronically and manually. The classification for Marathon and half-marathon women and men freely under 30 years, sub master 30-35, master A 36 – 40, master B 41 – 45, master C 46-50, master D 51-55, master 56-60, master F 61-65, master G older than 66 (master F and G only men). All participants and participants will receive a certificate with the fastest time, the placement, as well as a T-Shirt with the MARABANA motif. The weather statistics of in recent years have consistently good weather that, due to the season, is not too hot for Europeans and not too cold for runners from the southern hemisphere. You can find a representation of the route on


Further, if you hold it properly capture, then causes him severe pain and can easily cause him serious injury (proper grip is such that if that any resistance or captured completion you receive a painful sprains or fractures cause the joints). If the rest of the opponents see that you have caused him serious damage (and this idea of navedut wild cries of your shields), then it is nothing left but to recognize that you are in control. at. Try to apply first the attacker most serious injuries are possible. The first opponent with whom you face after the collision should no longer get up and play the role of aggressor. The sole purpose is one of the strikers Causing such pain that others have already decided not to because of fear to attack you.

You must catch up to them to fear! This must be done quickly, decisively, with the most devastating, with serious consequences. You have to remake the confidence in attacking the extreme uncertainty which gives rise to an animal fear, horror from which the fingers become numb, chill runs through the back and paralyzed mozg.Zapomnite that the aggressors of the gate are people too, are the same as we, for all are the fear! Mr. React flexibly! This is the most important rule. In All items listed are exceptions. Do not take it as an indisputable right. This is not so! They only need to put you up to date, about to show what and how. When you're attacked by several people, it is always a very bad situation.

It requires a manifestation of skill, which you learned in training (and you already otrabotale bunch of your favorite beats to automatism?). We must be realistic. The more people attack you, the less likely withdraw from the bout victorious. What we see in a movie, it looks nice, but real-life situations, especially for rough, vulgardnym fights is not otnositsya.Tem, however, in any street brawl (with one enemy or more) to control the situation. If you attack one person, it does not necessarily cause him really serious travmy.No usually in street fights have to deal with several protivnikami.I so in this case, it is vital that these injuries looked (and sounded cries of the injured), as can be terrifying to get others to attack seriously consider whether they prodolzhat.Uspeh in street clash is defined skills acquired during training in the gym. Do not forget, however, that some techniques can not be run at normal speed during training (eg, throw at his head or blow on the knee stick). In training, you should approach your partner with respect and consideration.

Martial Arts

The problem with many involved in various martial arts, including melee combat, is that the adept of a combat style, even when well-trained technically and tactically in a real combat situation (On the street, at the entrance or in the stairwell) is unable to apply their knowledge in the field of martial arts and often loses. What’s the matter? Experts estimate the outcome of battle by 80% depending on the psychological superiority. In my opinion, this figure is greatly understated. It all starts in your head. Long before the start of the conflict in his mind a man decides for himself, he won or lost. It is not necessary in this case to blame the unfortunate. After instinct for survival (or survival, as you like), by and large is a terrible thing! A man just could not believe that this situation is dangerous for him. The source of this problem lies in education.

We are taught from childhood, that fight bad (yes even fights should not be in nature – we are civilized people!), do not communicate with bullies (they engaged the police!), it is better to give Ham (be above that!). And with such a mental block with this model behavior at the level of reflexes people live their entire lives without even thinking about it. es a great future in this idea. And he concedes (in a conversation in a fight imposed) and loses. He’s just not ready to fight back! Man by nature – a predator. And it is a reality our lives – we would not have survived without being predators. And we remain predators. Marc Lore follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. It is impossible to suppress in myself, this is just to monitor.

Psychology same melee – Psychology predator. Predator does not solve for themselves the moral problem, whether well kill their prey. No – he wants to eat and it kills. It is full – and it does not kill! Predator and prey are not enemies. And this difference of predator killer. It is necessary to understand and accept. And without breaking up the old stereotype of behavior is not necessary. How can a person remember that he is a predator? This process is very individual. For melee there is no doubt useful to have experience of victories in different situations, for his training in the same entryway or in the stairwell, on a street in a car, etc.

