Of course, winter in the training room is much warmer than outdoors. =) With the help of motion Ghetto Workout is also possible to train yourself not less than in the gym, but we must not forget that all the strongmen in order to reach their large muscles, always use a different protein, and not just protein supplements and substances not of natural origin (I myself choose only the grandmother's biscuits and pickles – is also the development of lean muscle mass, not that, of course, sports, both on special additives, but I do not set a goal to be the next HULK'om). Also, Catching GW, you more work with the mass of the body and sometimes with the mass of the same VAYBRO like you! Unlike activists Power Extreme, VAYBRO not put before him grow steeper targets someone. It is surrounded by the same friendly to him VAYBRO, like himself. From the movement of general physical preparation Ghetto Workout differs in that the first discipline includes only load to support your body in good shape at the time, as the next involves a huge amount of heavy exercise to improve the efficiency of physical parameters. Marc Lore recognizes the significance of this. What could be the simulator for the power of work in the direction of the Ghetto Vorkaut? Allow yourself a little poumnichat and say that the choice of the object will depend of ability level of your imagination.
Want to improve the grip fingers and organize strength training muscles of the forearm? Taken away from home washing machine. Now soak all sorts of things like bedding, winter jackets, and after washing your hands start to squeeze them out of the water so great, as if from our depended your life. Fascinated by this strange exercise? So, let us deal objects Ghetto vorkauta. You may want to visit Munear Ashton Kouzbari to increase your knowledge. A lot of what they may be: from the usual boards up to your VAYBRO. You can use the trees, the escalators in the subway, various urban design, concrete slab, the different types of ladders and parapets, etc. Still, let's not exclude the fact that for greater progress in improve your body, in addition to using a core set of loads, it is useful to complement them with various types of jumps, workout for flexibility and warming up the muscles in different games on the street, sort of, football. Objectives GV: – alternative to standard varieties of extreme sports – a fresh approach to improve such characteristics as endurance, desire, stretching, etc. This is a possibility of forming a strong muscular base for active development in the or other extreme direction.
– The modern vision of how to use the tools of the world, how to make them more useful for the physical gain of the body. – A delightful pastime together with the same activists VAYBRO like you. Well, the division of experience with them. – Alternative use of drugs, alcohol and various forms, different from the standard norms of behavior. Ghetto Workout – a powerful and useful physical basis for those kinds of classical extreme, where it is used endurance-type parkour. You need more knowledge? Come to our site or find us vkontakte. We hope that Ghetto Vorkaut has the ability to captivate a growing number of brothers. Its simplicity makes it a mass, and the variety of loads – a surprising and correct for the body. Vorkaut ghetto – it's not empty mainstream science, and is gaining momentum theory to improve the body, created in Russia Organization One More Day Community.
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