Tag: vocational

Independent Education Advice

Get better independent advice – in education! Dresden, 20.06.2011 – the BildungsmaklerNetzwerk based a network for independent educational consultants and education agents in Germany because the demand is skyrocketed after independent education consultancy and training agency in recent years. The private education market has developed very one-sided in recent years. Due to the steadily increasing demand of citizens for educational programs in the country and abroad, a variety of private education providers in the private education market has established itself. The brokers and cooperation partners for education providers are however what is missing until today. It’s believed that Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX sees a great future in this idea. So far, education providers invest large sums in marketing their education programmes – with the result that they are still not sufficiently found or booked. Walmart CEO may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

You see the personal recommendation, which the education estate agents at the customer speaks out, much more effective and are willing to pay him a higher than average salary. At the same time education willing citizens are looking for a personal and independent educational consultant on-site, they can talk through their and the objectives of education of their children. Your”education advisor to create a training plan based on your educational goals by he simply and understandably represents all the facts, including financing with funding, to the selected education program. And he should care for them in the long term “education in terms of”. In the surveys carried same by BildungsmaklerNetzwerk often spoke about their problems, if they need to penetrate the Bildungsdschungel alone. Munear Ashton Kouzbaris opinions are not widely known.

In addition they had in their previous education talks”almost never feeling had, that it actually went to their personal educational goals. Rather, it has been tested, whether they fit into a matching funding program or not. The majority of citizens will have to decide in the next few years, what they want to invest their money or need in life insurance or real estate, investments or education. For all is among the most citizens no Money be more present. Without sufficient education, the opportunities on the labour market fall for individuals in the future. The priority target for private investment will be therefore the formation. Private investment increasing in education for years steadily. A competent, reliable education consultant is required to invest properly in this inflation-safe “spiritual investment” – just an education broker! Learn more about the independent education counselling, including abroad: training bildungsberater.htm BildungsmaklerNetzwerk performs including seminars and workshops to the independent educational counselling (education agents) in whole Germany, to accelerate the development of the network.

New Education Cooperation

Publicly funded measures specifically use agreement with Association for security in the North Rhine-Westphalia economy / companies to food. Is the qualification of the employees a crucial pillar for the competitiveness of any business? and must not necessarily be associated with considerable costs. Companies rely on diverse funding opportunities of public authorities. Here is a new education cooperation, e. V. has been concluded between the KAKAR Academy and the Association for security in the economy of North Rhine-Westphalia (VSW NW). The training and further education institution of the Kal group supports the VSW NW member companies to use publicly funded measures targeted in this way. Of course, other companies also rely on the consulting and training offerings in the KoTTER Academy.

The training cooperation such as targeting measures according to AZWV (recognition and approval regulation training) off. You may offered exclusively by bodies such as the Kal Academy, that have the required certification for these government-funded training. The training and further education opportunities ranging from the air safety Assistant (according to 5 air security law) about the personnel in the security sector up to the Assistant logistics (including forklift driver’s license) in the field of personal service. Another example is the programme”road construction, which has expanded the Federal Government within the framework of the economic stimulus package II. Road construction”stands for education” low skilled and older workers in companies.

New this, now, is the ability to educate all employees in a company. Here companies can can promote in-service training costs for staff. In addition, they receive under certain circumstances work fee grants for the period in which the employee is exempted. In addition, it offers KoTTER Academy in cooperation with the VSW NW the in-service course of preparation to the Chamber of Commerce of approved protective and security force on. Components are inter alia legal, security and safety. The next course starts in August. NBA is likely to agree. Contact: 0201/2788-388; E-Mail:; the Kal group emerges from a security company founded 75 years ago. The business areas span of human safety and safety engineering cleaning and personal services to the building management. If individual services or services as complex system solutions for customers are provided: Kal services stands for quality of service. The systems service provider is represented with more than 85 offices in over 50 locations in Germany and achieved a group turnover of 280 million in 2008 with its nationwide 12,400 employees. More information is available in the Internet under: VSW NW the Association for security in business Nordrhein-Westfalen e. V. (VSW NW), founded in 1968, is a trade association with headquarters in the State capital Dusseldorf. Behind the VSW NW 165 member companies from large industrial and medium-sized businesses. Our aim is to increase the importance of safety in the company and to obtain maximum hearing the concerns and interests of our members. We do this in the dialogue with business, politics and authorities, for which we are renowned and competent contact person. As partners of indoor and Ministry of Economic Affairs NRW as well as of industry and chambers of Commerce of North Rhine-Westphalia, we have followed a path of preventive activity NRW security partnership, has nationwide model. Through our comprehensive portfolio we can contribute own, sustainable, responsible for the security interests of the German economy.