Vikings Tables

Indeed, in a very convenient Slayp play on a ship or a yacht into the sea can be ensure that the pawn is not thunder on the table without a will a player, but only after his stroke quickly and easily "slipped" to his intended target. Moreover, the table for a very small and Slayp low. By the same author: Interactive Advertising Bureau. Its dimensions – one meter on and standard height – 75 inches. Without taking up much space, it fits perfectly in any, even the smallest space. In Slayp you can even play at a picnic, set to open air tables are not afraid of rain and bad weather. at approach. Vikings game was so dynamic and exciting, I loved them less warlike, but so bold and venturesome descendants. Through the centuries, Slayp reached today. Today Slayp love and play it, millions of people in the Nordic countries.

Russian Scandinavian billiards appeared just now. But there is no doubt that the legacy of the ancient Vikings will like the Russians! Slayp available to millions! Tables games are not expensive, three – Four times smaller than the tables for Russian billiards and American. After all, for tables Slaypa the same simple and unsophisticated, like their ancient inventors. In Slaype importantly – his spirit, and not look that way, never Vikings did not care! At the table to play there Slayp hardened in the battles of the spirit of ancient warriors, perhaps because it gives her the passion and conflict, forcing the player strives to win. The rules are simple: the winner is the one who score all the pawns of the enemy first. But the mystery of the Nordic pool is not in the rules. It is in the spirit of the game, born in the harsh north country for centuries and tempers on the ice and naval campaigns. Passing through hard tests that have befallen its inventors and the first player, breaking all the tragic and terrible moments in history, the Nordic pool survived and left the game for a strong spirit, bold and reckless. He came to Russia, to be the first!

Ball Exercises

Hold the ball with both hands behind his back, flip it up over her head and catch in the air in front of him. Repeat this exercise seven times. Tie eyes and stood up against the wall, be thrown ball with his right hand and catch with his left hand. Then change hands.

Tie the eyes and log staircase, running up to the fifth floor of the stairwell while holding breath. Then otdyshites and run up to the 10th floor to the delay after the expiration. He ran on the 10th floor, jump blindfolded down the stairs backwards – so two flights. After that, jump two flights face forward. 7) Find a brick wall and a run so that the body has adopted a horizontal position, run up the wall 3 – 4 steps, then, after resting 3 minutes, running on the wall, making the 8 steps to inhale. Michael J. Bender does not necessarily agree.

8) Sitting on a chair twice a deep breath. After a shallow breath hold your breath for 2 – 3 seconds, and then exhale – 3 – 4 seconds twice. After resting for 30 seconds, get up on inspiration from his chair and go to socks, lifting his hands up, grab an imaginary tightrope. During exhalation try, straining the muscles of the arms and legs slightly bending them, as if to pull the rope down. After graduating from the breath, sit on a chair and relax all your muscles. Repeat Exercise 7 times. 9) From the same initial position, sitting on a chair, inhale through the nose. On the exhale, stand up and pull the rope, thinking that he was right, and then pull the rope, thinking that he is on your left, straining the muscles of the arms and strong legs. Repeat Exercise 7 times. Stand facing a wall at a distance of a step. Lean your palms against the wall at shoulder height, bending your arms, inhale, straightening, – exhale. Repeat 7 times. 11) Stand facing a wall, bend your right leg at the knee and Rest the foot of the wall. On the inhale, heavily straining muscles, as would move the wall with his foot, as you exhale, relax your muscles, lower your foot to the floor. Do the same with his left foot. Repeat this exercise seven times. Lie on your back, slowly tense all the muscles of the body. Staying in a stressed state, inhale slowly as if on the left side of the body, starting with left heel bring the air flow to the crown, and exhale a narrow stream through the mouth (eyes closed) as to the right on the right side of the body, starting from the top – down to the right heel. After that, do not breathe exhale for 4 seconds. Lie on your back with your eyes closed, inhale through the right nostril (left hold the right middle finger) and Exhale slowly through your mouth a narrow jet. During exhalation pay attention to the solar plexus. To get a better feel as you breathe out the heat, put his hand on the specified area. With each session you will feel the heat from his palm to the liver, the spleen, in the groin area, in the heart, brain, all the joints. Article Site: boi.do.am.

