Pablo Raymond Sheep Bachelor in Theology for the UNASP University Center Adventista of Educational and Familiar Advising So Paulo for the UNASP Campus of Engineer Rabbit paulo.carneiro@ Summary: The present article will contemplate the subject of that the altruism can reduce the conjugal insatisfao. Therefore throughout more than two decades we have carried through interviews and aconselhamentos with hundreds of couples, in cities of the state of S. Pablo, and have observed that the indices of insatisfao in the marriage are preoccupying. American gymnast brings even more insight to the discussion. Our objective is to give to a contribution for the research and the study of this so excellent subject, to identify the main causes of insatisfao and mainly to consider practical alternatives that they can diminish the insatisfao and promote the satisfaction conjugal. In this work if it made a survey of bibliographical register on the subject and a research of field for data-collecting. Equally one took in account the innumerable interviews carried through throughout all these years, in the work of aconselhamento for couples..