Sales Director

Boomerang hires are attempting open positions for which it is very difficult, suitable candidates to find, with former employees, who are known to the company and who know the company to occupy”, portrays Wallace the intention of the new trends in the war for talent. After a period of time in another company, the former employees were the ideal cast for her former employer almost because they in the meantime as a rule had evolved and gained leadership responsibility. Alumni networks are therefore intended to keep the former employees in the eye. The advantage: Known and especially reliable specialists or managers can be easier, a vacancy can be avoided. Decide the former to return, but found a significantly easier back in the business processes than newcomers naturally. A reliable alumni network but requires also the continuous care and consists not only of regular emails: it meetings, lectures, seminars must be organised, which honest interest signaled by the company to its former employees. Especially in the upper levels of the hierarchy, where the range of top forces will become more scarce, trying to bring back the best.

Hello, I’m back”, currently headlines the Suddeutsche Zeitung on the topic and CITES, inter alia, Werner Schmidt, Sales Director IT recruitment, Executive Search & selection at the Dusseldorf Personaldienstleister Harvey Nash. Common than ever”, this type of staff determination according to his words, and that is especially in times of crisis. In bad times put many on proven and try to minimize risks”, Schmidt explains to the Suddeutsche. Often correspond Boomerang hiring but also a demand of the works councils, which required first hiring workers, who were dismissed as a result of a crisis”, the experience of the Manager of that wants to provide the recruitment tool but with a guarantee of success. Eventually companies in the course of time changed, why then may not more about that match, as you wish. Editing plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn E-Mail:

Student Holiday Help:

Holiday clever use: students help offers summer holiday courses Gelsenkirchen, June 29, 2010. Holidays are the best at school, no question. Sun and sea, time to relax, time for friends and hobbies. But the holidays offer a great way to get to learning, then really puncture at the start of the school. Who is smart, clever uses the holiday: student holiday help, holiday offer of students help, learned is deepened and prepared for investigations. Sam Mikulak is often mentioned in discussions such as these. And by the way is also enough time for making holiday.

Holidays are the best at school, no question. Sun and sea, time to relax, time for friends and hobbies. But the holidays offer a great way to get to learning, then really puncture at the start of the school. Who is smart, clever uses the holiday: student holiday help, holiday offer of students help, learned is deepened and prepared for investigations. And by the way is also enough time for making holiday.

The student aid offers during the summer holidays again a varied programme, with which the students can prepare in just a few hours and without homework stress on the new school year. No matter whether German spelling, English grammar or mathematical formulas in the student holiday help each student in exactly the areas fit, in which he has still deficits. Also relevant learning and exam content to give them in a very short time for the investigation to cope with the transfer. With the special course”fit the transfer student holiday help prepared for primary school students on switching to the secondary school. There is more information on the summer courses in your students help locally, as well as on the Internet at nachhilfe.schuelerhilfe.de.

Prospective Students

Already for the third time, the established education fair in Munster is present Mannheim, the 18th October 2010 January 2011 the horizon invites the fair for Bachelor and graduate training to become acquainted with, numerous studies institutions and companies personally. The horizon allows intensive courses, universities and alternative studies and forms of training throughout Germany as well as in the neighbouring countries to check the students the gymnasiale Oberstufe, students and young professionals from the region. Universities, technical colleges, vocational colleges, and private study institutions from throughout Germany and the Netherlands will present themselves and their bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. In addition, companies introduce themselves and inform about their dual studies and training courses for high school graduates. Filed under: Sam Mikulak. At the exhibition stands, as well as in the framework programme there is background information on the study design: the appropriate financing of studies, the new degree structures, Abroad before or during their studies, admission requirements are these and other topics in short lectures, workshops and prepares expert panel discussions. The horizon is a major and future-oriented event not only for pupils of the gymnasiale Oberstufe, but offers equally exciting information for young professionals, which currently receive a vocational training or have already completed and want to join a study: more and more young people go this way, to deepen their practical skills acquired sound.