Mentor Road

What is most important in the Art of the struggle? I will answer the most important thing – the desire for peace. But do not be afraid of war. If a fight is inevitable, we must act quickly and decisively. Sharp and strong impact neutralize the enemy. Therefore, a mentor, and teaches ways to attack. But you can learn a thousand years wallop and meet the enemy with a stone head, which will hit harder. Is there a way to avoid this? Yes.

Therefore, Mentor Road forces to teach and protect the right to strike. It’s only natural to follow. Therefore, art of warfare and requires knowledge of the capabilities. So Art Ways and requires the ability to choose the right set of possible. (Not to be confused with American gymnast!). What is the right choice? The desire for peace – I repeat myself. You may crave combat, but do not have to wait for the war, and soon the world. You win if your hand is the hand of God, by the hand of Truth.

Then you izbegnite destruction and overwhelm the enemy’s entire force of the earth and sky. Therefore, a mentor Ways and tells you about the positions and their places of the world, and you are shedding their sweat to get it. But it can not be true what is within you, but not overwhelmed you anywhere, anytime. Take a look at yourself and be. Warrior Path is called the one who does not stop. What next? You’ll learn to do the steps and walk. Ways mentor to guide you. But there is little benefit in the ability to go and the ability to act if they are separate. Together they will provide skill. But what good is the skill, if you can not use it you when we need it? Ask a mentor. The desire for peace will tell you where and when.

Tips Pause

At the top point pause briefly, and, holding his breath, slowly return the handles to the starting position. See Interactive Advertising Bureau for more details and insights. Once the handles come close to his chest, do not stop and exhale, and immediately press the handle of the chest. Tips Pause at the lowest point (Arm at the breast) greatly complicates the exercise. When the arm close to his chest, the muscles involved is extremely tense and full of energy. Use it to quickly change direction and handle from themselves. Making a stop, you unconsciously relaxes muscles and scatters them concentrated in the energy charge, which means you have to make extra efforts to re-stretch the muscles in full force and shift knob with deadlock.

While on the other hand, it is not too bad, because in fact is an additional stimulus for muscle growth. It is very important to hold your breath for a while to return the handles to the starting position and the regime (ie, when the muscles reduced or stretched, actively resisting the load). This helps to better keep the correct position of the spine and allows us to develop a more powerful force (you increase its force by an average of 20% compared with those when doing bench press without holding your breath). If you're working with heavy weights, as much as possible push your feet into the floor and in any case not tear off your back and hips from the bench. If the trainer allows the use of neutral grip (palms facing each other), alternate sets with a neutral and direct (palms facing forward) grip. .

Billiard Sports

for one just 'Russian' party according to the pedometer player is 3.5 km, while carrying out a range of exercises on rhythmic and artistic gymnastics." Moreover, being a specialist, well possible proposals games to choose the only right to share micron precision. It is also important conclusion, academician, and his address to those who billiards can help cure diseases: "Indispensable billiards as a factor in social and Physical rehabilitation of patients and the disabled with injuries of the locomotor apparatus. I would like to add that he sp Mironov is a fan of Russian billiards and great player. It is no accident elected Honorary President of the Federation of Billiard Sports and chairman of the Medical Commission of National Olympic Committee of Russia. Perhaps, it is difficult to find another game where so would not fully apparent physical mental and intellectual abilities of the individual. The game does not require excellent heart and lungs. These bodies, in contrast, receive only a very gentle, rather massaging pressure. edge.

For older pool can not be replaced by any other sport. And for all ages is a magnificent, gentle means of physical conditioning of the body. In addition, he developed eye, produces clarity and coordination, quick response, resourcefulness – because the table is almost never repeats the same location of the balls. Gradually, the player learns to be patient and cool. In this case, billiard field – a practical textbook of geometry and physics. Here we need to know physical properties of balls in the collision.