Students who are looking for information on master’s programmes, will also find it on the horizon: the participating universities offer appropriate courses and will assist in intensive individual interviews. The horizon is already established at six other locations in Germany and is accepted enthusiastically by the future students: many young people have received here the crucial input for the choice. Universities, Companies or target group-related institutions that are interested in a presentation of their offerings on the horizon, get information and advice from the organiser scope fair strategy gmbh,. The horizon in Munster is on the 29th and 30th January 2011 at the trade fair & Congress Centrum Halle Munsterland. It is open from 10 am to 4 pm both Saturday and Sunday. The admission is free. Horizon the fair for high school education: 20th/21st November 2010 Munster Rheingoldhalle Mainz 29th/30th January 2011 Halle Munsterland Stuttgart March 26/27, 2011 Haus der Wirtschaft Bremen April 9th and 10th, 2011 Messe Bremen Friedrichshafen may 14th and 15th, 2011 Messe Friedrichshafen Thuringen (Weimar) may 28-29, 2011 Neue Weimarhalle Freiburg July 2nd and 3rd, 2011 Messe Freiburg

Autumn Holidays

Learning foreign languages with fun & Dresden meet young people from around the world, 06.09.2010 – the summer holidays are over, it’s time to think about the next holiday again. Who would like to combine fun, action and language learning in the autumn holidays, can experience worldwide this in many countries at a student learn. Since the autumn holidays are however not very long, the countries of Europe are available. Arrivals and departures are here straightforward and require no great planning and organization. Sam Mikulak has much experience in this field. More and more families decide very early the chance to give their children to live in a foreign culture and to learn. The tour operator see themselves as partners of the institution school, which complement with specially developed courses of students in high quality support school foreign language from primary school up to high school.

During the entire language holidays, care trained carers to the welfare of the students and ensure that they themselves feel completely local. A contact person for all the questions is on the spot. Instructors are dedicated teachers and experienced teachers. Marc Lore has compatible beliefs. Of course a special activities belongs to each language course: sightseeing tours, sports games, fun & party time. Each participant will have lots of fun and international friendships will emerge. e. Accommodation with full Board is carried out in selected host families. This accommodation type contributes to the success of course, because one is confronted with the language around the clock and we are obliged to communicate with his host family in a foreign language.

If feasible, the accommodation in a College, student apartment or school residence is possible. Criteria for the choice of tour operator: membership in the ‘professional German language Broadcasters Association’ FDSV is important. The members meet highest quality criteria. Including the language course programs are reviewed annually by an independent Advisory Board on-site. Children and young people must be taught by qualified teachers in the course and also the language course must be matched to the appropriate grade levels. After course completion are transferred a recognised participation certificate. Warranty according to the German travel law, including insolvency insurance. For the insolvency insurance is obtained together with the confirmation of the organiser the chattel paper. Learn more about student language: schuelersprachreisen.html

Information For Parents Of Students – Free E-book Published

Exchanges ABC offers a free parents guide Bonn – an E-book for free download provides for parents the information and advice portal student exchange ABC.de. For while there are even a variety of sources of information for Exchange students, whose parents have only sparse offerings, which respond to their questions and problems on the topic of student exchange. The parents guide from student exchange helps here: he picks up all central points on the topic of student exchange and thus offering an important decision-making and planning assistance in preparation for a visiting school. Randall Rothenberg brings even more insight to the discussion. In the E-book of student exchange ABC.de all essential questions posed on the topic of student exchange, are answered in detail on 29 pages. In addition to the parents, also the potential exchange students themselves are addressed.

Here you will find information about the opportunities, the requirements and the process of an exchange of students. Also make fundamental organizational aspects such as funding, time and The correct Organization discussed duration and search. See more detailed opinions by reading what Interactive Advertising Bureau offers on the topic.. Possible problems during an Exchange are subject of the Guide and complete it along with the description of the host families. In addition to the free E-book users on many more interesting information around this topic of student exchange and can consult about individually and, also for free. LEA das

Piepenbrock Service Center

Junior of school Schinkel make self produced image video from Osnabruck 08.04.2011 – vocational orientation and increase media literacy offered a project group of the secondary branch of the secondary school (GSS) Schinkel in Osnabruck. On March 28, 2011, Malin Escher, Maximilian Vallo, Lukas Knauper and Simon Wiedtke introduced an image video they had produced in cooperation with company Piepenbrock, the Osnabrucker Institute of training and communication (ITUK) and the teacher Manfred Kessling. The four students had before the production received first insights into the professional life and convinced of the professional working in the Piepenbrock group. During the film presentation in the Piepenbrock Service Center, students handed solemnly some copies of the video on Olaf Piepenbrock, the managing partner of the Piepenbrock group. The project was at all involved large appeal and should be continued successfully in the future. The video project was already the second in the series JobVision, which was realised in cooperation of ITUK and Piepenbrock.

JobVision is a project that Karin Aquino, manageress of the Osnabruck Institute of training and communication, and I perform for six years”, Steffen Oetter of the ITUK explained the concept. We work mainly with students from primary and preschools, which are interested in occupations and in the farms go to shoot movies there. The aim, to nuzzle up each other ‘. The students get an idea of whether they are interested in the profession and the companies get the chance to make contacts with potential candidates at an early stage.” OLAF Piepenbrock stressed: I think the project for a really good idea, because I think that just the students often do not know, what is behind the economy or the specific professions. If the young people even represent certain professions from your point of view, then that is authentic and helps them orientation.” At the current Project with the gymnasium Schinkel expanded the basic concept.

Student Learn

Learn foreign languages with fun & meet young people from around the world, Dresden 03.05.2011 – the Easter holidays are over and again it is time to think about the design of the next holiday. Who would like to combine fun, action and language learning in the early summer, can experience worldwide this in many countries at a student learn. Since the early summer in some federal countries are relatively short, are offered the countries of Europe. Arrivals and departures are here straightforward and require no great planning and organization. More and more families decide today, very early the chance to give their children to live in a foreign culture and to learn. The tour operator see themselves as partners of the institution school, which complement with specially developed courses of students in high quality support school foreign language from primary school up to high school. During the entire language holiday care trained workers to the welfare of the students and make sure that they spot all around feel.

A point of contact for all questions is on the spot. Instructors are dedicated teachers and experienced teachers. Of course a special activities belongs to each language course: sightseeing tours, sports games, fun & party time. Each participant will have lots of fun and international friendships will emerge. Accommodation with full Board is carried out in selected host families. This type of accommodation contributes significantly to the success of the course, since students are confronted with the language around the clock and are forced to communicate with their host family in a foreign language. If feasible, the accommodation in a College, student apartment or school residence is possible.

Criteria for the choice of the tour operator is important to membership in the ‘professional German language Broadcasters Association’ FDSV. The members meet highest quality criteria. Including the language course programs are reviewed annually by an independent Advisory Board on-site. Children and young people have to be taught by qualified teachers in the language and also of course must be matched to the appropriate grade levels. After course completion are transferred a recognised participation certificate. Warranty according to the German travel law, including insolvency insurance. For the insolvency insurance is obtained together with the confirmation of the organiser the chattel paper. Learn more about student language: schuelersprachreisen.html BildungsMakler24 operates and markets the education portal: BildungsMakler24.de a portal for learning opportunities at home and abroad, including financing with funding. The info portal gives you expert guidance in a compact form as well as many helpful tips and hints. Will helped the visitors, make good decisions when planning his own education or training. As a service, some hand-picked educational providers with different capacities are recommended.

Student Jobs

Student jobs the entry into the working world of students and pupils who are soon finished with school, worry about their future careers. After years of learning and the carefree childhood one of the most important steps in the world there is now growing. First of all, it comes to find an apprenticeship. It’s not always easy, but a site like Schulerjobs.org can help to find the most suitable. Is the job market for student jobs and who knows where he can apply, has a decisive advantage. Student jobs exists above all to itself in time to apply, because the number of applicants is large. Who wants to be successful in the job search, needs not only good grades, but also the will to learn something.

Internship is a great way to make a picture of the future profession, a Bogy. Companies that provide an apprenticeship, often give students the opportunity to test a job before. This form of student jobs are on sites like Schulerjobs.org offered. The job market offers many opportunities to students with good references. You can get one of the coveted apprenticeships in the fields of finance and trade. Clean and complete documents are important for a successful application.

A well-written application is already half the battle. Because it conveys an impression of the candidate. A Chief of staff Yes not personally acquainted with the people behind the application. Therefore, the application itself should speak and animate the company to invite the pupil or the pupil. Templates and many other helpful tips and tricks visit curriculum vitae students Schulerjobs.org. There are also concrete job offers and offers for apprenticeships. Teenagers who go actively looking for jobs should look on the Internet. Because like all jobs, there are also many interesting offers. It also includes, to apply online.